
We are a small team of interdisciplinary scholars and students with a wide range of skills and experience. Our backgrounds range from computer science to psychiatry to communication studies. We are united by the common goal of improving digital health management.

Madhu Reddy


Madhu Reddy’s primary interests are in understanding how we can better design and implement health information technologies to improve communication and collaboration in clinical settings. His interdisciplinary research connects medical informatics, computer-supported cooperative work, and information sciences.

Hannah Studd

PhD Candidate

Hannah Studd is interested in improving the design of health information. Her research areas include visualization of patient-generated data, mental health management, and qualitative methods.

Bruna Oewel

PhD Candidate

Bruna Oewel’s research interests are in HCI, health and wellbeing, digital mental health, and behavior change. She is currently co-advised by Elena Agapie.

Novia Wong

PhD Candidate

Novia Wong’s primary research interest is in digital mental health for youth and adolescents. She is also interested in collaborative mental health care among family members, youth, and healthcare providers.

Colin LeFevre

PhD Student




Rachel Kornfield

Kathryn Ringland

Jonah Meyerhoff

Shefali Haldar

Chi Young Oh

Ashley Marie Walker

Eleanor Burgess

Renwen (Alice) Zhang

Ada Ng

Angela Smith