During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, neurons in the cortex alternate between periods of spiking (UP state) and periods of inactivity (DOWN state). In the current post, I have described how to detect UP and DOWN states within NREM epochs. Acknowledgments Dr. Justin Shobe for providing me with the test dataset; detect_peaks library … More Up-Down state detection
Up-Down state detection
K-complex detection
During non-rapid eye movement NREM) sleep, previously stored patterns are spontaneously reactivated and interleaved in the hippocampus (HPC) and neocortex (NC). One of the characteristics of cortical local field potential (LFP) recorded using electrodes during NREM sleep stage II is K-complexes (KC). KC consists of a brief negative high-voltage peak … More K-complex detection
Sharpwave-Ripple detection
Sharpwave ripples (SWRs) are oscillatory patterns seen in the hippocampus (HPC) local field potential (LFP) during offline periods such as awake immobility and sleep and are associated with highly synchronous neural firing in the HPC. Multiple studies have now suggested that SWRs support the process of memory consolidation and retrieval. I have recently … More Sharpwave-Ripple detection
Align 2-photon imaging cell ROIs across days
This work was done during the suite2p workshop organized by Dr. Marius Pachitariu and Dr. Carsen Stringer with help from both of them and other workshop participants. Kudos to all of us! A lot of labs are interested in looking at the activity of the same cells across days. One … More Align 2-photon imaging cell ROIs across days
Behavior position data alignment from videos recorded using multiple cameras
How do we go about aligning x, and y position coordinates from eight different cameras covering different parts of the same environment? We are going to use a LED to calculate the perspective transformation between all pairs of cameras and align them in a single world coordinate system. Let’s jump … More Behavior position data alignment from videos recorded using multiple cameras