Board Intern Program

2023 – 2024 Board Interns

Taylor Fulinara

2nd Year

Arquimides Lopez

2nd Year

Ashlee Coronel

2nd Year

Suzan Hui

3rd Year Transfer

Taylor Fulinara

Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences

Year: 2nd


Hello! My name is Taylor Fulinara and I am grateful to be a part of this year’s PPS Intern Program. I am currently a second year at UCI as a Pharmaceutical Sciences major with a minor in Medical Humanities. I was a general member in my first year at UCI, and PPS was a warm and welcoming club that fostered my interest in pharmacy. With that experience, I wanted to become more involved through the intern program. In my free time, I enjoy frequenting cafes, baking, and reading! I appreciate what PPS has brought to my university experience and cannot wait for what else the program brings!

Arquimides Lopez

Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences

Year: 2nd



Ashlee Coronel

Major: Pharmacuetical Sciences

Year: 2nd


Hello everyone! My name is Ashlee Coronel and I’m excited to be apart of PPS’ 2023-2024 Board Intern program! I am a 2nd year Pharmaceutical Sciences major and I enjoy working out, playing video games, and cafe-hopping! PPS has allowed me to grow professionally and explore the many specializations that pharmacy has to offer. It’s been a lot of fun getting to know everyone and I’ve already had so many memorable experiences with PPS. 


Suzan Hui

Major: Biological Sciences

Year: 3rd year transfer


Hello! My name is Suzan Hui and I am very grateful to be a PPS Board Intern for 2023-2024! I transferred from CC just this year and am now entering my 3rd year here at UCI as a Biological Sciences major! The transition from CC to a 4-year university has been a little rough but PPS has helped make the transition easier because of the amazing support I’ve received from this club and professionals in order to achieve my career goals. I highly recommend joining if you are looking for friends with similar interests and career journeys. Besides school and clubs, I enjoy crocheting, knitting, reading, playing video games, and spending time with friends and family! I’d love to get to know you all and have lots of fun times together this year! 



Are you passionate about learning more about the Pre-Pharmacy Society at UCI?

Would you like to get more involved? Want to see what PPS does behind the scenes and get a first-hand experience of planning PPS events? Join the PPS Board Intern Program! This program allows you to learn in depth all the planning that every board member does to make every event a success. You will work closely with your fellow interns to plan multiple events and form a special kind of relationship with them through the experience. This program will allow you to gain a better understanding of what every PPS board member do and allow you to develop your leadership and communication skills.

Applications are CLOSED!



  • A wonderful way to be more involved in PPS
  • Learn the behind-the-scenes of PPS events
  • Organize a fundraiser
  • Plan a social
  • Coordinate a volunteering event (optional)
  • Participate and play a major role in large-scale events such as Pre-Pharmacy Day and the End-of-the-Year Banquet



  • Complete the application that is found online, in the email, and on Facebook (starting Week 3)
  • Be a Paid Member

Must be able to attend

  • General Meetings
    • Week 10 General Meeting (MANDATORY board interns will be announced)
  • Bi-weekly intern board meetings
  • 90% of all PPS events