Former Lab Manager
Maria is now a Psychology PhD student at the University of California, Davis in the Mind Emotion Development Lab. She is interested in interpersonal emotion regulation, social support, and the role of close relationships as protective factors during adolescence and young adulthood. Maria has research experience in a variety of research areas including emotion regulation, close relationships, social decision-making, young adulthood, and early life adversity.
Maria Calderon Leon was the lab manager for the UCI Measuring Undergraduate Success Trajectories (UCI-MUST) project from July 2021 to August 2023. She received her Bachelor of Science in Psychobiology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2020. While at UCLA she was a research assistant in the Social Affective Neuroscience and Development (SAND) Lab under Dr. Jennifer Silvers. After graduating from UCLA she continued to collaborate with the SAND Lab and joined the Brain and Body Lab at UCLA under Dr. Bridget Callaghan as a Senior Research Assistant. She was also a research assistant at the Santa Fe Institute with Dr. Mirta Galesic and Henrik Olsson prior to joining the UCI-MUST project.
Calderon Leon, M.D.*, Guassi Moreira, J.F.*, Saragosa-Harris, N., Waizman, Y., Sedykin, A., Peris, T.S.**, & Silvers, J.A.** (2022) Parent and Friend Relationship Quality and Trajectories of Loneliness During the First Year of College. Child Psychiatry & Human Development 10.1007/s10578-022-01416-6 *equal author contribution **equal author contribution
Guassi Moreira, J. F., Sahi, R. S., Calderon Leon, M. D., Saragosa-Harris, N. M., Waizman, Y. H., Sedykin, A. E., … Silvers, J. A. (2021, April 30). A Data-Driven Typology of Emotion Regulation Profiles. PsyArXiv.
Calderon Leon, M.D., Guassi Moreira, J.F., Saragosa-Harris, N., Waizman, Y., Sedykin, A., Peris, T.S., & Silvers, J.A. (2020, May). Parent and Peer Relationship Quality Correlates With Loneliness During the College Transition. Poster for the 29th Annual UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA
Calderon Leon, M.D., Guassi Moreira, J.F., Saragosa-Harris, N., Waizman, Y., Sedykin, A., Peris, T.S., & Silvers, J.A. (2020, May). Parent and Friend Relationship Quality Predict Loneliness During the Transition to College. Pre-recorded video presentation for the UCLA Undergraduate Research Showcase, Los Angeles, CA