
Many innovative ideas can be implemented within existing work streams based on current project/operations priorities – other ideas may need additional resources (people, time, training, software, license, infrastructure, etc.) and may require new work streams for the experimentation and/or building a proof of concept.

OIT’s seeking to provide resources to help accelerate innovation.


Resources are additional support to help transform your idea into a proof-of-concept, prototype, or production implementation (if a POC or prototype doesn’t make sense).  Such resources could take many forms including:

  • Staff release time (e.g. limited duration/% release time, “hack week”, possibly with staff backfill)
  • Funding to hire student employees to work on ideas
  • Financial support for experimentation (software/licenses/subscriptions, products, infrastructure, training, etc.)
  • Project funding for developing a larger Proof of Concept
  • Other – let us know what else might help

When you submit ideas for evaluation, make sure to include information on additional resources that might be required while you’re completing the Idea Form.  Your manager and the Coordination Team who evaluates ideas will be able to use that as they seek to advance strong ideas.