Dear STOC,
Welcome to your final message from me. Here is the schedule for Wednesday’s final event.
500-515PM: Arrival & Setup
515-530PM: Introductions: How to Live in Irvine (Catherine Liu) & Space, Time and Orange County (Jesse Jackson)
530-600PM: How to Live in Irvine: Irvana (Lev Anderson)
600-615PM: Taco Break
615-800PM: Space, Time and Orange County: Urban Interventions (UCI Students)
The schedule is pretty tight so we may run slightly overtime. If possible please keep your schedule free until 9PM to be safe.
You are all invited to my house afterwords for further revelry. I reserve the right to kick you out if I get tired (which happens at about 10PM). I will have some TJ’s caliber snacks but please BYOB.
There will be the usual A/V equipment: computer, projector, speakers. Please bring any files you may require on a USB drive or email it to me in advance. Please arrive on time.
Our group will proceed in the following order:
Cox & McLaughlin-Alcock
Csepanyi & Murnane
You will each have a maximum of 15 minutes, including time for questions. I recommend reserving at least 5 minutes for questions. Beyond this there is no prescribed format. Please be in touch right away if you have any specific questions or needs.
See you Wednesday,