Links & Videos

Institutions & Associations

Research centers

·  Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences@U Rochester

·  Center for Language Sciences@U Rochester

·  Rochester Center for Brain Imaging@U Rochester

·  Haskins Laboratories

·  IGERT Program@UCONN

Professional societies

·  Psychonomic Society

·  Cognitive Science Society

·  Human Brain Mapping

·  Society for the Neurobiology of Language

·  ASA — Acoustical Society of America

·  ISCA — International Speech Communication Association

·  Association for Laboratory Phonology

·  American Psychological Association

Psycholinguistic Resources

Psycholinguistic databases

·  MRC Psycholinguistic Database

·  CELEX database by Max Planck Institue — lexical information for English, Dutch and German

·  USF Free Association Norms database

·  Nonword Database

·  English Lexicon Project

·  Semantic Priming Project

Speech databases

·  OSCAAR Online Speech/Corpora Archive and Analysis Resource– a collection of cross-linguistic speech recordings collected by Northwestern University

·  Speech Accent Archive — scripted recordings of English in various native and non-native accents

·  IDEA— International Dialects of English Archive

·  The IViE Corpus— English intonation in the Britain

Speech processing and analysis tools

·  A collection of Praat scripts collected by UCLA Linguistics

·  A collection of sound processing tools by Northwestern University

·  Praat Scripts from UC Berkeley Phonology Lab

·  Forced Aligner by UPenn

·  Penn Phonetics Toolkit by UPenn

Psycholinguistic analysis tools

·  The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary — great for phonetic transcription

·  IPhOD — a phonological dictionary + caculator for lexical properties (e.g. neighborhood density)

·  CLEARPOND — Cross-Linguistic Easy-Access Resource for Phonological and Orthographic Neighborhood Densities

·  English Lexicon Project — calculator for lexical properties and access to behavioral data from lexcial tasks

·  Phonological Corpus Tools — an open-source tool for doing phonological analysis on transcribed corpora

Other handy resources

·  Northwestern Linguistics Resources

·  A program for running experiments over the web

·  Shell programming basics

Neuroimaging Resources


·  AFNI — fMRI Analysis toolbox by Bob Cox

·  Princeton Multivoxel Pattern Analysis Toolbox

·  PyMPVA — Multivariate Pattern Analysis in Python

fMRI databases

·  Neurosynth — a platform for large-scale, automated synthesis of fMRI data. Great for checking out coordinates across studies.

·  OpenfMRI— a repository of MRI and EEG data.

Helpful MRI blogs and tutorials

·  mumfordbrainstats tutorials on fMRI analysis by Jeanette Mumford

·  Andy’s Brain Blog by Andy Jahn

·  The CogNeuroStats Blog by Peter Molfese

·  MIT’s imaging mindhive by Gabrieli lab

·  Imaging wiki by the MRC Unit @Cambridge

Books and reading lists

·  Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging — an introductory textbook on fMRI.

·  Handbook of Functional MRI Analysis — a comprehensive yet easy-to-read book on imaging analysis. A must!

·  Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data — a great overview of statistical methodology used in processing fMRI data.

·  MRI reading list by Jonathan Peelle

·  SPM bibliography — classic methodological papers

Online courses

·  Coursera fMRI course by Tor Wager and Martin Lindquist

·  fMRI lecture recordings by The University of Michigan

·  UCLA neuroimaging summer programs with videos and slides