In 1965, while the campus grounds were being prepared for the first trees and plants, the campus landscape architects viewed some of their options for the first plantings. With the help of the University’s Agricultural Field Station near El Toro, seeds and cuttings from Southern California and from botanical gardens in the area were prepared for planting on campus.
Campus Landscaping
What a difference 25 years makes
To fully experience this series of photos, please follow the instructions below.
Step 1. Cue up Dinah Washington’s “What a difference a day makes”. (Even if it’s just in the music player inside your brain.)
Step 2. This photo shows an aerial view of the campus in February 1964. Do the math — that’s 50 years ago! To the month!
Step 3. These photos show the rapid construction carried out between April and June 1964. Construction is something we’re all familiar with on this campus — high five the next crew you see! Maybe they won’t like that. Maybe just slow down your vehicle as you pass work zones.
- Aerial view, June 1964
- Aerial view, April 1964
- Aerial view, April 1964
Step 4. October 1966, a full year after the first, first day of classes. Try to spot familiar landmarks! Buildings! Part of Aldrich Park! Is that the Back Bay?
Step 5. Aerial view of the campus, March 1989 — does this look more like us?
Step 6. Next time you manage to get your nose out of a computer, take a deep breath and walk around the campus. Construction continues to this day. How do we look as a 50 year old campus? Probably not a day over 30. Har har.
Photos from AS-056. Early Campus Photograph Albums and AS-061. University Communications photographs. Special Collections and Archives, The UC Irvine Libraries, Irvine, California.
First Campus Landscaping in 1965 and 1966

Coulson Tough (Left, Campus Architect) and Gene Uematsu (Right, Landscape Architect) inspect new plants for the campus in August 1965.
The two people primarily responsible for the early campus landscaping that has resulted in the wide variety of trees and plants that we now enjoy on campus were Coulson Tough (Campus Architect) and Gene Uematsu (Landscape Architect). The photographs (below) of the grounds preparation and the new campus landscaping were taken in 1965 and 1966.