When it comes to find a Good place to take naps for better learning outcome, UCI’s Chinese Student Association recently surveyed many places on campus and recommended five places — Langson Library, Science Library, Gateway Study Center, Anteater Learning Pavilion and Courtyard Study Lounge. Among these five, Langson Library and Science Library have been given five-star, whereas the other three four-star. Four criteria were used in the evaluation and ranking. They are (1) comfort seating, (2) quiet setting, (3) appropriate lighting and (4) good smell.
The most favorable features in Langson are the quiet zone, soft sofas, and good privacy protection. Science Library is liked most also because its privacy, comfort and quietness, plus the best view on campus and the Check Out desk facing the entrance (a feel of hotel hospitality).
More can be found at https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ffG5H8A7jqDf3AryRdMO4g (Chinese language texts as well as lots of photos).
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