Our Team

Principal Investigator

Richard Arum

Professor of Education, Sociology, Criminology and Law and Society

Co-Principal Investigator

Michael Dennin

Dean of the Division of Undergraduate Education and Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning at UCI, Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Affiliated Faculty

Gustavo Carlo

Professor of Education

Nia Nixon

Assistant Professor of Education

Jacquelynne Eccles

Distinguished Professor of Education and Psychology

Jutta Heckhausen

Professor of Psychological Science

Brian Sato

Associate Dean, Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation and Professor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Mark Warschauer

Professor of Education and Informatics, Director of the Digital Learning Lab, and Director of the UCI Teaching and Learning Research Center

Di Xu

Associate Professor of Education

Project Researchers

Jackie Cavazos

Postdoctoral Scholar

David Chang

Project Coordinator

Faith Ann Couts

Ph.D. in Education Student

Jeffrey M. DeVries

Postdoctoral Scholar

Qiujie Li

Postdoctoral Scholar

Xunfei Li

Ph.D. in Education Student

Don Mathew

Data Warehouse Developer

Project Affiliates

Lisa Bardach

Assistant Professor, University of Tübingen

Maria Calderon

Psychology PhD student at the University of California, Davis

Former Lab Manager

Martin Dybdahl

PhD scholar in Department of Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute

Christian Fischer

Assistant Professor of Education, University of Tübingen

Monique Harrison

Institutional Researcher, Cornell University

Rosa Lavelle-Hill

Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen

Luise von Keyserlingk

Assistant Professor, University of Tübingen

Hye Rin Lee

Postdoctoral Scholar at University of Delaware

Oded Mcdossi

Assistant Professor, University of Haifa

Julia Moeller

Assistant Professor of Educational
Psychology, University of Leipzig

Gabriel Orona

Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Tübingen

Charlott Rubach

Junior Professor at University of Rostock

Renzhe Yu

Assistant Professor, Teachers College Columbia University

Research Assistants

Jessica Cai

Anthony Cusimano

Nguyen Dong

Yvette Jackson

Cindy Li

Kayla Phuong Hoang

Danielle Shariff

Clarabelle Suhandinata

Grace Swanberg

Mia Victoria Usui

Connie Yang

Lab Alumni