Frequently Asked Questions
Application Process / Cost / Acceptance
Who should apply for the OAI Scholars Network?
Incoming Engineering and ICS freshman who are interested in a early start at UCI. The OAI Scholars Network program is designed to help students transition from high school to college by introducing them to different resources and seminars on time management, study skills and leadership. This program will also give students hands-on experience doing team-based projects.
Where do I apply for the OAI Scholars Network?
Applicants may apply for the 2021 OAI Scholars Network at the following application link.
How many students are accepted into the program?
This year, the program will enroll up to 30 students – 15 ICS and 15 Engineering.
How long until I hear of my acceptance in the program after application completion?
Selecting students for attendance is a multi-step process. Once all applications have been received, students should expect decisions in 1-2 weeks.
If I am selected, when do I need to make a decision on my plans to participate in the program?
Upon acceptance, students have one week to confirm their attendance.
How much does it cost to participate in this program?
This year, Thanks to the help of our generous sponsors, this year’s program will be FREE for all participants.
Are there any scholarships available?
Because this year’s program is free to all participants, we will not be offering any additional scholarships at this time.
When do I receive more information about the program?
Once you are selected to participate in the program, additional information will be sent to you via email.
Program Activities
What activities should I expect?
STP is a 2-week virtual program that runs from August 9-20, 2021. The course part of the program goes from 10am – 2pm on Monday through Friday. Every day will vary, but you can expect each day to consist of courses and training related to math, science, engineering, and computer science. Depending on the project, group work, individual work, hands-on experience, and computer programming can be expected. Activities will include: guest speakers, industry panels, and workshops that will help you prepare for a smooth transition from high school to UCI.
Am I required to have a laptop computer for the program?
You will need access to a computer during the length of the program. If you have financial issues or concerns, please contact Dr. Sharnnia Artis at
How long is the program?
The program is a 2-week program that runs from August 9-20, 2021.
Do the courses we take during OAISN count for credit for our freshman year?
Do we receive grades in the courses?
Will I be required to come on campus at UCI?
This year’s program is completely virtual. All program sessions will occur remotely via the telecommuting platform Zoom.
What other activities will we do during the OAI Scholars Network?
You will have the opportunity to meet a number of people who will be involved in your academic career at UCI – faculty, staff, other students, and corporate representatives.
Do I have to attend the program on the weekend?
No, there are no weekend activities planned.
Can I miss a day because of a prior work, vacation, or activities I have already planned?
No. Students are required to attend every day because this is an intensive 2-week team-based training and project course, so missing at least one day may put you behind on your project.
I have been accepted to participate in the OAI Scholars Network – now what?
You will receive an acceptance packet via email with several forms to return.
Should I register for Student Parent Orientation Program (SPOP)?
Yes. You should register for Student Parent Orientation Program (SPOP) freshmen orientation as directed. More information about SPOP will be sent to you in May. OAI recommends incoming freshman to choose the earliest SPOP date to secure the best quality of classes. The OAI Scholars Network will not provide participants their own SPOP session. If you have registered for SPOP during the OAI Scholars Network program dates, we will work with you to change your dates if you are accepted into the OAI Scholars Network.
Health and Safety
What do I do in an emergency?
As always if there is an emergency, call 911. All program activities will have faculty, staff, and graduate members that will also be able to assist.
For further questions, please contact the OAI Scholars Network at