The Healthy Workplace Working Group would like to share the 2021 Friendly February calendar from Action for Happiness:
“We need each other more than ever right now! This month let’s focus on reaching out to connect with others and doing our best to be a good friend. Our acts of kindness and connection ripple out and impact so many more people than we realize – and they also boost our own happy hormones too! In stressful times people around us may be feeling the strain, so let’s try to keep calm, take time to listen and show compassion.” – Action for Happiness
Take a look at some of the activities on this calendar, and we hope you will participate in one thing. It doesn’t have to be on the date shown, and it will benefit all involved.
We hope to see you at our February Breakaway Moments activity that will be announced soon via a liball.
“The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up” – Mark Twain
Printable calendar: