Category Archives: Garden News 2021

Turning over a new leaf: Spring planting

Hey everybody,

With the start of March we are looking forward to longer days and warmer weather which of course means that planting warm weather crops is ideal!

Here are some suggestions for the upcoming months:

March: basil, beets, carrots, bush and pole beans, corn, green onions, kale, lettuce, radishes, spinach, summer and winter squash, Swiss chard, zucchini – can also transplant basil or rosemary plants

April: basil, beets, bush and pole beans, cantaloupe, cucumbers, eggplant, okra, peppers, radishes, summer and winter squash, tomatoes, zucchini – can also transplant rosemary, basil, or tomato plants

We are also going to be more vigilant about the gophers. We will be getting more traps to help with the issue. Also you can do your part when you see gopher tunnels. Block tunnels with bricks or rocks. Plant gopher repellant plants. Use gopher traps as needed. Flush out gopher tunnels with water.

We also have some dirt from the compost pile that is up for grabs next to the herb/flower garden and across from the shed.

Lastly, are you looking for a way to get more involved? We currently have gardeners helping with weeding and composting and will also be needing help working in the orchard, restoring plots with bad soil, helping maintain the herb/flower garden, etc. If you haven’t received an email about helping, feel free to email me at to get involved.