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Amanda Fang

Year: Third Year
Major: Biological Science BS / Medical Anthropology minor
Why MSO:
I joined MSO to spread scientific literacy and to be able to combine my interests in science and writing!
Academic and professional interests:
Neuroscience and learning more about the brain!
Fun Fact:
I love reading and learning new things!

Alexander Alva

Year: Fifth Year
Major: Undeclared/Undecided
Why MSO: By joining MSO, I hope to amplify my appreciation and knowledge of the scientific journalism process and possibly integrate it into a future career.
Academic and professional interests: Despite my very limited knowledge, I am quite fascinated and interested in infectious diseases, neuroscience, and surgery.
Fun Fact: I am quite fond of puzzles and video games! 🙂

Danica Kwan
Committee Chair of Public Health and Wellness
, Editor

Year: Fourth Year
Why MSO:
Academic and professional interests:
Fun Fact:

Kaelyn Kwon
Social and Publicity Chair, Editor

Year: Second Year
Why MSO:
Academic and professional interests:
Fun Fact:

Rose Enos

Year: Second Year
Why MSO:
Academic and professional Interests:
Fun Fact:

Sarah Liu

Year: Third Year
Why MSO:
Academic and professional Interests:
Fun Fact:

Suhaan Suharno
Committee Chair of Medicine and Pharmacy, Editor

Year: Second Year
Why MSO:
Academic and professional Interests:
Fun Fact:

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