Orthogonal updates for the end of Winter quarter 2016

1/4 scale model:

Professor Penny has been pushing ahead with the model.  He expects to have a strong and floatable model boat (Vaka, ama and akas) by the end of quarter. Need to try it out in the nearest swimming pool or fountain.


Radio control: 

Team 6 has been moving ahead with integration of inputs, radio communication, motor control and sensing. We hope to see a fully functioning bench test for one motor this week.



Lauren has been pressing ahead with modeling of complex hydrodynamics. At present it seems the complexity of the problem is beyond the tools she has available.


Rudder/fin/foil (modelling and making):

Lauren and Kevin, with guidance from Ehsan, will generate two 1/4 scale rudder foils and one bidirectional fin foil, on the cnc router hopefully by end of quarter. Then they will need to be mounted.
The Current first iteration plan for the foils of the model is stem-hung rudders and a bidirectional finfoil on the ama. A second version will try quarter-hung reversible rudder/fins. A third iteration will invlove a fwd/aft sliding finfoil on a track. The model will be built to accomodate all these experiments.


Full size ama:

Alan and Eduardo are leading this effort.



Hoping to cut foam foil profile battens for the reefable soft wingsail by end of quarter.


Dinghy/cockpit/safety ama:

David and Woo are building the 1/4 scale model. Hopefully done by end of quarter.



David is preparing the website.


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