Location: Iraq
Other Names:
Type of building:
Material: Stucco, Jewelry (two solid gold earrings, three figure rings with carnelian and rock crystal), Ceramics
Four buildings ⇒ Watellin discovered two large Sasanian buildings (Palace and a large private house?)
Royal residence with a swimming pool occupying the whole of the central court (37 feet wide and 50 feet long)
On three side of the pool are alcoves, not rooms,
This building yielded five bust of Bahram Gur, more mural decorations and a good series of pottery
A Babylonian cylinder seals in Sasanian context?
  • Adams, R.McC. Settlement and irrigation patterns
    in ancient Akkad, in McG. Gibson (ed.) The City and
    Area of Kish: 182–208. Coconut Grove [Miami]: Field
    Research Projects, 1972.
  • Harden, D.B. 1934. Excavations at Kish and Barghuthiat
    1933 … Pottery. Iraq 1: 124–36, pl. XVII.
  • Langdon, Stephen.”‘Palace Three’—The Bath of the Sasanian Kings, at Kish.”The Illustrated London News
    20 February: 273. (PDF
  • Langdon, Stephen. “New light on early Persian art:
    unexpected ‘finds’ at Kish – Sasanian bas-reliefs.” Illustrated London News, February 14, 1931, 261. (PDF)
  • Langdon, Stephen and D. B. Harden. “Excavations at Kish and Barghuthiat 1933.” Iraq 1, no. 2 (1934): 113-36. (Link)
  • Langdon, Stephen and D. B. Harden. “Pottery from Kish.” Iraq 1(1934): 113-113.
  • Moorey, P. R. S. Kish Excavations, 1923–1933 (1978). Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, 1978. 
  • Reitlinger, Gerald. “Islamic Pottery from Kish.” Ars Islamica 2, no. 2 (1935): 198-218. (Link)