We are the UCI Neurodiversity Support Group. Neurodiversity describes the notion that people interpret and interact with the world in diverse ways, that there is no one single right way to think, learn, or behave, and that the spectrum of this diversity should not be viewed as deficits. The goal of the UCI Neurodiversity Project is to promote the success of neurodiverse individuals and build a neurodiverse community at UCI. This group is inclusive of students, postdocs, and members of the UCI community at all levels. We are supported by the School of Physical Sciences. We seek to provide support to those that identify as having neurodivergent traits, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and neurological or developmental disorders or learning disabilities.
Our goals are to:
Increase awareness about neurodiversity at UCI and beyond
Support the academic success of neurodiverse students
Improve wellness among neurodiverse students
The Neurodiversity Support group will meets monthly to discuss issues relating to neurodiversity. Please sign up here to stay up to date.
Next meeting: Wed. Feb. 19th 5:30-6:30
We’ll have an informal meet-and-greet, decompress from recent events, and discuss any ND-related issues.
Meeting Tues. Dec. 3rd, 2024 5:30pm
We had an informal meet-and-greet, discussed issues related to providing feedback to faculty, and other ND-related issues.
Meeting on Tues. May 7th at 5:30pm @ Verano Community Place
Informal social. We had pizza and caught up on issues in the community.
Meeting on Mon. October 21st. at 5:30
We’ll kick off the year with a casual meet-and-greet over pizza. Location TBD.
Know your rights, know your resources: Disability Townhall Meeting Wed. Feb. 21st @7pm
- RSVP for Townhall or request Zoom link
- DSC experience survey
If you’ve interacted with the DSC, please take our DSC Experience Survey!
Event website: https://sites.uci.edu/neurodiversity/townhall2024/
Meeting on Mon April 8th @ 5:30pm.
We caught up on getting back into the swing of things post-spring break. Discussed graduate advisor issues and reflected on the ups and downs of the Discord.
Meeting Mon. Nov. 20, 2023 5:30pm
Social 4th Floor ISEB terrace.
Meeting Mon. Jan 29, 2024 5pm
Social in ISEB 4020. Other items to discuss: Know your rights, Know your resources: Disability Townhall Meeting, Neurodivergent’s guide to UCI, Peer advising
Meeting Mon. Oct. 16, 2023 5:30pm
We had a meet and greet social at the 4th floor terrace in the ISEB building. We discussed a number of issues including:
- Using Discord to communicate
- Regular social gatherings
- Creating a “how-to” document for students new to UCI
- Forming a peer support system
- Developing a workshop to educate faculty and others about neurodivergents can be accomodated
Meeting on Tues. June 20, 2023 at 4pm
The Neurodiversity Support Group presented challenges that the neurodivergent community faces at UCI and presented its vision on how some of these issues could be addressed through establishing a Disability Cultural Center at UCI. Information about the presentation and report can be requested here.
Meeting on Thurs. June 15, 2023 5pm
Several NSG members have been working to put together a presentation for the Disability Cultural Center Task force. We’ll plan to meet to discuss final touches. I hope this time works for you!
Meeting on Tues. June 6, 2023 5pm
I have drafted some very rudimentary slides that can serve as a basis for moving forward with the DCC Task Force. The purpose of the slides/presentation is to create a formal document that can be presented to the Task Force and incorporated into its report. It should reflect the opinions of the neurodiversity community at UCI. Please edit/comment the slides as you see fit and we’ll discuss at the next meeting.
Meeting on May 15, 2023 5pm
We’ll have an informal meet & greet and discuss ADHD challenges, and a center that supports neurodiversity at UCI. Meeting room info and alternative Zoom attendance at https://cglink.me/2eo/r1927579.
Meeting on Apr 17, 2023 5pm ISEB 4020
We’ll have an informal meet & greet, tell each other about our work, and discuss a center that supports neurodiversity at UCI. Register here for Zoom link: https://cglink.me/2eo/r1927485
Meeting on Mar 20, 2023 CANCELLED
Sorry, due to time constraints, meeting on Mar 20, 2023 4pm CANCELLED. Next meeting is scheduled for April 17th at 5pm. See you then!
Feb 21, 2023 5-5:50pm Temple Grandin, PhD, Colorado State University
We will watch some of Prof. Grandin’s talk at the 2021 Stanford Neurodiversity Summit and discuss issues that she raises.
