About Page

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About SPS

The Society of Physics Students (SPS) was formed in 1968 with a constitution that combined its two “parent” organizations, The American Institution of Physics (AIP) Student Sections and the Sigma Pi Sigma honor society. SPS was established at UC Irvine on August 5, 1969.

At UCI, the Society of Physics Students is a primarily undergraduate student organization set up for the purpose of promoting the study of physics, assisting students studying physics, providing career guidance to physics students, and presenting research opportunities in the physics department.

To achieve these goals, SPS conducts demonstrations and organizes events to help students develop their interest in studying physics, provides a place of study to members, and offers access to instructors and researchers in the physics department, in addition to providing a group of fellow physics students to discuss and assist in the study of physics.

Becoming a Member at UCI

Becoming a member of the SPS chapter at UCI is completely FREE. The only requirement for membership is that you are interested in physics. If you would like to receive our emails, sign up for the mailing list HERE !!

SPS @ UCI Membership Benefits:

  • Access to the our club room – a.k.a. the SPS room, located in Frederick Reines Hall, Room 2107
  • Resources: textbooks, food, printer, study areas (whiteboards, desks, etc.), and couches for when you need a quick pick-me-up
  • Opportunities to meet other undergraduates – great when you need some advice!
  • Sense of community – a great place to network and make some friends 🙂

Becoming a National Member

You may consider joining the national organization for a membership fee of $24/year. You can either join online, or you can fill out the membership application form, and mail it to the national organization with your membership fee. Click HERE to learn more about the SPS National membership.

National Membership Benefits:

  • A subscription to Physics Today, the SPS Observer, and the Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics
  • Career Placement Services
  • Eligibility for SPS scholarships, internships, research & travel grants, fellowships and other awards
  • Membership with one of AIP’s ten member societies, like the American Physical Society and American Astronomical Society

Directions to the SPS Room

The SPS club room is located in 2107 Frederick Reines Hall (FRH).

  • Head to FRH.
  • Go to the second floor (via elevator or stairs).
  • Head to the Physics & Astronomy Hallway (left from the elevators & straight from the stairs).
  • SPS will be the first door on the left.