The UCI campus in the decade of the 80’s was a rad venue for seeing well-known bands of the time perform. Ever heard of Missing Persons, Oingo Boingo, or X? The Associated Students of the University of California in Irvine (ASUCI) invited groups such as these to provide entertainment to the campus community.
Here are scans from just a few of the materials in this collection consisting mainly of backstage passes and oversized posters for events from 1976 to 2006.
From ASUCI records. AS-160.
The collection comprises the records of the Associated Students, University of California, Irvine from 1974 to 2006. The materials in this collection consist mainly of photographs, invoices, receipts, business memoranda, correspondence, forms, internal affairs, organizing activities, backstage passes to events, and oversized posters for events such as Wayzgoose, Reggae Fest, Homecoming, and entertainment provided by ASUCI to the campus community.
– Ziba Zehdar, UCI Special Collections and Archives intern