Location: ISEB 4020 / Register here for Zoom link: https://cglink.me/2eo/r1926593
Temple Grandin, PhD
Professor of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University
Dr. Temple Grandin is well known to many for her trailblazing work as a spokesperson for people with autism and her lifelong work with animal behavior. Dr. Grandin has been with Colorado State University (CSU) for over 25 years.
Grandin has been referred to as the “most famous person working at CSU” by her peers. Her life’s work has been to understand her own autistic mind, and to share that knowledge with the world, aiding in the treatment of individuals with the condition. Her understanding of the human mind has aided her in her work with animal behavior, and she is one of the most respected experts in both autism and animal behavior in the world.
Abstract of Presentation: Scientific research clearly shows that there are different kinds of thinking. I am an object visualizer where all my thoughts are in pictures. Object visualizes are often good at art and understanding mechanical things. The second type is the visual spatial pattern thinker who would be good at math, music or computer programming. The third type is the verbal word thinker. The different types of thinkers often have complementary skills. Teams made up of diverse thinkers can often be more productive.
Jan 17, 2023 (Tues at new time) 5pm - CANCELLED
Monday, November 21, 2022 Dani Bowman from Danimation
November 21, 2022 5:30pm-6:30. Location ISEB 2020.
Discussion on Dani Bowman’s talk.
4PM PST / 7PM EST via Zoom only
Register in advance for this webinar:
Hosted by: The Stanford Neurodiversity Project
Dani Bowman—who is on the autism spectrum founded her company, DaniMation Entertainment, at age 14 in 2009 and launched DaniMation UK in 2019. She graduated with a BFA in Animation in 2018 and an MBA in Global Strategy and Leadership in 2020. Dani has premiered 10 animated short films, a PSA, and a music video at San Diego Comic Con. Over the next 12 years, Dani has led summer animation camps and around the country, initially with Joey Travolta’s Inclusion Films, and then expanding out on her own, adding programs at the University of South Florida and Plymouth University in England, teaching over 2000 youth with autism and other different abilities. In 2020, Dani pivoted to teaching animation from in-person to online with 1-Week Animation Workshops and One-on-One classes. In addition to teaching animation, Dani works with her students as a role model and mentor, encouraging them to follow their dreams. In 2021, Dani and her team participated in the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge, where she won for “Best Editor” with her film “The Home Office”. Dani is currently working on getting a Ph.D with thesis on how much the impact her program has had in the autism community.
October 17, 2022 5:30pm-6:30 Organizational Meeting
Agenda: Introductions, Discussions, Planning
Meeting on Mon. October 21st. at 5:30
We’ll kick off the year with a casual meet-and-greet over pizza. Location TBD.
Meeting on Tues. May 7th at 5:30pm @ Verano Community Place
Informal social. We had pizza and caught up on issues in the community.
Meeting on Mon April 8th @ 5:30pm.
We caught up on getting back into the swing of things post-spring break. Discussed graduate advisor issues and reflected on the ups and downs of the Discord.
Know your rights, know your resources: Disability Townhall Meeting Wed. Feb. 21st @7pm
- RSVP for Townhall or request Zoom link
- DSC experience survey
If you’ve interacted with the DSC, please take our DSC Experience Survey!
Event website: https://sites.uci.edu/neurodiversity/townhall2024/
Meeting Mon. Jan 29, 2024 5pm
Social in ISEB 4020. Other items to discuss: Know your rights, Know your resources: Disability Townhall Meeting, Neurodivergent’s guide to UCI, Peer advising
Meeting Mon. Nov. 20, 2023 5:30pm
Social 4th Floor ISEB terrace.
Meeting Mon. Oct. 16, 2023 5:30pm
We had a meet and greet social at the 4th floor terrace in the ISEB building. We discussed a number of issues including:
- Using Discord to communicate
- Regular social gatherings
- Creating a “how-to” document for students new to UCI
- Forming a peer support system
- Developing a workshop to educate faculty and others about neurodivergents can be accomodated
Meeting on Tues. June 20, 2023 at 4pm
The Neurodiversity Support Group presented challenges that the neurodivergent community faces at UCI and presented its vision on how some of these issues could be addressed through establishing a Disability Cultural Center at UCI. Information about the presentation and report can be requested here.
Meeting on Thurs. June 15, 2023 5pm
Several NSG members have been working to put together a presentation for the Disability Cultural Center Task force. We’ll plan to meet to discuss final touches. I hope this time works for you!
