Congratulations to Ernesto Santiago for winning NAR’s Haiku Contest 2012! His winning haiku was:
every portrait’s touch
in vivid and random breath
a drifting spirit
NAR Neon Anteater Renaissance
NAR’s Spring Quarter Deadline is Wednesday of Week 6 (May 9th) at 3:00 PM! Submit your poems, photos, short stories, manifestos of life, collages, and any other works of art that escaped your creative brain to NAR’s email (, and you could be published! We look forward to your submissions!
Also, NAR is doing something special this quarter. We are having a Bad Fiction Contest on top of our regular publication! That’s right. Think of the worst thing you’ve ever read… Mary Sue characters, angsty vampires, unsatisfying endings, superfluous adverbs, and cliches galore… and put it into one piece of gloriously bad writing, maximum 5 pages single spaced. We’re looking for the so-bad-it’s-hilarious type of story, not the so-bad-my-head-is-about-to-explode-in-pain variety. Send your awful writing to, and you could go down in history as the best-worst author to be published in NAR. Besides being published, you could also win a prize!
It’s Winter Quarter, folks, which means it’s time once again for NAR’s Haiku Contest. Take a look at this picture, and write a haiku about it. It can be funny, insightful, serious, sad, or any other emotion you get from this drawing. Just make sure it’s a real haiku… 3 lines, 5 syllables in the first, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third.
Write your fantastic haiku and send it to by February 14th at 3:00 PM, and you’ll become eligible to win a prize so amazing we can’t even put into words its significance (Hint: it’s smaller than a breadbox).
It’s that time of year again. The smell of pine needles, cinnamon sticks, and pine cones. Shopping with your mom, fighting with your siblings to see who gets to put the star on top of the tree (or maybe that’s just my family…), and, perhaps best of all, cooking and baking. It’s not Christmas without something delicious in the oven, and some cookies cooling off on the counter, waiting for the master artist to bring the gingerbread men to life.
But wait, you don’t know how to bake? No worries. is the perfect website. Whether you already know what you want to cook or bake, or you have some random ingredients in your fridge that you want to get rid of, you will find something on Epicurious. You can browse, search by recipe, or search by ingredient. So now you have no excuse! Happy baking!
Click here to get creative over break!