From: Treseder KK, Lennon JT. 2015. Fungal traits that drive ecosystem dynamics on land. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 79:243-262.
Budding growth forms—typical of yeasts—tend to allow better stress tolerance (Whiteway and Bachewich 2007), perhaps because each cell is encased in a protective cell wall. In contrast, in many filamentous fungi, cells can be connected, allowing water and solutes to flow between them (Cairney 1992, Klein and Paschke 2004). This connectivity can leave the cells more vulnerable to water loss (Beck et al. 2013). Yet, a trade-off of the budding growth form is that single-celled organisms must obtain resources from the micro-environment that immediately surrounds them. Their activities may slow or halt when one or more nutrients become limiting within this micro-site (Schimel and Bennett 2004).
In contrast, filamentous fungi do not have this restriction, since they can forage over relatively long distances—up to several meters for some species (Smith et al. 1992, Legrand et al. 1996, Boddy 1999). As a result, decomposition is often faster when filamentous fungi translocate nutrients to meet their stoichiometric needs—such as transferring N from soil to maintain fungal growth on plant litter with high C:N ratios (Boddy and Watkinson 1995, Frey et al. 2003, Gartner and Cardon 2004, Chigineva et al. 2011, Berglund et al. 2013, Li and Fahey 2013). In this sense, the filamentous growth form can indirectly augment C mineralization in ecosystems, via a mechanism that is not likely to occur with budding growth forms.
Lennon et al. (2012) recently reported that fungal taxa differed in preferred moisture availability under laboratory conditions. They assayed yeasts as well as free-living filamentous fungi. In a follow-up analysis of their published data, we observed that the yeasts displayed significantly lower optimum water potentials (i.e., greater drought tolerance) than did free-living filamentous fungi. Other researchers have found that yeasts are common in glacier ice in Antarctica and elsewhere, where water availability and temperature are extremely low (Gunde-Cimerman et al. 2003, Buzzini et al. 2012).
Note: Some fungi are dimorphic– they can grow as yeasts or as filamentous fungi. Several of these are pathogens, and will switch to the yeast or filamentous form (whichever is pathogenic) when exposed to the body temperatures of the host. I am not an expert in this area, so I have a question: Have any studies been done on non-pathogenic dimorphic fungi to compare environmental responses for each morphology? In other words, I’d like to know if the yeast form is more stress-tolerant than the filamentous form of the same species. If you know of any, would you mind please leaving a comment?
Beck, J., B. Echtenacher, and F. Ebel. 2013. Woronin bodies, their impact on stress resistance and virulence of the pathogenic mould Aspergillus fumigatus and their anchoring at the septal pore of filamentous Ascomycota. Mol Microbiol 89:857-871.
Berglund, S. L., G. I. Agren, and A. Ekblad. 2013. Carbon and nitrogen transfer in leaf litter mixtures. Soil Biol Biochem 57:341-348.
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Buzzini, P., E. Branda, M. Goretti, and B. Turchetti. 2012. Psychrophilic yeasts from worldwide glacial habitats: diversity, adaptation strategies and biotechnological potential. Fems Microbiology Ecology 82:217-241.
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