Survey Calendar
What is the survey calendar?
This survey calendar is designed to help avoid survey fatigue, by allowing survey researchers to conduct their surveys at times when their survey population is not already being asked to fill out other surveys.
This calendar is meant to show the very large surveys that target all or almost all of a given group (like a campus-wide survey of all undergraduate students) and not the smaller surveys that people might be asked to complete as they use particular services or programs (so a survey of students’ satisfaction after an appointment with a tutor should probably not be part of the calendar).
How do I add a survey to the survey calendar?
Please review the “Add a Survey” box on this page and click on “Add a survey” to provide information to the calendar. The form should only take a few minutes to fill out the required information and will be displayed on the calendar upon the weekly calendar refresh.
How do I use the survey calendar?
The calendar below shows what days given surveys open and close. The filter at the right will allow you to see which surveys target specific groups. If you are thinking about developing a survey, please consider spending a few minutes to find a time when there are not already other surveys of your target population happening.
Add a Survey
You can add a survey to the calendar using the Survey Intake Form, hosted in UCI Qualtrics.
Surveys will not immediately appear; entries are lightly reviewed for completeness.
You must be on campus or connected via the UCI VPN to view the Survey Calendar.