
Post your questions for week 10 below

5 thoughts on “W10

  1. What are some of the intersections between Blackness and celebrity? How does Marixa Lasso’s “Myths of Racial Harmony” compare/relate to Alberto’s book?

  2. How does Paulina Alberto’s argument about the “disappearance” of Black Afroporteños compares to Jorge Delgadillo’s argument about the “erasure” of Afro Mexicans in Guadalajara (Mexico)?

    Can we expand further on how Alberto distinguishes between “story” and “narrative”?

  3. How does the author differentiate fictional and nonfictional stories about Raúl? How can new narratives be created (that is not only academic but able to reach the popular circles) to replace the distorted racial assumptions made to demoralize and eliminate minority/ethnic diverse groups such as Afro-Argentines?

  4. How racial stories about Raul Grigera were connected with narratives about Whiteness and Blackness?
    Blackness and citizenship: ( in chapter 1 ) How Alberto explains the integration of Black people into citizenship ?

  5. How does Paulina L. Alberto’s book contest national and local narratives of “whiteness?”

    Why is African ancestry frowned upon in Latin America? (This is an underlying theme in this week’s reading and throughout this class)

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