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Benefits of Rinsing with Mouthwash After Tooth Brushing
Written by Henry Lin | Edited by Olivia Cooper Image by Ann Zzz When plaque on the surface of teeth is undisturbed, it can eventually spread beneath the gum line …
Jet Lag is More than Just a Sleepless Night
Written by Evien Cheng | Edited by Danica Kwan Photo by Tim Gouw A perfect vacation and horrible sleepless nights do not go hand in hand with each other, but …
Exercise Your Brain, Turn Back Time 
Written by Amanda Fang and edited by Mehr Bawa Image by Vlada Karpovich The process of aging is an inevitable part of life—a fountain of youth has yet to be …
The Global Warming Up of Human Health
Written by Jacob Liu and edited by Amanda Fang Photo by Ave Calvar Martinez As recent trends of climate change lead to the upheaval of weather patterns, global warming becomes …
The Efficacy and Potential of Medical Sensors in Tech Wearables
Written by Taylor Le and edited by Alexander Alva Photo by Pixabay Wearable sensors have become increasingly popular in both the tech and the medical market. Not only can they be …
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