It was with great sadness that the staff of Special Collections & Archives heard the news of Jack Peltason’s passing. Although most staff members never met him in person, they came to know him through his collections housed in the Special Collections and Archives Department. Jack Peltason joined the faculty of UCI as Dean of the College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences in 1963 while the campus was still in the planning stages. He was named second vice chancellor of academic affairs in 1964. He was a pivotal part of events and decisions such as recruiting faculty until he left UCI in 1967 to return to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Peltason returned to UCI in 1984 to become the university’s second chancellor. He held this post from 1984-1992.
The Special Collections and Archives is honored to preserve and provide access to the materials that document his extraordinary contributions to UCI and the community.
Our collections include:
- University of California, Irvine Chancellor Jack W. Peltason records, AS-031
- Jack Peltason papers, MS.F.019
- Oral Histories
- Film of Chancellor Peltason’s Inauguration, 1985
- Hundreds of photos throughout various collections, some of which you can view below.
- Peltason’s inauguration ceremony, 1985
- Bridge Dedication with Chancellor Jack Peltason, and former Chancellor Aldrich, 1985
- Bridge Dedication with Chancellor Jack Peltason, 1985
- Mr. and Mrs. Peltason, 1992 June
- 1967 Commencement, Vice Chancellor J.W. Peltason, 1967 June 10
- Chancellor Peltason Inauguration, 1985