The proceedings of SCiL 2024 are available. Check them out here! They are also added to the ACL.

Call for papers

The Society for Computation in Linguistics will hold its seventh meeting, SCiL 2024 on the campus of University of California, Irvine during June 27-29, 2024. The conference will include both in-person and on-line presentations.

We seek high-quality research on computational and mathematical approaches in any area of linguistics. Submissions to SCiL should involve a substantial computational and/or mathematical modeling component, make direct contact with linguistics, and be written for an interdisciplinary audience. There will be two submission tracks: papers and abstracts, and two types of presentation: “talks” and “posters”.  Authors must specify at submission time whether they intend to present in-person or on-line. This information will be gathered for planning purposes, and the choice will not affect the selection procedure (i.e. we will not have a fixed number of on-line or in-person talks).

Both papers and abstracts will be published online prior to the conference in the open-access SCiL proceedings. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to submit extended abstracts for publication. Papers will also be published in the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Anthology.

There is no limit on the number of submissions per author.

Important dates

Submission deadline: January 26, 2024

Notifications of acceptance: April 8, 2024

Camera-ready papers and abstracts due: May 10, 2024


Papers (8pp) and abstracts (2pp) are due January 26, 2024 by 11:59pm anywhere in the world.  Papers and abstracts must be anonymous and prepared in PDF format according to the following guidelines.


Paper submissions must describe original, completed, and unpublished work. They are limited to 8 content pages (plus unlimited pages for references) and should follow the two-column ACL format. The latest ACL style templates can be found by following this link.

Supplemental materials can be included in an appendix as part of the paper. There is no limit on appendix length, and it does not count in the 8 page limit. Reviewers are not required to consult the supplemental materials, so the paper should be self-contained.

All submissions must be in PDF format.


Abstract submissions must describe original and completed work. To facilitate exchange of research ideas across disciplines, we will consider not only abstracts presenting new research, but also work that has been previously presented (and potentially published) at venues with distinct scope and target audiences from SCiL. Submissions describing previously presented/published work must indicate so at submission time by sending an e-mail to; these submissions do not need to be anonymous.

Abstract length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), including figures and references. The abstract should follow the two-column ACL format OR the following guidelines. Abstract submissions should not have abstracts. Font should be 12-point Times or Times New Roman throughout, and the document should be single-spaced, left justified, with margins of exactly one inch on all sides. Title and section headings (if used) should be bold.

Accepted abstracts will be presented at SCiL 2024 as talk or poster presentations. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to extend abstracts up to 4 pages (extended abstracts). Extended abstracts should follow the two-column ACL format. Abstracts and extended abstracts will be published before the conference in the forthcoming open-access SCiL Proceedings.


Please upload your submission at our OpenReview page.


Faculty: Richard Futrell, Connor Mayer, Noga Zaslavsky

Graduate students: Noa Attali, Niels Dickson, Yuting Gu, Nathaniel Imel, Jiaxuan Li, Yanting Li, Shiva Upadhye
