Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument By Leo Redlefsen
In this 3-and-a-half-minute audio tour “Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument,” Leo Redlefsen informs listeners about the Texas State Capitol’s Vietnam Veterans Monument. He outlines the Monument’s prime location, in addition to its origin and core purpose. He specifically utilizes local news media, such as Covo’s work in La Presna (2013) and Hadley’s article in The Capital Crowd (2008), to describe the reaction from local communities to the Monument’s inception and construction. All references regarding the Monument itself were gathered from various web sources, including the Texas State Preservation Board (2023), 3417 Project (2016), and H.R.C 36 (2005).
Covo, A. (2013, April 21). Texas honors Vietnam Vets. La Prensa :: C O M U N I D A D. https://web.archive.org/web/20130508205416/http://www.laprensasa.com/301_c-o-m-u-n-i-d-a-d/2019228_texas-honors-vietnam-vets.html
Hadley, R. (2008, May 26). The capitol crowd: Vietnam veterans memorial proposed for Capitol Grounds. https://web.archive.org/web/20131221215847/http://capitolcrowd.blogspot.com/2 008/05/vietnam-veterans-memorial-proposed-for.html
H.R.C 36, 2005 Biennium, 2005 Reg. Sess. (TX. 2005). S.P.B. (2023). Vietnam veterans monument. SPB. https://tspb.texas.gov/prop/tcg/tcg-monuments/20-vietnam-veterans/index.html#: ~:text=Erected%202014%20by%20the%20Texas%20Capitol%20Vietnam%20Ve terans%20Monument%20Committee.&text=The%20monument%20features%20f ive%20bronze,War%20(1964%2D1973)
3417, P. (2016, July 1). The 3417 project. Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument. http://tcvvm.org/the-3417-project/#:~:text=The%20Dog%20Tags&text=One%20s et%20of%20these%20Texas,Museum%20of%20the%20American%20Gi.