Selected Publications

Selected Publications

Williams, K., Ragan, K., Magnus, A., & Gonzalez, V. (in press). Death Under Review: Differentiating Lethal and Nonlethal Intimate Partner Violence. In Parker, Karen & Mancik, Ashley. Taking Stock of Homicide: Trends, Emerging Themes, and the Challenges. Temple University Press

Gonzalez, V.V., (2023). I Was Penalized for Learning a Language at Home. [Letter to the editor]. Sapiens – Anthropology Magazine.

Gonzalez, V.V., Rios, J.M. (2023) Conceptions of Recovery and Relapse of Severe Mental Illness from the Perspective of Mental Health Personnel in Mexico City. Int J Ment Health Addiction.

Gonzalez, V.V. (2022, February 07). Involving the Public in the Scientific Process. Research Justice Shop.