Court of Flags Vietnam Memorial Tour By Guadalupe Gaspar

Mariana “Mare” Grohowski · Court of Flags Vietnam Memorial Tour By Guadalupe Gaspar


In the audio tour titled “Court of Flags Vietnam Memorial Tour,” by Guadalupe Gaspar, we are informed about the Vietnam Memorial located at the Court of Flags. The audio tour is 3 minutes and 47 seconds long. Gaspar describes the location of the memorial, which is in Downtown Los Angeles, as well as the significance this memorial brings to the community. Furthermore, Gaspar informs us of a few fun facts this memorial has to offer such as how the artist of the memorial served in the armed forces. Lastly, we are informed on how the helmet of the memorial is controversial with the exclusion of nurses who served in Vietnam. Information was gathered through: Los Angeles County Arts and Culture (Vietnam Memorial, 2023), and California WaterColor (Frank Ackerman Biography 2023).



California Watercolor. (n.d.). Frank Ackerman Biography. California Watercolor.

Vietnam Memorial. LA County Department of Arts and Culture. (2023, January 5).



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