STEW Workgroup

Dr. Pheather R. Harris
Director, California Alliance for Minority Participation
Center for Educational Partnerships
School of Education
Research Interest: Relationship between faculty mentor engagement and URM STEM persistence, successful academic habits of mind, and diversity in STEM.

Dr. Tayloria Adams
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
Assistant Professor, Biomedical EngineeringSue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center
Research Interests: Dielectrophoresis, microfluidic devices, stem cells, biomarker development, cell membrane biophysics, and cell sorting. 

Dr. Ramesh Arasasingham
Senior Lecturer
Department of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences
Research Interest: Instructional practices promoting equitable learning and assessment in chemistry; inequities in the academic outcomes of chemistry students

Dr. Natascha Buswell
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Research Interest: Engineering education, faculty development, teaching conceptions and methods, women in engineering, graduate student development

Dr. Yu-Chien (Alice) Chien
Director, Lasers, Flames & Aerosols | Keck Deep Ocean Power Science Lab.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Samueli School of Engineering
Research Interest: Microgravity Combustion, CO2/CH4 Hydrate, Optical Diagnostics (Holography, PLIF, Schlierern), ADEI (URM, Women Engineers, LGBT)

Dr. Kwasi Connor
Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
Research Interest: Integrative Biology

Dr. David Copp
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Research Interest: Engineering education, underrepresented students’ persistence in STEM majors

Dr. Derek Dunn-Rankin
Professor Emeritus
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Research Interest: URM Achievement in STEM

Dr. Brandon Gaut
Associate Dean for Research & Innovation
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
Research Interest: Research in biology, genetics, and evolution

Dr. Michael Green
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs and Professor
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Research Interest: Undergraduate engineering curricula

Ryan Hoadwonic
Director of Institutional Research Operations
Office of Institutional Research
Research Interest: Institutional Research

Kevin Huie
Executive Director of Student Success
Division of Undergraduate Education
Research Interest:  Student retention and success of underrepresented and underserved student populations; cultural competency and professional development of staff in higher education

Robin Jeffers
Director of Undergraduate Student Affairs
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Research Interest:  Engineering and preparing students for it

Dr. Hosun Kang
Faculty Director of Teacher Credential Program and Associate Professor
School of Education
Research Interest: Science education, teacher education

Dr. Jeff Ludwig
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Research Interest:  Teaching

Dr. Alessandra Pantano
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Research Interest: 
Representation theory and Mathematics Education

Dr. Bob Pelayo
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences
Research Interest:
 Mathematics and Data Science

Dr. Rossella Santagata
Associate Professor
School of Education
Research Interest: STEM education, instructional quality, teacher learning, and equity/diversity

Dr. Sandi Simpkins
School of Education
Research Interest: STEM motivation, persistence, and achievement; supporting underrepresented groups in STEM; Family support; Out-of-school Activities

Dr. Mark Walter
Professor of Teaching
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Research Interest: 
Engineering and Engineering Projects

Dr. Doron Zinger
Director of CalTeach Program
School of Education
Research Interest:
 Social justice focused STEM teacher preparation