
Videos, interviews, and news stories featuring HCL research

Does working hard really make you a good person? TED Talk. Dr. Azim Shariff presented research findings from a collaborative project by himself, Dr. Peter Ditto, Dr. Paul Piff, and Dr. Jared Celniker.

Concerned Citizens Presents: Professor Peter Ditto, Through the Partisan Looking Glass.

Outrage Overload BONUS – One-year Anniversary Special – Peter Ditto.

UCI Center for Neuropolitics. Conspiracy Thinking in American Politics.

A New York Times article that features Dr. Ditto and his collaborators’ essay on political sectarianism and the “metastasized” nature of current politics.

An Axios article on mob thinking with a quote from Dr. Ditto on how Trump has weaponized our natural tendencies to his advantage.

A Politico article on how Trump may win impeachment with a quote from Dr. Ditto on how “[Trump’s] a grievance machine.”

An APA Monitor article featuring Dr. Ditto and Dr. Sean Wojcik’s research showing that “people deploy skepticism selectively.”

A National Geographic article on why people latch on to conspiracy theories featuring Dr. Ditto, Dr. Brittany Liu, and Dr. Cory Clark’s research on tribalism.

An Orange County Register article on how the coronavirus impacted Orange County communities disproportionately and quotes from Dr. Ditto on how people are living with a “different set of facts” along partisan lines.

A Bloomberg City Lab article on the QAnon of architecture and quotes from Dr. Ditto on how conspiracy theories are spread and why some believe them.

A Reason article featuring the research on how moral judgments may impact our perception of risk for COVID exposure by Dr. Ditto and PhD candidate Daniel Relihan.

A Cape Business News article on why people are more likely to believe conspiracy theories during the pandemic with quotes from Dr. Ditto.

A Voice of America article on why people embrace conspiracy theories with quotes from Dr. Ditto.

UCI Podcast interview featuring insights from Dr. Ditto on the changed nature of political partisanship, the widened gap between the two sides, and how the intensified conflict more closely resembles religious sectarianism.

A BBC interview with Dr. Ditto.

NPR article about differing views of social policy within the Democratic party, featuring insights from Dr. Ditto.

A Deseret News article about conspiracy theories featuring insights from Dr. Ditto.

A New York Times article about political identity and ideology featuring insights from Dr. Ditto.

A VICE article about the morality of Reddit users who visit the subreddit “Am I The Asshole”, featuring analyses and insights from Dr. Ditto and PhD student Daniel Relihan.

TIME article featuring insights from Dr. Peter Ditto and peer faculty researcher Dr. Elizabeth Loftus on motivated political reasoning and memory in the context of the Acosta video

A talk given by Dr. Ditto at the Center for Global Humanities at the University of New England on the Psychology of Political Polarization

A talk given by Dr. Ditto as a guest speaker for the UCI Applied Innovation Daybreak Series on “Mind the Widening Gap: Polarization and Political Bias Ahead of the 2018 Midterm Elections”.

A piece by the British Psychological Society Research Digest covers our new bipartisan bias meta-analysis

The University of California did a nice story and video (below) about the lab’s research.


“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” did a really smart piece on their May 8th show on scientific reproducibility and the media’s treatment of scientific findings.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, Sean Wojcik’s Science paper on the ideological happiness gap got a little shout-out during the segment!

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An interview with Dr. Ditto on emotion and political persuasion on KPCC Radio “Take Two”.

A piece on anger, sadness, and political polarization in The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog with Leaf Van Boven and David Sherman.

A short interview with Dr. Ditto on anger and politics for KNX Radio.

Explore some of the coverage of Sean Wojcik’s paper, Conservatives report, but liberals display, greater happiness.  Including coverage by Time Magazine, New York Times, LA Times, and Fox News.


Who’s Happy Now? – A satirical take on the implications of Sean’s research on liberal and conservative happiness from The New Yorker.  You can find more coverage of the Wojcik et al paper here.

Want to know why you can’t convince your uncle he’s wrong about politics? Check out this Washington Post piece on motivated skepticism.

Watch a talk on Intuitive Morality, Politics, and the Law from the UCI Center for Psychology and Law event “Beyond CSI”

Mother Jones article on Cory Clark’s research on motivated free will beliefs.

Interview with Chris Mooney on his Inquiring Minds program discussing our research on moral coherence and the psychology of libertarianism.

Two pieces from The Situationist on a chapter with Eric Knowles, “Preference, Principle, and Political Casuistry”.

Situationist story on Andrew Mastronarde’s research on political mavericks.

Washington Post article by Ezra Klein on motivated skepticism in politics.

Article describing a 2013 SPSP talk on moral coherence and political conflict.

Article by Chris Mooney in on Brittany Liu’s research on moral coherence.

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