Innovative Ideas

We’re seeking innovative and impactful ideas, but we know it can be difficult to define what that really means. The following are some additional points to consider when you’re crafting an idea, and the Coordination Team is using these criteria as they review submitted ideas.

Many of these attributes can be key ingredients of an innovative idea:

  • Innovation = a technology, product, service or process that’s new and useful
  • Original/Creative – reframe problems into opportunities
  • High Scope of Impact / Number of Users Benefiting
  • Leverages Strategic Value – introduces or advances a strategically enabling technology, processes or concepts – supports campus/OIT strategic goals – aligns with customer needs/priorities
  • Utilizes a Proof of Concept to lower risk – provides an opportunity to learn from failure
  • Presents an opportunity for a high quality completed concept that can shape a full-scale implementation – that’s what will qualify for cash incentive awards
  • Fosters experimentation with new technologies, concepts and processes – give us real-world experience working with them
  • Enables OIT to respond to changing customer needs and evolving technologies