Required readings:
- Nilson, Linda B. 2016. Teaching at its Best. Excerpts.
- Jenks, Angela. 2022. “Reshaping General Education as the Practice of Freedom.” In Applying Anthropology to General Education, edited by Jennifer R. Wies and Hillary J. Haldane, 61-79. [Annotate in Perusall]
- Wightman, Abigail. 2019. “Diversity, Difference, and Safety: Adapting Service-Learning for Diverse Students.” Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal 2 (2).
- Ruth, Alissa et al. 2022. “Teaching Ethnographic Methods for Cultural Anthropology: Current Practices and Needed Innovation.” Teaching Anthropology 11 (2): 59-72.
- Rice, Patricia, David McCurdy, and Scott Lukas, eds. 2011. Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, 6th Edition. Skim Some Selections. [Full download also available: Instructions here.]
Assignment: For EACH of the courses you are designing:
- Identify the major teaching methods and instructional strategies your courses will use (i.e., lectures, discussions, problem-based learning, fieldwork, group projects, social media activity, etc.). Some of these may overlap with the course assignments.
- Begin outlining the weekly topics and course content (assigned readings and other materials). (Note: We will continue this over the next several weeks. You are not expected to have a completed schedule at this point.)
Recommended Resources:
- General overviews of instructional strategies
- Slavich and Zimbardo. 2012. “Transformational Teaching: Theoretical Underpinnings, Basic Principles, and Core Methods.” Educ Psychol Rev. 24(4): 569–608.
- “Instructional Strategies.” Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University.
- Lang, James. 2016. Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning. [Listen to an interview with the author here.]
- Approaches in Anthropology
- Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal
- Teaching Anthropology
- Teaching Tools, Cultural Anthropology
- Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 2004 special volume on Service Learning and Anthropology.
- Dumit, Joseph. 2014. “Writing the Implosion: Teaching the World One Thing at a Time.” Cultural Anthropology 29(2): 344–362.
- Wesch, Michael. “Anth 101.” [Look around the course, especially “Start,” “10 Lessons,” and “10 Challenges.”]
- Anthropologists Using Digital Assignments & Tools
- Cheuk, K. 2021. “Teaching Ethnographic Research Methods in the Time of COVID-19: Virtual Field Trips, a Web Symposium, and Public Engagement with Asian American Communities in Houston, Texas.” Teaching and Learning Anthropology, 4(1).
- Ricke, A. 2021. “Pivoting to Virtual Reality, Fostering Holistic Perspectives How to Create Anthropological 360° Video Exercises and Lectures.” Teaching and Learning Anthropology, 4(1).
- McGranahan, Carole. Using Social Media to Teach Theory to Undergraduate Students.
- Cook, Katherine. Four Hacks to Digitize your Anthropology Classroom. [Coding, Twitter, Timelines, Gamification]
- Cook, Katherine. Four More (Advanced) Hacks to Digitize your Anthropology Classroom. [GitHub for blogging, Podcasts and vlogs, Mapping platforms, Open data for student researchers]
- Martin, Carla. Digital Ethnography assignment. [Uses mapping, Zotero, and Wikipedia]
- Carter, Ben. Iron Lives. [Ongoing project by students in Senior Seminar in Anthropology at Muhlenberg College]
- Cultural Anthropology, Teaching Tools series Teaching with Digital Technology: An Introduction, Online Classes, and In-Class Applications.
- Textbooks and readings
- Antrosio, Jason. “Anthropology Course Textbooks.” Living Anthropologically.
- “Why Don’t Students Read?” Teaching Tools, Cultural Anthropology website, August 19, 2016. .
- Nelson, Katie. 2018. “Opening Access to Anthropology Textbooks.” Anthropology News, July 17.
- First day of class
- “First Day Activity: Ten Things You Believe to be True.“ Teaching Tools, Cultural Anthropology website, April 13. . 2016.
- McGuire, Erin. 2016. “Talking Timbits and Double Doubles: First Day Conversations in Anthropology 100.” Teaching Culture, August 22.
- Hermann, Anthony D. and David A. Foster. 2008. “Fostering approachability and classroom participation during the first day of class.” Active Learning in Higher Education 9(2): 139-151.
- Lecturing
- Harrington, Christine, Todd Zakrajsek, and Jose Antonio Bowen. 2017. Dynamic Lecturing: Research-Based Strategies to Enhance Lecture Effectiveness. [Listen to an interview with one of the authors here.]
- Fandrey, Ann. 2017. Academic Slide Design: Visual Communication for Teaching and Learning.
- Large Classes
- Wilsman, Adam. “Teaching Large Classes.” Vanderbilt Center for Teaching.
- Active Learning
- Jenks & Cox, Menu of Active Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Digital Pedagogy
- Watters, Audrey. “An Ed-Tech Guide: What Should Educators Know about Technology?” Hack Education
- Morris, Sean Michael and Jesse Stommel. 2018. An Urgency of Teachers: The Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy.
- Gonzales, Amy L., Jessica McCrory Calarco, Teresa Lynch. 2018. “Technology Problems and Student Achievement Gaps: A Validation of the Technology Maintenance Construct.” Communication Research 1-21.