Seminar Participation and Discussion Leadership (15%)
This class depends on student presence and engagement. Participation includes: being present in class and having completed the assigned readings; being able to constructively discuss the readings; and listening with integrity to what other students have to say.
This class will include extensive peer review and discussion of each students’ work. You should plan to engage in close reading of your colleagues’ work and to offer detailed, thoughtful feedback. You can expect to also receive such feedback from your colleagues.
In addition, you will facilitate two class discussions. You may conduct these sessions in any manner you choose, but your facilitation should focus on encouraging thoughtful discussion about the ideas raised in and related to the assigned reading. I encourage you to experiment with your pedagogy during these sessions.
Collective Annotation (15%)
The class will collectively annotate 1-2 assigned readings each week using To access the site, log in with your UCI Google account, and input our course code (sent via email).
Please contribute at least five (5) substantive annotations to each reading. Annotations may be thoughtful questions, comments, or context that you want to add. Some of your annotations may be in response to comments that your colleagues have already made. Please complete your annotations by Sunday and read through your colleagues’ responses before class.
Weekly Assignments (30%)
Each week, you will be asked to complete a series of small assignments that relate to the weekly theme and/or contribute to your final teaching portfolio. These include written reflections, activities supporting course and syllabus design, explorations of various teaching strategies, and professional/career materials. Detailed assignment instructions and templates are available on the course website.
Classroom Observations (10%)
Observe three (3) undergraduate class sessions during the quarter and record your notes in a log. These logs will be submitted with a synthesizing reflection in your final portfolio.
Teaching Portfolio (30%)
At the end of the course, you will submit a portfolio consisting of final versions of:
- A statement of teaching philosophy
- Two annotated course syllabi (one undergraduate and one graduate)
- Classroom observation log & reflections
- Sample course assignment
- Sample in-class activity