Ph.D. in Education Student


Faith is a graduate student researcher contributing to the UCI Measuring Undergraduate Success Trajectories (UCI-MUST) project while concurrently pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Education with a specialization in Education Policy and the Social Context. She holds a B.A. in Social Policy and Public Service from the University of California, Irvine, where she conducted multiple years of research examining the experiences of transfer students, particularly those from first-generation, low-income, and historically underrepresented backgrounds, during their transition to a 4-year university.

Guided by her early life experiences as a single parent and return to higher education after a 28-year break, Faith’s research interests center around exploring factors that shape successful adjustment and flourishing in college transfer students. This unique perspective informs her academic pursuits and infuses her work with a deep sense of purpose. Faith remains committed to enhancing education policy and promoting equity and opportunity in higher education throughout her educational journey.