Inspired and supported by an anonymous library gift made in honor of our beloved, Pauline Manaka, the Diversity Team has curated Diverse People Unite. Check it out at Off the Shelf & On Display in Langson Library (near the reference desk).
Diverse People Unite aims to reflect Pauline’s passion for diversity by highlighting books from the Libraries’ collections on various global diversity and social justice topics. The intent is to demonstrate how diverse perspectives and thought can unite to form a more comprehensive understanding of our individual worlds and pursuits.
The display is up now and will remain until the end of April, so feel free to stop by for a look and encourage others to do the same! Share this display with students, faculty, community patrons, close colleagues and others who may benefit from and appreciate discovering literature we (the Libraries) have on important topics and perspectives in diversity.
Need an easy way to share the goods? Share this link for highlights and comments on the display and its book selections throughout the month of April – special thanks to our colleague, Matt Roberts, for making that happen! We are also encouraging social media chatter on the Libraries Twitter channel – @ucilib.
May we always remember our beloved colleagues, and keep the diversity conversation going in the Libraries!
~ Sheree
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