Meeting on Tues. June 6, 2023 5pm
I have drafted some very rudimentary slides that can serve as a basis for moving forward with the DCC Task Force. The purpose of the slides/presentation is to create a formal document that can be presented to the Task Force and incorporated into its report. It should reflect the opinions of the neurodiversity community at UCI. Please edit/comment the slides as you see fit and we’ll discuss at the next meeting.
Meeting on May 15, 2023 5pm
We’ll have an informal meet & greet and discuss ADHD challenges, and a center that supports neurodiversity at UCI. Meeting room info and alternative Zoom attendance at https://cglink.me/2eo/r1927579.
Meeting on Apr 17, 2023 5pm ISEB 4020
We’ll have an informal meet & greet, tell each other about our work, and discuss a center that supports neurodiversity at UCI. Register here for Zoom link: https://cglink.me/2eo/r1927485
Meeting on Mar 20, 2023 CANCELLED
Sorry, due to time constraints, meeting on Mar 20, 2023 4pm CANCELLED. Next meeting is scheduled for April 17th at 5pm. See you then!
Feb 21, 2023 5-5:50pm Temple Grandin, PhD, Colorado State University
We will watch some of Prof. Grandin’s talk at the 2021 Stanford Neurodiversity Summit and discuss issues that she raises.
Location: ISEB 4020 / Register here for Zoom link: https://cglink.me/2eo/r1926593
Temple Grandin, PhD
Professor of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University
Dr. Temple Grandin is well known to many for her trailblazing work as a spokesperson for people with autism and her lifelong work with animal behavior. Dr. Grandin has been with Colorado State University (CSU) for over 25 years.
Grandin has been referred to as the “most famous person working at CSU” by her peers. Her life’s work has been to understand her own autistic mind, and to share that knowledge with the world, aiding in the treatment of individuals with the condition. Her understanding of the human mind has aided her in her work with animal behavior, and she is one of the most respected experts in both autism and animal behavior in the world.
Abstract of Presentation: Scientific research clearly shows that there are different kinds of thinking. I am an object visualizer where all my thoughts are in pictures. Object visualizes are often good at art and understanding mechanical things. The second type is the visual spatial pattern thinker who would be good at math, music or computer programming. The third type is the verbal word thinker. The different types of thinkers often have complementary skills. Teams made up of diverse thinkers can often be more productive.
Jan 17, 2023 (Tues at new time) 5pm - CANCELLED
Monday, November 21, 2022 Dani Bowman from Danimation
November 21, 2022 5:30pm-6:30. Location ISEB 2020.
Discussion on Dani Bowman’s talk.
4PM PST / 7PM EST via Zoom only
Register in advance for this webinar:
Hosted by: The Stanford Neurodiversity Project
Dani Bowman—who is on the autism spectrum founded her company, DaniMation Entertainment, at age 14 in 2009 and launched DaniMation UK in 2019. She graduated with a BFA in Animation in 2018 and an MBA in Global Strategy and Leadership in 2020. Dani has premiered 10 animated short films, a PSA, and a music video at San Diego Comic Con. Over the next 12 years, Dani has led summer animation camps and around the country, initially with Joey Travolta’s Inclusion Films, and then expanding out on her own, adding programs at the University of South Florida and Plymouth University in England, teaching over 2000 youth with autism and other different abilities. In 2020, Dani pivoted to teaching animation from in-person to online with 1-Week Animation Workshops and One-on-One classes. In addition to teaching animation, Dani works with her students as a role model and mentor, encouraging them to follow their dreams. In 2021, Dani and her team participated in the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge, where she won for “Best Editor” with her film “The Home Office”. Dani is currently working on getting a Ph.D with thesis on how much the impact her program has had in the autism community.
October 17, 2022 5:30pm-6:30 Organizational Meeting
Agenda: Introductions, Discussions, Planning
Autism Acceptance Month – April 2023
Autism-related documentaries from ROCO
Far From the Tree A film by Rachel Dretzin. Parents, Children and the Search for Identity
FAR FROM THE TREE follows families meeting extraordinary challenges through love,empathy, and understanding.
Life Animated A film by Roger Ross Williams. His imagination unlocked an amazing new world. Imagine being trapped inside a Disney movie and having to learn about life mostly from animated characters dancing across a screen of color. A fantasy? A nightmare?
The Invisible Extinction A film by Sarah Schenck & Steven Lawrence. Two globetrotting microbiologists race to save our vanishing microbes.