I am a Lecturer and Visiting Assistant Researcher in the UCI Department of Mathematics, I joined the department in 2016. My research interests are in the field of mathematical and functional analysis with a focus on operator algebras and ternary rings of operators. I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from Trinity College Dublin in 2012, my dissertation was published in Cambridge Scholars Publishing. My joint work with Professor Bernard Russo [*] has been selected as the 2018 Best Paper Award Winner among 111 papers published in the years 2016 and 2017 in Advances in Operator Theory.
Certificate for Engaged Instruction
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Introducing Anti-C*-Algebras: Semisimplicity, Characterizations, and Future Directions, 2023 (ongoing project)
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Group von Neumann Algebras and Group TROs, 2022
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Ternary Rings of Operators of Equivalence Relations, 2022
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Operator Categories II. Jordan Categories, 2021
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Operator Categories I. T*-categories, 2021
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Universal ternary rings of operators, quantum groups and crossed products, 2020
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. On the structure of weakly closed ternary rings of operators. Royal Irish Academy (2019).
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Corrigendum: Derivations on ternary rings of operators. Oper. Matrices 13 (2019), no. 2, 563–568.
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Projections on von Neumann algebras as limits of elementary operators. Linear Algebra Appl. 557 (2018), 188–200.
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Derivations on ternary rings of operators. Oper. Matrices 12 (2018), no. 2, 393–406.
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Homomorphic conditional expectations as noncommutative retractions. Adv. Oper. Theory 2 (2017), no. 4, 396–408.
Pluta, R.; Russo, B. Triple derivations on von Neumann algebras. Studia Math. 226 (2015), no. 1, 57–73.
Pluta, R. Ranges of bimodule projections and conditional expectations. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2013. viii+204 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4438-4612-7; 1-4438-4612-0.
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