Period: ?
Abbreviation: ?
Location Darab, Fars
Description: This inscription was found in 2020 on the surface of a rocky wall 245 kilometers from Shiraz. The inscription has four lines with the fourth line being completely damaged. Another shorter inscription, an epitaph, was discovered by Cyrus Nasrollahzadeh.
  • Kalani, Reza and Mirza Mohamad Hassani. “Discovery of a New Pahlavi Inscription in Darab of Fars.” unpublished report, 2020. (PDF)
  • Kalani, Reza and Mirza Mohamad Hassani. Final Report of the Newly Discovered Pahlavi Inscription in Darvā Village-Zarindasht (Dārāb), unpublished report, 2020. (PDF)

(After Kalani & Hassani)

(After Kalani & Hassani)