Course Description

Welcome to Teaching Anthropology!

This seminar is designed to introduce graduate students to the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching and learning in higher education. Topics include critical and liberatory pedagogies, theories of learning, course design and instructional strategies, inclusive teaching, and teaching in academic careers.

No previous or concurrent teaching experience is necessary.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Apply foundational instructional skills to develop undergraduate and graduate courses, design effective lessons, assess learning goals, and evaluate your own teaching.
  • Critically situate the teaching and learning of anthropology in a broader sociopolitical framework that includes theories of knowledge and power; institutional organization; academic labor practices; and racial, gendered, and economic inequities.
  • Articulate an intentional teaching philosophy and pedagogical approach to multiple audiences, including students, colleagues, and hiring and promotion committees.

Certificate in Teaching Excellence

This course fulfills most requirements for UCI’s Certificate in Teaching Excellence Program (CTEP). To receive the certificate, you should: 1) email Dr. Matthew Mahavongtrakul (mmahavon at with proof of completion of the course and 2) schedule three observations of your own teaching. Observations can be completed at any time (i.e., you do not need to finish the course to begin the observations).