Treading Water

by | Oct 7, 2009 | Professional | 0 comments

It seems like everyday there is more to do and less time do get things done. I used to be able to manage things by phone, email, or in person. Now, if I don’t write everything down, little bits slip through the cracks. I don’t want to let anyone down and I don’t want to drive myself crazy.

OmniFocus iPhone AppThrough an iPhone App, I came across a method to end the madness. I purchased OmniFocus for both the iPhone and the desktop. The software is based on the book, “Getting Things Done” by David Allen. It’s tagline is “The Art of Stress-Free Productivity”. Stress-free, I liked the sound of that.

The basic premise is to do a brain-dump of everything you need to do, both big and small. You can use any method of recording, the software is just one way. Once you get everything down, you can then organize and prioritize. You then choose what to do, what to delegate and what to drop. The peace comes from knowing that it’s written down somewhere so that you don’t wake up at 2 am in a sweat over something you’ve forgotten. When I leave the office on Friday, I know that I can pick right back up after the weekend and get back on task. If I remember something on the weekend, I can use the mobile iPhone App to record it, sync it and take care of it later.

I’ve been much more efficient and much more calm. I also have a written record of what I’ve accomplished so my boss can see what a great job I’m doing or at least that I’m getting things done. 😀

TAGS » GTD | OmniFocus


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