Bibliography: |
- Rawlinson, Major. “Notes on a March from Zoháb, at the Foot of Zagros, along the Mountains to Khúzistán (Susiana), and from Thence Through the Province of Luristan to Kirmánsháh, in the Year 1836.” The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 9 (1839): 26-116.
- Huff, D. “Der Takht-i Nishin in Firuzabad.” Archläologischer Anzeiger 3 (1972): 537.
- H. v. Gall and W. Kleiss, AMI, N.S. 4, 1971, pp. 20ff.
- W. Kleiss, AMI, N.S. 6, 1973, pp. 74ff.
- Kambakhsh-Fard, Traditions architecturales en Iran 4, 1976, pp. 2ff.