Hamid Rahmanian has dedicated ten years of his creative life to the Iranian classic “Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King“. Le Monde says “it has all the ingredients of the blackest eastern tale ― palace intrigues, demons, invaders come from a far country. The illustrations explode into flamboyant three-dimensional constructions. The scenes of King Zahhak possessed by the Evil One, the march on Iran, and the liberation of the Persian throne are simply breathtaking.” Rahmanian has created many “offsprings of my book” (now it is on 6th printing). He has created a shadow play, a pop up book, an immersive audiobook a comic book and a puppet show. Now he is making an animation for the stage performance for the SilkRoad ensemble, YoYo Ma’s band. I spoke with Hamid Rahmanian about the epic and more.