Bridging Scientific Discovery and Clinical Science to Cure Neuromuscular Disease
The UCI Muscle Biology and Disease Research Center (MBDRC) brings together faculty with research interests in muscular dystrophy, inherited non-dystrophic myopathies, adult inflammatory myopathy and basic muscle biology. Our specific mission is to define the molecular and cellular underpinnings of neuromuscular diseases, and to discover therapies and cures for this devastating class of disorders.
We aim to develop a vibrant muscle center devoted to the basic and clinical science of neuromuscular diseases through bringing awareness and feedback to colleagues’ research, enabling interaction between basic science and clinical folks, hosting regional and national symposium, improving our training environment for students and postdocs, and engaging the community to help us address outstanding needs of patients with muscle disease.
Upcoming events

Annual UCI Neuromuscular Colloquium
Date: May 24, 2024
Location: Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa
About the Event: Academic forum for physicians specializing in neuromuscular medicine.
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