UPDATE: the seminar resumed to be in person. See the page for the updates

Thursday, 11:00-12:00 (Pacific Time). Room RH 306.  Zoom ID: 949 5980 5461. Password: the last four digits of the zoom ID in the reverse order

The talks are uploaded on the youtube channel

Fall 2022

Nov 10  Alexandros Eskenazis, Sorbonne
“Dimension reduction for incompressible subsets of $\ell_p$”

Nov 24  Haonan Zhang, IST Austria/UCI

Dec 1  Christos Saroglou, University of Ioannina


Spring 2022

May 19  Ruixiang Zhang, UC Berkeley
“A stationary set method for estimating oscillatory integrals”

May 26  Yizhe Zhu, UCI
“The characteristic polynomial of sums of random permutations”

June 30  Malik Younsi, University of Hawaii
“Continuous analytic capacity, rectifiability and holomorphic motions”
(the talk is scheduled at 3:00pm)


Winter 2022

Feb 17     Jose Madrid,  UCLA
“On classical inequalities for autocorrelations and autoconvolutions”

Feb 24    Rachel Greenfeld, UCLA
“Decidability and periodicity of translational tilings”

Feb 25  Pavel Zatitskiy, St. Petersburg State University
“Sharp multiplicative inequality on BMO”

Mar 3     Fedor Sandomirskiy, Caltech
“Measures with given marginals and information economics”


Fall 2021

Oct 7        March Boedihardjo, UCI
“Estimating average of function on Boolean cube without risk”

Oct 14     no seminar

Oct 21      Stefan Steinerberger, UW
“The Nicest Average and New Uncertainty Principles for the Fourier Transform”

Oct 28    Jesse Gell-Redman, University of Melbourne
“A Fredholm approach to scattering”

Nov 4      Dmitriy Stolyarov, St. Petersburg State University
On Maz’ya’s \Phi-inequalities

Nov 18.    Alex Samorodnitsky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“A moment ratio bound for polynomials on the boolean cube”

Dec 2.    Gabriel Rivière, Université de Nantes
Meromorphic continuation of Poincaré series


Winter 2020

Jan 15.    Fernando QuintinoUCI
“Phase transition of capacity for the uniform $G_{\delta}$-sets and another counterexample to Nevanlinna’s conjecture”

Feb 10.    Fedor Petrov, St. Petersburg
“Selberg integral and polynomial identities”

Feb 19.    Ioan Bejenaru, UCSD
“The multilinear restriction estimates for hypersurfaces with curvature”


Fall 2019

Nov 21.    Hamid Hezari, UCI
“The inverse spectral problem for ellipses”

Dec 5.    Paata Ivanisvili, UCI
“Fourier analysis and discrete structures”

Dec 12.    Tomasz Tkocz, CMU
“Volume of intersections of convex bodies with their symmetric images and efficient coverings”

Dec 19.    Alexander LogunovPrinceton
“Geometry of nodal domains”