Welcome to winter quarter! Hope you all have had a great start to the new year!
All of us at NAR are excited to announce the theme for our Winter 2024 competition: A Droplet in the Ocean!
We’re ecstatic to receive your submissions and discover the different ways you might choose to explore what this theme means to you. Submit to us by the March 1st, 2024 deadline to be published in our winter quarter issue and have your work presented by NAR during our unveiling at the end of the quarter. Whether you’d like to submit a poem, drawing, painting, short story, musical piece, photography piece, etc., we encourage submissions of all types of creative media. Those who submit to our theme contest will be considered for the chance to win a prize! General submissions that do not coincide with the theme are also welcome.
Submit to us here or email us your piece at uci.nar.chc@gmail.com.
Have a great quarter, and we look forward to seeing your submissions! 💧