Dear Space, Time and Orange County,

Please be reminded that we will begin our off-campus explorations on Saturday. The schedule has been somewhat reorganized in order to best accommodate our informants.

9AM-12PM: Orange County Great Park Gallery Living Room with Kevin Staniec.

1PM-4PM: Grand Central Art Center and Santa Ana Cinco De Mayo with Amy Sanchez and Misael Diaz.

Please find attached a map to the Great Park Gallery. Please be prepared for some challenging parking in Santa Ana. Carpooling is recommended. I can pick up four bodies from campus on Saturday morning — write me if you’d like a ride.

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Please also be reminded of the required books for the course. At this point you should have read Kissing Architecture and at least the first half of The Art-architecture Complex. Please purchase the remaining two books this week if you haven’t already and read the following.
From The Architecture of Four Ecologies, please read Joe Day and Anthony Vidler’s introductions and Chapters 1, 8, and 9. (Highly recommended side trips depicted here that we likely won’t make this quarter: Schindler’s Lovell beach house in Newport Beach and Neutra’s recently restored drive-in church in Garden Grove, adjacent to Philip Johnson’s Crystal Cathedral. Schindler and Neutra lived together in what is now known as the MAK Center.)
From Variations on a Theme Park, please read Edward Soja’s Inside Exopolis: Scenes from Orange County.
I will be populating the course website with the rest of the readings this week, and we will take some time to discuss all of the above on Saturday morning.
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See you Saturday,