There have been several studies in recent years about hearing and cognitive thinking. Although the studies have been mainly in older adults the findings are important. As today you can help improve the you of tomorrow. The research consistently found that people with hearing loss above normal had “lower scores at baseline on a global cognitive test and were more likely to have significant cognitive impairment after six years. Moreover, they had a 30 to 40 percent faster rate of cognitive decline, and the worse the hearing, the worse the deterioration.”*
This means we need to protect our hearing now, before the decline, as harmful hearing is cumulative and generally doesn’t repair. There may be a few instances of the overly loud concert ringing in your ears diminishing over a day or two, but generally consistent loud noises or events does reduce your overall hearing ability.
Protect your ears, reduce noise when you can, or wear earplugs/noise cancelling headphones when around loud noises. Be kind to one of your important senses.
I found this Q&A article informative: How Noise Harms Our Health
*Quote taken from article: Does Hearing Loss Harm Thinking?
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