T-street (my home break)
I grew up a surf bum in San Clemente, California.
Once I pried myself away from the beach, I received my B.A. from UCLA in 1982 and my Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1986, both in Psychology. After a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan, I taught for 9 years at Kent State University. In 1997, I moved to my current position at the University of California, Irvine where I am a professor in the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior.
I am a social psychologist whose expertise is in the area of human judgment and decision-making. My research focuses on “hot cognition” – how our motivations and emotions shape (and often bias) our social, political, moral, medical, and legal judgments.
I live once again in San Clemente, where I surf whenever my work schedule will let me (and if the waves are good enough, even when they aren’t).