The following resources are RECOMMENDED to help you become familiar with the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher ed. Additional recommended resources are available under each week’s materials on this course website.
- Rice and McCurdy, Strategies in Teaching Anthropology
- Kottak et al., Teaching Anthropology: Problems, Issues, and Decisions
- Lang, Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning
- Svinicki and McKeachie, McKeachie’s Teaching Tips
- Nilson, Teaching At Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors
- West Virginia University Press series on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Journals and Periodicals
- Teaching & Learning Anthropology Journal
- Teaching Anthropology (RAI)
- Teaching Tools, Cultural Anthropology
- Learning & Teaching in the Social Sciences
- Teaching Sociology
- Teaching in Higher Education
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Inside Higher Ed
- Faculty Focus
- Pedagogy Unbound
- Stachoviak, Bonni, Teaching in Higher Ed
This syllabus builds on, adapts, and in some cases, reproduces ideas and language from the work of several educators. These include:
- Jill Fleuriet, Teaching Anthropology, University of Texas, San Antonio
- Jennifer Meta Robinson, Teaching Anthropology and Advanced Seminar in Pedagogy: Knowledge, Power, and Pedagogy, Indiana University
- Elizabeth (Betsy) Barre, Joshua Eyler, and Robin Paige, Principles of Effective College Teaching, Rice University
- Chris Kirk, Supervised Teaching in Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin
- Michel Estefan, Teaching Sociology, University of California, San Diego
Header photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash.