Crystal Ho

In a world consumed by consumerism, I found myself fighting the urge to buy things constantly. If I was stressed, I would be on Amazon looking for anything to buy; if I was out and about, I would shuffle impulse items by the checkout counter into my cart without a second thought. This was all made easy with online banking and the option of credit/debit card usage.

When I deprived myself of a week without purchasing anything online, I missed the immediate gratification of seeing the order confirmation page load, and not having to face how much I just spent. I was running away from the guilt of my own consumerism and this became apparent throughout my deprivation week. I replaced my use of money with its original format: cash, and only purchased necessities such as food and toiletries.

The availability of online banking and e-commerce from sites like Amazon is convenient, and has helped people obtain goods and services from all over the world. However, overuse of this form of digital media feeds into the cycle of consumerism. I felt frustration from being deprived of my wants for a portion of the deprivation week, but near the end, I realized I felt liberated and overall, more financially aware. Drawing from this inspiration, I recreated that same frustration in the form of the same medium that caused me that frustration, and hope that it will liberate others in the same way.


Joby Aquino

As a third year mechanical engineer, I have chosen a powerful program to deprive myself of for three days: Microsoft Excel. With the rigorous equations that solve questions in the matter of mechanical vibrations, fluid mechanics, and mechanical properties of materials (my classes this quarter), I have grown dependent on Excel. In assignments, I compared my answers to peers and found that my answers were incorrect as well as taking more time to finish. In this stage of engineering, grasping of fundamentals is more important than rudimentary calculations. I felt isolated in my deprivation and did not fit the criteria of a 21st century engineer. I had initially thought that my dependence on Excel and its calculators were trivial, but as the duration went on, I felt like I had wasted my time doing simple calculations without the program.

This entire piece is a performance art satirizing 4’33” by John Cage. In this piece, I push an agenda of art meeting engineering; I challenge the notion of what art is. With a technical background and not much expertise in formal art study, I push the malleable boundaries of art and explore how far I can go. I have made plenty of creative videos ranging from shorts to music videos and a lot of projects in between; I purposely made this video very rough to emulate the intentions of composer John Cage. Much like an engineer is without a calculator, a musician is nothing without music.


Vicky Chai

I started drawing traditional art ever since elementary school. By the time I reached high school, I stopped drawing. During my freshmen year of college, I picked up my art again and started an Instagram account entirely for my artwork. In less than a year, I established a decent number of followers and drew over a hundred pieces, more than I ever had in my whole life. I was exposed to an unknown but huge Instagram art community and made new art friends. My followers and non-followers gave me hope and motivation to create artwork, by liking my posts and giving me positive comments.

I deprived myself of Instagram for two weeks. During this time, I lost my dedication to draw. I tried drawing but did not enjoy it as much as I did when I knew I would post my artwork on Instagram; “What’s there to create if no one else can see it?” I thought. I chose this type of deprivation because I wanted to know how dependent I was on social media for my art. It turns out, I was dependent on it. Am I just drawing to gain new followers and more likes, or because I enjoy it?

I created this video through an inspiration of an Instagram watercolor artist, cindylaneart. In the video, I stated that “Art is my addiction or… is it?” Through a series of watercolor clips, the ending result was a painting of Instagram’s logo. Am I addicted to drawing or am I addicted to Instagram? This project sparked me to believe that I am addicted to both; both coexists to provoke a motivation to draw.

372 thoughts on “Erin’s Exemplary Projects

  • March 24, 2017 at 9:36 am

    Hi Joby, at first i did not understand your clip, it was only after i neared the end did i understand what you wanted. Very good job0

  • March 24, 2017 at 2:11 am

    Hi Vicky, I also did my deprivation on Instagram. I think that a lot of the questions and realizations you came across during your deprivation were some of the same questions I was asking myself. I enjoyed your art and I like how you chose to make a video out of it instead of just taking a picture of the final product. I think that the video and the music really added to your project as a whole.

  • March 24, 2017 at 2:09 am

    Hi Joby, I’ll be honest, I was a little confused throughout your short clip and did not fully understand the message you were trying to get across. It wasn’t until after that I realized what you did your deprivation on. I think it would’ve been helpful to the audience if you talked before you video segments to help them understand what you were doing. However, I think that after understanding your project, I thought it was very good and I loved that you related it so well to the class by using 4’33 by John Cage.

  • March 23, 2017 at 11:56 pm

    I really enjoyed the virtual website. It’s something noone has done before in the past and is a perfect example of what I find as my own addiction. I’m constantly online shopping and a lot of times I never end up buying much so a lot of my time is wasted. It’s nice to see how you incorporated your deprivation so creatively.

  • March 23, 2017 at 11:48 pm

    I really enjoyed browsing the online shop website you created, “Deprivation.” I can tell that a lot of effort was put in as the site looks quite credible and as real as other online retailer sites. What stood out to me the most are the simple descriptions of what the “retail site” offers such as the “I’m a product.” I feel that these short descriptions really define how consumerism can be blinded by online shopping and how we waste money on unimportant products for insignificant reasons.

  • March 23, 2017 at 11:46 pm

    Hi Vicky
    I think your project did a good job in showing the realization you had during your deprivation- the fact that you may only be painting now because of instagram. Your choice in making the video about you painting, which was your supposed addiction, leading to the painting actually being the instagram logo was a fantastic way to bring show this. Your video was nice and creative!

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:41 pm

    Hey Crystal,
    I really liked your deprivation project. It was very unique and I was really impressed! When it was presented in class I thought that it looked like a legitimate online shopping website! I also liked how you made the website your medium to represent your deprivation project because it was what you deprived yourself of. I thought it was really smart of you to prevent the “customer” from checking out to represent the frustration you experienced when you deprive yourself of online shopping. Your project was really creative!

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:34 pm

    Hi Vicky, I absolutely loved your video project!! I think that watercoloring art is wonderful and I’m really interested in following your Instagram page to see your other art work (seriously can you link me!!) Anyway, the mixing of watercolors you captured were so satisfying to watch and the music choice was also great. I noticed that some of the clips were shaky so I’m wondering if you filmed this video while watercoloring?! Because if you did WOW you rock! But if you didn’t, your video still rocks!!

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:10 pm

    Joby, I do not trust myself to calculate simple algebra and you gave up excel as an engineer. I commend the dedication and I like that you strayed from the typical phone related deprivation. I am not sure that a GE is worth hurting your major GPA but hopefully your grades did not suffer. If it did, you should definitely earn some extra credit on your project.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:05 pm

    Vicky, I really liked your project I thought it was very creative. From the beginning to the end you had my attention. Your ending really tied your video together and really left me thinking about my addiction to social media. Your project overall was great!

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:56 pm

    Vicky, definitely like the correlation between Instagram and your art. From what it sounds like your drawing exists because of Instagram. However, I do not see the link the other way, I am not so sure you would quit Instagram, if you gave up drawing first. I can tell you are a very good artist with years of experience, by the precision in your strokes.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:55 pm

    While watching Joby Aquino’s video, I felt almost genuine horror as I realized that they gave up using technology to do math and did it by hand on a piece of paper. I am not even a math/science major, but I can’t even imagine doing that to myself- not necessarily for complicated math problems (that I don’t do anymore) but for even simple calculations for everyday life. I always thought it was funny how elementary teachers said we wouldn’t be carrying calculators in our pockets in the real world, but years later, practically everyone does.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:43 pm

    Crystal, I don’t think I could ever have the patience to create a website for a project. Partially because I do not know where to begin. Besides that though, I like how the outcome of the purchase evoked frustration, that you felt during the deprivation period. I also felt similar during my experiment, but overall mine turned out to be a positive experience. While yours was more of a negative experience, but your project was much more creative. I was also impressed at the detail put into both the website and the artist statement. Without the artist statement, I do not think I would have figured out the frustration aspect of the deprivation.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:36 pm

    Joby’s project was interesting and very funny to me. His interpretation of the original piece was very genuine. I found it very funny because it was silent.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:33 pm

    Hi Vicky,

    I really liked the video that you made for this project. The message behind your project is profound. At first, the shots of you painting make it seem as though you only enjoy painting. However, near the end of the video, we get the bigger picture. We understand how you are addicted to both painting as well as portraying your artwork on Instagram. The cinematography of this project is unique because it reminds me of those live art demonstrations, when the audience does not get the whole picture until the very end.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:32 pm

    Hi Crystal,
    I think your idea is really novel and creative. I haven’t seen anybody who choose to deprive themselves from online buying. The rapidly development of online shopping really makes shopping easier because you don’t have to even step out of your room when you want to buy something. It is convenient and it saves a lot of time. You don’t have to wait in line anymore to get what you want. However, the ease of buying causes other problems like excessive consuming and impulse purchase. I have the same problem, too. Sometimes I suddenly realize that I have spent a lot of money however I don’t even remember I have bought and some of them are even useless to me.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:25 pm

    Hello Vicky,

    I’ve never done water color in my life, so seeing the dyes (?) up close and moving through the fluid was satisfying. I’m learning about fluid mechanics in my classes and I can see the mash up between engineering and art in your project. Within your video, I see the boundary layer of viscous flow through a medium and the colors diffusing together is beautiful. Your art is aesthetic and I appreciate your contribution to this class.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:16 pm

    Hello Crystal,

    Your video is well-polished. Every aspect of that site has been well thought of and has the actual aesthetic I see in a lot of “elite” websites where they sell products for crazy amounts of markup and justify that cost by romanticizing the idea their inferior product. This reminds me of when Supreme sold a piece of brick for around $30 if I recall correctly. Our consumerist mindset leads to lots of excess and your project gives a lot of insight on how our minds work while shopping and seeking instant gratification.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    Hi Joby,
    I agree with you that Microsoft Excel is one of the greatest, most powerful, most important software applications of all time. It provides enormous capacity to do quantitative analysis, letting you do anything from statistical analyses of databases with hundreds of thousands of records to complex estimation tools.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:06 pm

    Hi, Crystal,
    I really love your project. I would say if I deprived myself from purchasing anything online, I would definitely had the same feeling as you and missed the immediate gratification and joy of seeing the order confirmation page load.

  • March 23, 2017 at 8:51 pm

    Crystal I really liked your project it was really creative and well thought out! The details you used like the description messages really made your project and added so much meaning . I really liked your idea of the check out portion it really was eye opening and was thought provoking in regards to online shopping.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:53 pm

    Hi Joby,
    John Cage is definitely one of my favorite composer, the 4’33” is his famous open ended silent piece. It is very creative of you to utilize this piece for your project. I am not an engineer major, but you have demonstrated your pointed very clearly — How much trial works you need to do without excel. Nice work.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:45 pm

    Hey Crystal,
    I really enjoyed your project. The fact that it looks like an actual website where you buy things shows how much time and effort you put into it. I really like how this is different type of interaction with technology. Most people would deprive themselves of social media. I tend to do a lot of online shopping so I understand how you feel. I also really like the comments for the products. It shows how we waste money on unimportant things. We waste money on things that look nice or interesting but don’t really need.

    • March 23, 2017 at 9:05 pm

      Hi Daniel,

      I agree with your comments. I don’t think I realize how addicted I am to online shopping until someone says something to me. I had friend who would always say “dang you’re on Amazon again??!!” and then I would sit there embarrassed. Actually I don’t realize how much I spend until I see my bank account. Crystal did a nice job illustrating this.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:40 pm

    Hey Vicky,
    I really enjoyed your drawing. At first I wasn’t sure on what you were drawing, but as it got towards the end I immediately noticed the Instagram logo. I can understand what you are saying because I am always on Instagram. Your project was simple but it had a clear and powerful message. Our lives do not need to be focused on social media. There are so many other things in our lives that have a bigger importance. You showed that by scribbling in the end to show how we do not need Instagram. We don’t need the “likes” from others but instead need to enjoy what we do.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:38 pm

    Hi Joby,

    As a fellow engineering myself, I could definitely relate with your piece. While I don’t use Excel much myself, I could imagine how much more tedious your engineering work was without it. The way the video was put together was great as the viewer could tell right off the bat how much more time consuming basic calculations are without assistance of programs. The analog watch used as a timer was also a nice touch to the video as it further removed the dependency of technology (as opposed to using a timer app such as on your phone).

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:38 pm


    I really like your idea of the project for “what’s there to create if no one else can see it”. It really helped me get an idea for what you were thinking when you were going through your deprivation. I don’t have social media, so posting things for everyone to see is something I’m not that familiar with, but this really helped imagine it. The reason I can live this way is because I was raised with a different quote where I was told what makes you who you truly are is what you do when no one is looking. It really interesting to see someone else’s perspective about life and how they conduct themselves. Great job with the project.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:32 pm

    Hi Vicky,
    your video is only one minute but it is very beautiful and affording for thought. You wrote, “art is my addiction or it is ?”, and you used instagram as your tool to create this project.Your video made a realization to me. I have reflected myself to your video. You have mentioned that you loved drawing and started your instagram account, but you realized that you are drawing not for your enjoyment anymore but maybe for more followers comments and likes. It happens to me too, I like taking photos and post it in instagram, but slowly, I began to take photos because there are people wanted to see and in return the likes that I got I feel happy. However, my original intension fades away.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:01 pm

    Hi Joby,

    I thought that you parody of 4’33” was creative and that your message was profound. I must admit that during lecture, I did not quite get the message behind the video. However, after delving further into your project, I saw that the numbers between your handwritten calculations as well as the calculations on Excel were different, thereby illustrating how much engineers rely on excel. This was a really creative take on 4’33”, and I completely relate to your troubles. Going into Finance and Accounting, I cringe at the thought of having to add up values manually.

  • March 23, 2017 at 6:34 pm

    Hello Joby,

    Your parody of 4’33” was very clever. I’m an engineer as well and I know how often we use programs to help us with many of the calculation that are very difficult or too long to do by hand. I really applaud you for getting through that. As for the project, it was like the mathematical version of 4’33” which is something I didn’t even think about doing. It actually got me thinking about what other parodies one could do for other subjects besides math music. What would this look like for someone that’s into exercise for example? Great project.

  • March 23, 2017 at 6:29 pm

    Your project for the website was incredibly creative. I really like how you displayed to impulsively buy items and how tempting it is to see an item you may not necessarily need, but just by it because its on sale, you may buy it. Also, I really enjoyed what happens when you actually try to check out. I think the best thing about the website is how believable it actually is and if I showed this to someone not in this class, they probably would believe it was an actual site. That’s when you know you did it right. Anyways, it was a great project and really shows how your deprivation influenced you. Great job

    • March 23, 2017 at 6:32 pm

      My apologies, this is suppose to be for Crystal’s project. I didn’t mention it at the top of the comment.

  • March 23, 2017 at 4:24 pm

    Hi Crystal,

    Your website was really amazing. It seemed very legit, and although I’m not familiar with creating websites, It seems very good! I know that you mentioned in class that some things weren’t working properly, but I don’t think that whatever that technicality is, is obvious at all. I don’t even know what it is. It’s a great project and I can understand the feeling when you buy something online because I buy things for my online games, and the feeling of receiving it and spending it is such a …high …to put it… that it feels great for about 2 minutes before you’ve spent it all. Good luck on your future endeavors.

  • March 23, 2017 at 3:46 pm

    Hi Crystal,

    I thought your project was such an interesting idea. The concept of making an art project by using a website that wouldn’t technically be considered art is such an incredibly unique idea. Also, your attention to the small details you incorporated in your project was very fascinating, it made me really take time and go through all the things and pages you had made. Super smart idea.

  • March 23, 2017 at 3:32 pm


    I liked the way you decided to present your experience. for my interpretation, I can think of the pen/brush as a shot of drugs that spread poison in us and make us more addicted to it. Also, I like the creativity of using the water coloring to draw/design the logo of Instagram.

  • March 23, 2017 at 3:14 pm

    I like that Joby challenges what art is with his project and I think it shows that engineering is an art. Engineers have to finesse formulas, equations, and numbers. Engineering problems are juxtaposed with the givens and unknowns and it becomes an art to figure out the correct calculations, they put the numbers in the right place like painters put paint in the right place.

    • March 23, 2017 at 9:48 pm

      I would have to agree that engineering is an art as well. Derivations of equations from hundreds of equations take manipulation just like how artists manipulate through their medium. Thank you for your input and it’s another way that people can read into artist’s intentions of their art.

  • March 23, 2017 at 2:42 pm

    Hi Joby,

    I really enjoyed your project! For me, it shows me just how reliant on technology we’ve become. And now we’re at a point where even when we do basic or simple algebra we would rather trust our calculators instead of ourselves even though we are just as capable of performing that same task.

  • March 23, 2017 at 2:19 pm

    Your painting is a beautiful representation of your deprivation. It’s interesting to see not one, but many dead phones buried in a coffin with the body. It’s as though you represent your addiction by also taking the phones with you to the grave. I specifically like the fact that one phone is being held where flowers would usually go. I’m a bit confused however, over the idea of feeling “dead” on the inside during the deprivation because that’s how you felt to the world, as you said in your statement, because later you state that you were able to feel more in touch with the present. My take on this is feeling of being “dead” inside how someone sees themselves when they constantly use social media, because it’s become to natural to be a slave to it.

  • March 23, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    Vicky’s project is interesting because with social media, we are often provoked to capture everything with words or photos to share. There’s a continuous need to feed these social media timelines with what you are up to. And it’s important to question, whether or not we would do the things we do if we weren’t sharing it online for others to see. It makes me think of how people will visit LACMA just to take pictures with the light poles and then not actually step foot inside and look at the art.

  • March 23, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    Crystal’s project is really interesting because it shows how technology can exploit us and be yet another tool for consumerism. Consumerism makes people unsatisfied with the material things they have and encourages them to purchase more to fill this unhappiness; so with the Internet and Amazon, the side effects of feeling unsatisfied occur quickly because purchases can be made so instantly. It corrupts our concept of time and gives us an unrealistic idea of how fast material things can be produced.

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:18 pm

    Hello Crystal,

    The website you made is pretty fancy. I have lots of friends like online shopping like you do. They almost bought everything on the Internet, including water, toilet papers and even food. I cannot imagine how their life will be without the online shopping websites.

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:17 pm

    Hi Vicky,
    I like your project.
    At first, I got pretty confused about this project. But when I finished all the video, and find it a logo of Instagram. It is so cool! I like it.

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    Hi Vicky,

    I didn’t realize you are drawing an Instagram logo until the end of your video, so cool! I understand why you are so additive to Instagram. I used to be a fan of blog because I enjoyed the sense of accomplishment I got when the viewers like what I wrote or responded to my piece. This is the charm of social media–having communication with the people around.

  • March 23, 2017 at 11:31 am

    Hi Crystal,
    I think your website was awesome! My favorite part about it is how everything is so cleverly structured, how you bring everything back to question the motives of your shopping decisions. I really liked how once you click the checkout box you ask us to contact you but not without first asking ourselves what we are doing. I’m not much of an online shopper, but I too am tempted to buy things I don’t need and just buy to make myself feel better or for whatever silly reason. It’s not until I’m past the checkout point that I reconsider my choices, yet this cycle continues.

  • March 23, 2017 at 11:05 am

    Hi Vicky, I absolutely loved your deprivation project! I, like others, was confused at the start, which I’m guessing was slightly intentional given the ominous vibe given from the piano and close up shots of the painting. The way the video was edited to include the music and words through a series of fade ins/outs also did a great job of building suspense for the ending. I thought your use of water coloring over any other art medium to convey your deprivation was beautiful because you weren’t restricted in the creation of the logo, and the colors could move however they please. Although it wasn’t my creation I still felt a tinge of sadness when it was destroyed at the end.

    • March 23, 2017 at 1:40 pm

      Valerie I agree that it was sad to watch her brush out the watercolor at the end of the video. Do you know why she did it? I assume there was reasoning and intent behind her actions since the art work is the creation of the video not the logo. I think she might be trying to say that in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter, or maybe that from now on her art won’t be dependent on Instagram.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:55 am

    Hi Joby,
    Your choice of deprivation is interesting, it feels like going back to the primal age. I’m a computer science major and I can’t imagine if I stay away from coding softwares like Eclipse, only using notepad to do the work. I guess it will be horrible.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:55 am

    Hi Vicky,
    When I watched your video, at first I have no idea what’s going on, but in the end when the Instagram logo shows up, I was shocked. Your skill is perfect, and the way you shoot the video is also creative. It’s the best project I’ve ever seen.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:48 am

    Hey Vicky,

    I really enjoyed watching your video because seeing the colors mix in with other colors from the water looks very beautiful and is mesmerizing to watch. I also had deprived myself from using Instagram, but what I like about your video compared to what I had submitted is that you vividly show that you deprived yourself from using Instagram. After watching this video, I have actually thought about picking up a new hobby which is to start painting or drawing any random object that comes to mind as a way to reduce my activity on Instagram and on any other social media sites. So, thank you for creating your video because it impacted me in a positive way.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:46 am

    Hey Vicky,

    I really enjoyed watching your video on a visual aspect because seeing the colors mix in with other colors from the water looks very beautiful and is mesmerizing to watch. I also had deprived myself from using Instagram, but what I like about your video compared to what I had submitted is that you vividly show that you deprived yourself from using Instagram. After watching this video, I have actually thought about picking up a new hobby which is to start painting or drawing any random object that comes to mind as a way to reduce my activity on Instagram and on any other social media sites. So, thank you for creating your video because it impacted me in a positive way.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:46 am

    Crystal. I love the tiny details you put into your project. It is actually the assignment I find myself going back to the most out of the 9 chosen to have presented. You display a lot of humor and thought into the relationship we have as consumers and the online market place. I would love to know if it is OK to share your piece on social media with friends.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:43 am

    Hey Crystal,
    I really love what you did with your project. My favorite part is the slogan you see on the main page. I feel like it directly reflects what goes on in a consumer’s mind when shopping online. I also thought it interesting how in your artist statement you replaced cards with cash and it lead me to think about how often I use cards over cash, and how it can cause the problem of overspending and over consumption of products we don’t need. Specifically how cards are seen more as a medium and has a lower impact on how much we spend as opposed to meticulously counting cash to purchase what we need or want.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:41 am

    Hey Joby,

    When I first saw your project, I was confused as to what was going on and was unsure as to what you were trying to portray in your video. After about the first half, I realized that you had deprived yourself from using a form a calculator, in this case, using Excel as a calculator. Also, I later realized that your video resembles one of the videos that we watched in lecture which was “John Cage’s 4’33” ” video. I found your project to be very clever because you were influenced and used a similiar approach to John Cage in his piano piece video. Also, you are able to draw the attention of the viewers because everyone who sees your video is curious to see what will happen next. Great job!

    • March 23, 2017 at 12:23 pm

      I agree! Joby, your project was captivating and entertaining. I too was confused at the beginning, but once I realized what was going on, I was able to appreciate your creative imitation of John Cage’s piece. I think your choice of deprivation tool really shows your commitment to the project. By going out of your way, I feel like you really “pushed the boundaries” of this dependence we have on technology to do our assignments and get things done faster, or even if it is to check our answers for a simple calculation.

      • March 23, 2017 at 10:09 pm

        Part of my intention was to have confusion as to what was going on, much like in John Cage’s composition of 4’33”. After this experience, I am all for technology and calculators or else our productivity in this efficiency-driven world would hinder our progress.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:39 am

    Hiya Joby,

    Your thoughts about how often we are reliant on technology, especially those that do calculcations for us is very relatable to my life as well. I recently had an exam and we weren’t allowed a calculator because it wasn’t very math heavy. It had been a long time since I had to manually write x + y + z = *whatever that adds up to* and then to divided by it. I was so accustom to just inputting everything that when I had to do it myself… I didn’t really trust myself. I don’t use Excel, but I feel that it must of been very bothersome to write everything by hand and to put effort than is usually not needed into it. Your final project is really relatable in that most people, I would assume don’t feel that confident in simple things because it’s just been so long since we’ve not been allowed a gaget to do it for us.

    • March 23, 2017 at 12:20 pm

      I completely agree with you John! Ever since high school, I’ve been using calculators despite being able to do calculations by hand, I too don’t trust myself to figure out the correct answer. I don’t use excel often either but I do know that it has many features that help do more complex calculations, and it just makes it so much easier.
      I like how Joby draws on John Cage as inspiration, while I’m not sure what part it plays in his demonstration I found it very funny that he committed so well to it, and that the resulting number in the “Excel Movement” was 433.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:33 am

    Hey Crystal,

    I really enjoyed your project! Not only did I find your project to be very interesting and unique, but what you had deprived yourself: using Amazon. I was trying to go for a creative approach as well, but you definitely nailed it! Great job! Also, your project clearly shows that you put a lot of time and effort to do and complete. I think your project can also serve other individuals who also have the same addiction as you do.

    • March 23, 2017 at 11:23 am

      I do agree with you Veronica

      Crystal, I really enjoyed your project as I can relate to you sometimes. It became so easy now that purchasing an item or product from Amazon just takes couple clicks. Apple pay, my payment info being saved into my Amazon account and the daily deals makes it easier and attractive to more customers which promote the idea of over consumption

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:26 am

    Hi Crystal,
    I really like your deprivation project. I can see the time and effort you put into the project and it is so unique and creative idea. I can see the details on the website that you put a lot of thoughts into the project and those details well explain what you are trying to say and how you felt about your deprivation. I just think the idea of creating website for the project is so clever and unique.

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:06 am

    Hey Joby,

    Great job on your project! Yours, along with a few others, is something that I could relate to just in this past week: I had a physics lab practical that didn’t allow the use of calculators. One of the questions that I had to answer involved long division (something that I haven’t been asked to do since the 5th grade). Upon taking this exam, I tried to the best of my memory carry out these calculations. It took me over 5 tries on a timed exam to calculate it, and I’m still not even sure if it’s correct (pretty sure it’s not).
    I noticed in your project that when you calculated the problem by hand versus a calculator, you got very different answers and by hand even took you much longer. I think you did a good job emphasizing that. Good job again!

  • March 23, 2017 at 10:03 am

    Hi Crystal, I really liked your deprivation project. The “Reason for Selection” part stood out to me, because when we think about what we want to buy, we just think about the object, and not about what is really does for us. While I played around your website, I just thought it would be funny to make it so that people also are not able to remove items from the cart, so the amount of items they purchase or “need” just accumulates.

    • March 23, 2017 at 11:08 am

      I agree! I think Crystal’s deprivation was portrayed in such a unique, creative way. It makes me wish I could have thought of something more creative. People really do blindly buy things and don’t think about the value it will bring to our lives, usually it doesn’t have any significance at all. I should deprive this just for my own interest, and to save money!

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:50 am

    Hello Crystal!
    I think your deprivation project was very creative since you created a website to display your experience. I found the text in the website enjoyable and funny. Online shopping is way more convenient to buy things in stores which is one of the reasons why constant online shopping is prevalent. I try to prevent myself from it by thinking about my precious bank account.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:34 am

    Joby, I like that the meaning of your video is telling the importance of the excel. Different from other projects which mainly demonstrate the feeling of deprivation, your video makes me feel the efficiency of a software. And your video is fun to watch, it has a sense of humor.

    • March 23, 2017 at 10:36 am

      Hi Joby,
      I like your deprivation project. I use Excel often too and we do think it is convenient to use it rather than doing work with hands but we do not know exactly how convenient it is until we deprive ourselves from it. I cannot imagine living without Excel program. I use it all the time for school, for work and for everything and doing all that by hand can be time consuming. It was much easier for me to understand your deprivation project because of this reason.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:27 am

    Hi Vicky,

    I really appreciate your creation! It surprises me how you transform your deprivation experience to a website. The combination of the color is gentle and vigorous, and the structure is neat and easy to view. The most creative part is the description of the products, which is also my actual feeling when I do online shopping. I understand that deprivation experience might not be easy for you. I just love your website so much!

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:22 am

    Crystal, I can definitely relate to yours because I shop online all the time! The fact that you could purchase yourself was very symbolic and I think you did a great job. It seems like you put a lot of time into it and the website had great depiction of your thoughts on your deprivation.

    • March 23, 2017 at 9:41 am

      Hi Crystal,

      I applaud your time and effort that you put into your project. One thing that I really appreciated as an online shopper is how easy your site was to navigate. Nothing bothers me more than not knowing where anything is when shopping, and think that you have done a better job at structuring the site than some other sites that I visit. I also liked how you put in a product that was “on sale”. I didn’t realize that that was the first item that I clicked on when I visited your shopping page. Now that I think about it, the first items that I usually click on are those that are on sale. So the fact that you did this just made it a subtle and simple, yet relatable touch.

      Great job!

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:19 am

    I knew right away that you were doing a parody of 4’33” and was a great representation of it. Clever use of in class material and fit well with your deprivation experience.

    • March 23, 2017 at 11:49 am

      I actually had not idea that Joby was parodying John Cage’s 4’33” music approach until after I watched the video during class! I also agree that Joby’s approach was very clever to use since he deprived himself from using Excel as a calculator. His video clearly shows that he deprived himself from using a calculator which is what I liked most about his project.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:13 am


    I really thought your project idea was clever and creative, in the sense of cutting out online shopping and creating a site that allows you to not shop. I thought the website looked very well built and I could really relate to you deprivation experience.

  • March 23, 2017 at 9:10 am

    Hello Vicky –
    Thank you for making such a creative video about Instagram and using that platform as an audience to showcase your art. I thought the video was beautiful!
    One question I am curious about; After this experience, do you still use Instagram the same way you did before? Can you make art without having to showcase it on Instagram?
    I ask because I deleted all social media for my deprivation, and I did not download Instagram back because I got bored of it, thus I am curious if you have similar experiences.

    • March 23, 2017 at 3:26 pm


      I agree with you that sometimes we live with the lie that we can’t resist and we will be missing out on what is happening around us. but in reality, being off social media and away from image sharing platforms like Instagram help us enjoy what is around us and what we are doing instead of looking at others and wishing we can be in there place or have the same experience.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:47 am

    Vicky! I loved how you decided to do your project, I also deprived myself of Instagram. Your addiction is more of posting your art work for others to look at while my addiction is more of looking at inspirational quotes and pictures.

    • March 23, 2017 at 11:53 am

      I also deprived myself from using Instagram, but I mainly use Instagram to look at tutorial videos and pictures instead of posting all the time as well. I like the video Vicky portrayed because it actually impacted me in a positive way to express my own creativity without the need of looking at people’s artwork from Instagram by grabbing some paint, paper, and a paint brush.

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:44 am

    Hi Crystal! I absolutely loved your project. It was very in depth and detailed how you put all the little side notes about adding things to your cart and then not being able to buy them. I can see how your project would have been frustrating for you because I also buy things online a lot! I hate going out and buying things and I love my free two day shipping. I never even thought to deprive myself of it, so that alone was very creative on your part. Your website was beautifully designed, amazing job!

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:42 am

    Hi Vicky, when I first watched your video I was confused at what I was looking at. Then it panned out and showed the Instagram logo. First I applaud you for depriving yourself of that because I certainly didn’t want to since I use it everyday. Also, I thought it was very clever that you did a painting since you usually post your paintings on Instagram. It was very unique and I liked the touch of music you added, it could have been weird without any sound but the music added an emotional tone to it. Great job!

  • March 23, 2017 at 7:39 am

    Hi Joby, I thought you’re project was great! I loved the irony of it. When Professor Jackson asked if anyone thought the original 433 video was boring, half of the class raised their hand. Yet, your video that was based on it was hilarious! Also, I immediately knew what you deprived yourself of after watching the video. It was all around great, thanks for sharing!

    • March 23, 2017 at 10:17 am

      Yeah I completely agree with Aubrianne! Being a STEM major myself, it was really hilarious and great to be able to see the two fields mixing in our own class. You really took what we learned from class to heart, and I loved that you were able to make it really funny and meaningful at the same time. I am excited for us STEM majors to be able to take back all that we’ve learned from this art class into our daily lives and to constantly recognize that all the scientific advancements we’ve achieved used to not be there. I hope you didn’t fail any of your engineering assignments during your deprivation experience!!

      • March 23, 2017 at 9:57 pm

        I really enjoyed this class because of the technology presented through the years. As our professor was also an engineer in his undergraduate studies, he really has fused technology with art. I took some inspiration from this and had a lot of fun creating this satirical project.

  • March 23, 2017 at 3:57 am

    Hi Joby, your video shows the ability of calculating between human being and programs. From your video, I could find out the ability from program is much powerful than human being’s. And I have watched a lot movies which are about the machine control the human. Human would get mistakes and most of time, program could get the answers faster and more accurate than human. From calculating to other activities, we could not leave program any more, which is fear to believe.

  • March 23, 2017 at 2:01 am

    Vicky’s drawing is amazing! It is about Instagram, drawing, and cinematography. Also, the background music is soft that makes the audience feel comfortable.

  • March 23, 2017 at 1:49 am

    Hello Crystal,
    I really enjoyed seeing your art piece and enjoyed the creativity to show art through actually building a website and the aesthetics of your site. I can definitely relate to your site as it seems nowadays that “retail therapy” is more popular than ever since we can all do it at anytime we want and get things instantly(especially with student amazon prime discounts). Overall I enjoyed seeing your art depicted through your website and how we often don’t think of the price we are really paying as to why we are stress shopping in the first place. Overall, I enjoyed interacting with your project and seeing how deprivation of online shopping can lead to a more financially stable time.

    • March 23, 2017 at 1:59 am

      Hey Crystal,
      Your artwork was unique and I doubt that any other students tried to do anything similar. It amazes me how easy it is in this day and age to create your own website. It looked quite professional what you made for the class. It gives me the idea of making a website for my club Operationsmile at UC Irvine which helps to provide safe surgeries for those with facial deformations such as a cleft lip or cleft palate.

      Michael Debeau

  • March 23, 2017 at 1:46 am

    Hey Crystal,
    I can totally relate to your idea/feeling. I always just go on my favorite retail website to “browse” around, but I always ended up buying a lot of stuff. Then, when I see my billing statement, I was always shocked about the amount of moneys that I spent on online shopping. It was almost scary, because it was not like I was buying gucci or chanel, it was just h&m or urban outfitter, but they added up to a decent amount of money every month. So I saw your website’s logo, I really liked it.

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:22 am

    Hi Joby,

    As a mechanical engineering major too, it’s no surprise that calculation devices/programs are absolutely vital to survive. It’s pretty crazy that certain mathematics are virtually impossible to solve without these programs, so maybe our need for the technology is justifiable. Also, I liked your closing line “Much like an engineer is without a calculator, a musician is nothing without music” because calculators really do go hand-in-hand with engineering and are an essential tool for our tasks.

    • March 23, 2017 at 10:01 pm

      Hello Matthew,

      Fellow Mech E! It’s crazy how the math we do in our classes are chicken scratch compared to the real world equations engineers use. We have super computers working and solving equations non stop and I cannot even wrap my head around how powerful and useful computing has become for the betterment of our world.

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:17 am

    Hello Joby!
    I thought your art was really relatable. I am also a mechanical engineer and sometimes it is hard for me to understand art and how people view it. Your art brought a smile to my face when we saw it in class. I do agree that calculations are so much easier and accurate with technology. Living without technology would be so hard.

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:16 am


    Your website design was outstanding and shows you definitely put thought and effort into it. I loved your product descriptions “I am a product you want. I am a product you need. I am a product you will now attempt to buy.” Three simple, but very haunting and realistic lines because most consumers definitely subscribe to this behavior. Great job on your project for capturing the deprivation of consumerism!

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:13 am

    Hello Crystal,
    I loved your piece so much because I can 100% relate to this. Last week I bought myself a leopard coat for no reason, just because i felt like it and i thought that it would make me feel better. I live in California, there is no reason to own a (fake) leopard coat. The only thing that online shopping has done for me is create a hole in my pocket where my money should be. For finals week, I had to delete shopping apps off my phone to stop myself from getting distracted from studying. I thought your project was so creative, and it is my absolute favorite.

  • March 23, 2017 at 12:09 am

    Hello Vicky,
    As an artist who lost their will to create art, I think your story and art was the most inspirational. I understand the entire feeling of being lost and losing interest in art because of a mental block that can be formed from anything. I loved your watercolor and would really like to see other forms of your art on instagram. I think the craziest thing is that I follow a lot of artist on instagram, so i might actually be following you and not know it.

    • March 23, 2017 at 2:04 am

      Hey Vicky,
      I thought your piece was very interesting. It seems that you had a sort of extrinsic motivation that was driving you to make your art. That is similar to the extrinsic motivation I had to workout in my old hometown before moving to UCI. I used to workout everyday back in my hometown because those who did not were social outcasts in that hypermasculine environment. Now that I am at college, less people care about their physique and instead many are focused on promoting body acceptance activism. This activism may have good and bad ramifications, as a future doctor who is mindful of the recent diabetes epidemic I am not sure whether the body acceptance campaign should be rejected or accepted.

      Michael Debeau

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:59 pm

    Hello Joby,

    As a student, we really do rely on a lot of technologies such as World, Powerpoint, etc, and we also rely on many different social media such as FB and IG. Some of them bring positive impact, some of them don’t. Great project presentation.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:52 pm

    Joby’s video is really interesting and creative. He compared the time of manual movement and Excel movement for calculation. Manual movement takes omre time and got the wrong answer at the end, but Excel movement takes less time, and did the calculation correctly. Technology makes our life much easier. We depend on technology a lot today.

    • March 23, 2017 at 9:59 pm

      Hello Zhuyu,

      You bring up a point that I think not a lot of people realized; I got an answer of 372 when I did the summation by hand when I knew it should have added up to 433. Good eye and I definitely agree that technology makes our lives easier- but only to the extent if we’re not overworked by technology.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:43 pm

    Seeing Vicky Chai’s project and explanation hit very close to home for me as a fellow artist who posts their artwork online. Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy art and drawing or the validation I would get after posting them online. If an art piece that I worked hard on doesn’t get as many notes as I would hope it would get, I would get depressed and lose motivation to draw. However, as I grew older and more experienced, I forced myself to stop being dependent on the validation I got online and stopped equating how many likes/shares I got to how good my art was.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:28 pm

    Crystal, yours was definitely one of my favorite exemplary projects! I, too love to online shop (or at least online window shop) and I feel the same satisfaction that you talk about in your artist statement. With that being said, I thought it was extremely clever to create an online store. My favorite aspect is the fact that all the items for sale are called “I’m a Product.” I think it really shows that even though this is accomplished through digital media, everything is all technically just material goods. A product is a product, no matter where you get it, but for some reason, I feel more satisfied in receiving a package I bought online than when I buy it from the store.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:27 pm

    I think it’s really cool that Crystal Ho created a website to mimic other websites you can buy from. It’s very well designed and very original. I also understand the feeling of gratification from buying something online. I have not done it recently; however, in the past, I’ve definitely bought items on impulse and not out of necessity or I bought things because I want something to look forward to in the coming week. There is something weirdly satisfying about buying something online versus buying something in person. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I don’t desire that much social interaction so being able to buy things I need online is my way to escape that.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:15 pm

    Hi Joby,

    I love your project so much. It can really show that technology is so important for us. It really make our life become easier. In your video, you calculate those numbers so hard and get the wrong result in the end. When you use the computer to calculate, it is so easy to get the result correctly. It’s a creative project.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:05 pm

    Vicky Chai, I loved your project. There were 3 main reasons why your project reached out to me in a way. Those 3 being Instagram, drawing, and the cinematography. I as well share the same obsession over Instagram and drawing. However, I have lost interest in drawing for several years now since I didn’t feel encouraged. I mainly dedicate my creative time in Photoshop. I use Instagram as a platform to showcase my weird and hilarious yet creative pieces. Instagram is one of the biggest social networking apps that exhibits millions of creative artist in many art forms. Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat aren’t able to do that since they’re filled with spam. Your cinematography as well captured my attention because I use to post “artistic” but comedic videos on Instagram in a widescreen ratio. Like your video, mine was also vague and backed by instrumentals. Your project reminded me a lot of myself or who I used to be which is why your project captivated me the most out of all.

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:56 pm

    Hi Crystal!

    I really enjoyed your deprivation project! Your choice of medium was something I wouldn’t have thought of in the first place. I know that myself and a lot of other people that I know can relate to your addiction to online shopping. It has gotten to the point where I have memorized my debit card number so the ordering processing would go a lot faster, which is a pro and con about online shopping. Even though online shopping can be more efficient, especially around the holiday season, it can also be scary putting your information out on the internet because you never know what will happen. That’s always been a fear of mine, but since online shopping has become so normalized, I’ve kind of grown to just go along with it. However, your project shed a new light on online shopping addictions, and I plan to share this with my friends who struggle with the same issue!

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:54 pm

    I think Vicki’s project has some subtleties that you don’t see on the first view. The more I think about it, Vicki might have called upon our prior discussion on photography. When she says “art is her addiction, or is it?” I think she meant that she is both addicted to making art but also sharing art. Nowadays, there is a big section of the internet where art is prevalent and artists can share their work digitally and this can be the case for Instagram. Instagram is a platform which can share photographs of one’s art, and Vicki did a nice job analyzing her deprivation.

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:46 pm

    Joby, I was very impressed at what you deprived yourself of. I followed the engineering path my first two years here at UCI but decided it wasn’t for me. I never realized how dependent I became on a calculator until I saw your project. Even now that I am doing simpler work and calculations than when I was in Engineering, I always use a calculator. I came to the epiphany that calculators are very useful nowadays but they can also affect us negatively when it comes to our own skills.

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:44 pm

    Hi, Vicky!
    I really like your project. The colors you choose is impressive, and the background music makes you audiences feel comfortable. I like the way you record every single part of the picture and put them together at the last few seconds. Maybe you just hold the camera in your hands, so the picture is shaking. You can try to use tripod next time!

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:36 pm

    Hi Crystal,
    Your choice of media for this project was so interesting to me. When Erin first opened this in class, I was so intrigued, because I definitely would not have thought of using a website as a medium for presenting the deprivation experience. This was extremely creative, and I felt it really captured everyone’s attention and kept them interested. What I liked most was the ability to “check out” and then being denied your item of purchase. I also love shopping online, and this would anger me as well if I were not given my check out screen at the end. Such an excellent job!

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:33 pm

    Hi Vicky,
    I LOVED your project! It was so creative and perfectly showcased your artistic talents and addition to Instagram simultaneously. Watching the video, I was so curious to see what you were painting, and when I found out it was the Instagram sign at the end, I was blown away. You’re an amazing artist, and such a creative one, once again. Excellent work, and I’d love to see more of your art work. Keep it up!

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:20 pm

    Hello Vicky

    An amazing idea about consideration of your project. Great question you asked at the end of your statement: Am I addicted to drawing or am I addicted to Instagram? Sometimes, I was thinking if we really want to share all these pictures we posted on FB or IG, or we just want these “likes”. I do agree with you that we addicted to both. But we just should spend too much time of these every day.

    Thank you for sharing

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:10 pm

    I really liked the visuals in Vicky’s project. Especially when certain shots are revered and slowed down. I have a huge love for Instagram and I am not sure how I got to this point honestly. However, I have limited myself from constant posting which I used to do as of late and it makes my photography and editing honestly more fun than it has ever been. I really enjoy focusing on my photos one at a time and filtering through my hundreds of duplicates. It’s quite the eye opener since it let me see more of the world through my travels than through a screen.

    *used wrong email in previous posts….there are three of them so i will be reposting…

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:09 pm

    Joby’s project was pretty interesting to watch. I actually came into class fairly late our last meeting and had walked into his project showing and found it pretty hysterical. I myself hadn’t really learned excel until very recently and felt the pain of doing math by hand vs. having it computed. Sometimes though i trust my math over that of a calculators. Human error will always be constant whether punching in numbers or calculating them one by one yourself. Just depends on what you are more used too. I did find however the lighting situation quite hilarious since it seemed like every possible light was on for the close up for the watch and off for everything else.

    *used wrong email in previous posts….there are three of them so i will be reposting…

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Like many of you, I really liked Vicky’s project. It seemed very professional, as if it’s a real commercial or advertisement. In some ways, it reminded me of an Apple commercial (especially with the logo at the end). When I first watched the video I didn’t really know what was going on, but when the Instagram logo was revealed I instantly understood the whole video and the quote. Overall, it was a very impressive project.

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:01 pm

    I really liked the visuals in Vicky’s project. Especially when certain shots are revered and slowed down. I have a huge love for Instagram and I am not sure how I got to this point honestly. However, I have limited myself from constant posting which I used to do as of late and it makes my photography and editing honestly more fun than it has ever been. I really enjoy focusing on my photos one at a time and filtering through my hundreds of duplicates. It’s quite the eye opener since it let me see more of the world through my travels than through a screen.

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:54 pm

    Joby’s project was pretty interesting to watch. I actually came into class fairly late our last meeting and had walked into his project showing and found it pretty hysterical. I myself hadn’t really learned excel until very recently and felt the pain of doing math by hand vs. having it computed. Sometimes though i trust my math over that of a calculators. Human error will always be constant whether punching in numbers or calculating them one by one yourself. Just depends on what you are more used too. I did find however the lighting situation quite hilarious since it seemed like every possible light was on for the close up for the watch and off for everything else.

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:42 pm

    I simply love Crystal’s project and wish I had thought of it myself. I love online shopping and being on Amazon 24/7 it is completely retail therapy. Buying stuff waiting for it to come home and just playing with whatever you got for the of the day is one of my favorite pass times. Your site is hilarious too. From it’s semi-fuctioning cart interface to the contact us feature definitely one of my favorites.

    • March 22, 2017 at 10:08 pm

      I simply love Crystal’s project and wish I had thought of it myself. I love online shopping and being on Amazon 24/7 it is completely retail therapy. Buying stuff waiting for it to come home and just playing with whatever you got for the of the day is one of my favorite pass times. Your site is hilarious too. From it’s semi-fuctioning cart interface to the contact us feature definitely one of my favorites.

      *used wrong email in previous posts….there are three of them so i will be reposting…

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:25 pm

    Hi Crystal,

    I really enjoyed the way you approached your project. Your stance on consumerism is clearly stated in your piece and I enjoy the upfront and blunt nature of it. I liked the message that pops up when you attempt to buy an item that states “we are unable to accept online payments.” This really ties back to your message on consumerism and goes hand in hand with the “reasons for purchase” options available for each of the three products. Whether the reason is temporary happiness or buying confidence, these are things that online consumerism cannot give you. I really wish I would have seen this site before learning it was an art project; it would have been interesting if it was sent out to the public as an actual site as a form of interactive art. Thank you!

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:18 pm

    Joby, you did such a great job! Your video was one of my favorite projects.

    I always think about my life without my phone or social media, but never a life without something like excel or even a calculator. Looking at my calculator now (I have a TI-84 Plus) it’s actually quite fascinating to see how far technology as come. Just less than 10 years ago when I was in elementary school I was using a standard solar powered calculator, and now, I have to charge my digital scientific one! Your project was extremely eye opening! Great work!

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:13 pm

    Hi Crystal!

    I thought your project was extremely well made and unique! Consumerism is something that I have always been interested in, and as I start managing my own finances, I often question why I keep buying the things that I buy! Retail therapy is something I definitely confide in so this was very eye opening for me! Great job!

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:09 pm

    What a way to express your deprivation, Vicky. Amazing drawing as well. I saw a couple of those coloring online, but the process of drawing that is extremely carefully done. I really enjoyed watching the video.

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:08 pm

    Amazing Joby, it is a really difficult decision for you to deprive what you have chosen. As a civil engineering, calculating all of the math by manually is extremely difficult and also not possible to tell if it is wrong or not until you compare the answer. I really enjoyed watching your video.

  • March 22, 2017 at 9:05 pm

    Hey Crystal, your project is very enthusiastic. I never knew some would come up with a website to express themselves. Since in today’s society, internet shopping and internet usage is high.

  • March 22, 2017 at 8:34 pm

    For Vicky’s video, when it was shown during the lecture, I honestly was like “what is this”, drops of paint in water. What is the point? What so special about it? After a while, the Instagram logo appears, and my eyes sparkles and started to look up into the video. Because I did a project on Instagram too, and I am obsessed with Instagram.
    However, props to you for putting so much effort in the angle, and the lighting, plus the time to come back to arts again. Honestly, entering high school and college makes me miss arts even more, because it’s more focus academically, and we gave less attention to it days after days. Glad you found art again!

    • March 22, 2017 at 11:23 pm

      I agree with you! In the beginning of the video I was wondering what direction she was headed with the water coloring. I was very intrigued because prior to this video there had been videos on Facebook that showed people mixing colors and water coloring like Vicky did. I loved how she posed the question at the end of the video about whether or not she really did enjoy water coloring. It made me think, sometimes we lose some art when there is new technology to play with.

  • March 22, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    Hi Vicky, I really enjoyed your art video. Your project is interesting to me because it parallels with what Susan Sontag wrote in her book “In Plato’s Cave”. She stated that photography is a way to document an event, and the only reason why we do something is to take a picture. I think it somewhat relates to the message of your video because you said in your artist’s statement that you realized when you deprived yourself of social media, you lost the motivation to create art.

  • March 22, 2017 at 6:44 pm

    Crystal, your project was really creative. The whole idea was definitely unique and you could tell that you put a lot of time and effort into this project. I especially like how this website is interactive. Its so cool how you can pretend to purchase something.

  • March 22, 2017 at 6:37 pm


    I commend you for your bold effort to sustain your deprivation project. I can only imagine how difficult it was for you, as an engineering student, to manage all your assignments without excel, but I think your video showed an accurate snippet of just how much more tedious work became for you. I understand that you couldn’t fully maintain your deprivation because it would’ve otherwise hurt your grades, but that only showed how reliant we are in technology nowadays. Even though a lot of our new technologies are used for recreational purposes, many have become integral to our societies that it’s almost impossible deprive ourselves from them without hurting our productivity.

  • March 22, 2017 at 6:18 pm

    For vicky,
    I really liked your project. It was so touching.
    It made me think about I was really missing in my entire life, what I really like. Your project very creative and touching

  • March 22, 2017 at 5:44 pm


    Your deprivation project truly unique and original. It not only showed your creativity but your dedication to your deprivation as well. You went above and beyond to encompass your deprivation experience in your website; even your contact information suggested that you should reflect on yourself first to fight the urge to binge shop online. The payment process was also brilliant because the website didn’t even allow you to buy goods to be purchased, so there was really no way of going around this deprivation. Great job!

  • March 22, 2017 at 5:41 pm

    Vicky, I thought your video was very relaxing and creative. Personally, I find videos of people making art, in the manner you did with music, to be soothing and relaxing to watch; I can probably watch it over and over again. Not only that, but I like the fact that you chose to do water colors, one of my favorite mediums, and how you were just able to make the whole process of blending the colors visually appealing. Nice!

  • March 22, 2017 at 5:07 pm

    For Vicky,
    I really liked the reflection portion of your deprivation project; partly because our feelings towards creating art seem somewhat mutual. Although I don’t watercolor or use Instagram much, I do a lot of digital artwork and share it on tumblr. Lately, I feel that my drive to draw is certainly more for gaining followers and to receive the satisfaction of seeing my work liked/re-blogged than for myself. It has come to the point where I become very wary as what to post to meet a certain amount of likes. My followers and being able to share my art online definitely gives me strong motivation to draw. Conversely, I chose to deprive myself of digital art and found myself free from the need to please followers as opposed to your loss of dedication. I found our opposing feelings to be very interesting as well.

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:50 pm

    Regarding Crystal’s project, I found it to have the most unique medium for the deprivation project. I never realized how easy it was to create a website, let alone make one for online shopping. The writing and labels throughout the website are cleverly done, from the title page, to the product page, to the checkout page. Being both creative and aesthetically pleasing makes this one of my favorite featured projects.

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:44 pm

    Hey Vicky,
    I think its really interesting that you found that you were making art only to be put on display on Instagram and not because you actually wanted to. As an artist i’ve always kind of felt the same way, wondering if I would draw and paint without posting it. I also like the format you chose youtube as another interface for publicizing work a way of satisfying the desire for your work to be scene in a secondary way. Yourself, Joby, and Crystal all have similar themes of an overarching consumerism driven by technology dependence you rely on Instagram to get approval through likes, Joby relies of his calculator in order to succeed, and Crystal relies on online banking in order to get comfort. These exchanges between yourselves and technology leave you lacking and wanting more showing it’s truly addictive nature. Wonderful project, loved it!

    • March 22, 2017 at 9:31 pm

      I agree with you and Vicky about the motivation to make art without an audience. I used to draw and paint as well, and post my work on instagram. The likes and comments I would get from each post would be my motivation to make more, hoping to gain more followers and approval from people I wouldn’t know. I would sometimes see my follower count drop, which really impacted my drive to make art. Your experience with art without an audience was very touching and the way your project ended with a fully painted watercolor Instagram symbol really asks the question of what drives you to make art and is it less meaningful without people to share it with.

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:25 pm

    I’m gonna be honest, the video didn’t make much sense, since I was expecting you to check your watch to see how long the second calculation took, and you didn’t. Then I read your statement, how it was a satire of 4:33, and I remembered how it kinda made no sense. But your satire still made not much sense, then I saw the suit and the bow and I laughed in my head.
    Your deprivation reminds me of my writing for the year 2037, half robot brain writing assignment. My fear was that we would rely on the computer for simple calculations and tasks while we worry about the more complicated things. While this is beneficial, I didn’t like the dependence it meant. If the computer crashed, we would die of inability to take care of ourselves. And your deprivation showed that. I too make stupid math mistakes on tests, and get some points taken off, even though I knew the formulas and what I was doing. I rely on a calculator for large yet basic math solving.

    • March 23, 2017 at 10:07 pm

      Hello Colin,

      In my opinion, the exact time that it took for me to take the excel movement is not important; both movements were sped up by 20X and the first movement took about 3 times longer. The stopwatch just there to add to the satire of 4’33”. In my opinion, everything runs on computers anyway. Flight plans, stocks, weather tracking, everything. If they were all to disappear, let’s just say it won’t be a good time. I’d say we already rely heavily on computers.
      Thank you for your input on this project!

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:19 pm

    Hi Crystal,
    I really like your project. It looks simple yet extremely attractive and amazing.
    I absolutely understand your feeling when it comes to ceaseless purchasing because I am also the kind of person who is not good at controlling herself from buying items, whether I truly need it or not. However, I have a different view on this behavior of purchasing. If we have the budget, why not? However, I do think that we need to learn to purchase things that we would really make use out of it. By which, I mean that we should, before any purchasing, take a moment to carefully think that if we would use or wear the item many times. The section of “reason of selection” in your project really stood out to me because of this reason.

    • March 22, 2017 at 9:34 pm


      The “why not” attitude about consumerism in your response is intriguing to me. Frugality never seems to be a topic of interest anymore to anyone with money: consumerism has shaped the way of how people want to spend, and that the only way to spend is well, big. People want bigger houses, bigger cars, bigger technology (ex. from iPhone to iPad Pro), and the waste that comes along with all these products is built upon the backs of people that live in poverty and are disenfranchised. Low wages, long hours, and dim working conditions are offered as a source of livelihood to those that have no choice but to make products for our indulgences.

      I am definitely guilty of purchasing things items off the conveyor belt of consumerism, of capitalism, everyone is, but the reason I felt liberated from this project was because I finally got to critique my own indulgences in consumerism. So here’s the question instead of “why not spend?”: why not confront our own guilt?

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:09 pm

    From Vicky’s video, it made me think about myself. I used to play piano when I was young, but I gave up in middle school. There was a hobby that I used to do but not insisted on. As social media grows, both positive and negative effects appear. People started doing things to satisfy other people’s mind to get likes or positive comments. They are not doing what they really like. People comment on what you liked, but it might be negative so you might think this is not right or you probably need to change it. We need to take other people’s advice to make things better but we also need our own thoughts toward our inner mind to think about what are the things we wanted.

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:08 pm

    I like Crystal’s idea of depriving from purchasing things online because I also deeply rely on Internet shopping a lot. Online shopping makes the purchase easier a lot. And because of this, we might buy a lot things that we do not need, or receive the goods that do not match our expectation.

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:02 pm

    Hello Joby, I thought your video was interesting in how you went without the use of Microsoft Excel and made a comparison between calculating by hand and calculating through a machine. It really goes to show how society is growing more dependent on technology, becoming more prevalent in the world.

  • March 22, 2017 at 4:00 pm

    After looked at Joby’s video, I realized that human beings rely on computers a lot. We invented computers to do jobs for us. We use Microsoft ware to write our paper, do calculations and do presentations. It just made our life much easier. We need to use these programs to do exact calculation so that we can build architectures safer. Deprive this make me think thank god people invented these to help. Otherwise, how long it would take an engineer to build a house up and how slow our city development is.

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:54 pm


    I think that your project is one of a kind! Creating a website based on your deprivation is something that I would not have thought of. The descriptions for the items is very clever as well! Good job!

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:51 pm

    I extremely like Crystal’s idea for this project. Nowadays, people are using online service more cause it is convenient and easy-just by few clicks. You just need to wait for few days get what you want. I think Amazon is doing a new service called prime air which they can deliver in 30minutes. It is easy to get over spent for my monthly budget. As there are tons of advertisement attracts you attention I always realize I get something I don’t really need it but I just want it. It is hard for girls to stop buying things as e-commerce business grows tremendously. If I deprived online shopping I probably will save lots of money. This project idea is great. I think I will try to do it too. Doing deprivation is truly helpful for people knowing what they really want and what they like.

    • March 22, 2017 at 9:40 pm


      I think you might be onto something here. It made me question why I gravitated towards making a website that would resonate more with women. From the color scheme to the “spa like” aesthetic, it did not occur to me until the finished project that a lot more consumer products are specifically geared towards selling to women. We always have more “things”, from beauty products to clothes to accessories, and it makes me wonder why many men seem to be more streamlined in their purchasing habits, compared to the frenzy that many women may feel when shopping.

      Is there something about society that urges these types of differences?

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:47 pm

    Hello Crystal, I really liked your art project regarding the idea of consumerism. I also struggle sometimes to prevent myself from buying something I want rather than buying something I absolutely need. For example, whenever I purchased something on Amazon, I enjoyed the feeling of receiving it in the mail because I was so excited to try it out, provoking to buy more products. However, I try my best to resist for the sake of budgeting and saving money.

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    Hi Crystal
    I definitely agree your idea with online shopping. This is the thing that relates to our daily lives, while the art can be represented from our lifestyles.

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:18 pm

    That was really cool to watch, the creation of the art piece, the instagram symbol it made, the questioning of addiction, and the connection of everything. I winded up watching it after I read the artist statement, so I was more curious to see what it would turn out to be.
    It’s interesting to know that your creation of art was only desired when you could post it for others to see, and though that meant you had an addiction to instagram, it’s good to hear that you desired professing your art. Many people (including myself) feel underconfident for their talents because they feel people will dislike it because it “sucks” or “nobody cares”. You stopped making art since there was no point to it, but I love singing and acting (doing both sides of the made-up, comical/dramatic conversation) when I’m alone, and I don’t do them in front of others (sometimes I sing when with friends).

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:16 pm

    I liked your watercolor painting! At first I thought you were trying to draw some random lines until the very end. I think your “addiction” with instagram is “healthy” because you are using it as a platform to share your artwork.

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:11 pm

    Hi Crystal,

    I really think your website is interesting and creative in a way that you replace price with level of happiness. Your project is really strong in connecting our feelings to online shopping, and why is it important or relevant to our daily lives.

  • March 22, 2017 at 3:09 pm

    Your project is so creative! I like how you presented your frustration with online shopping. I have the same issue with online shopping, so I added the items into my cart. When I saw my cart I felt that guilty pleasure that I always get from buying things online. After pressing checkout, I was disappointed but also relieved at the same time when it said, “we are unable to accept online payments.”

  • March 22, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    Vicky, i love your creativity and colorful artwork.
    It made me think about what you wanted to portray in the artwork.

  • March 22, 2017 at 2:35 pm

    Hi Joby Aquino,
    I really like your project. After watching your video, I have a same feeling as what you feel. As a computer science major student, I understand softwares are very powerful, and they can save our time when doing massive calculation. We can not live without these digital media.

  • March 22, 2017 at 2:08 pm

    Your video was a creative approach to your deprivation experience. I thought the close-ups of the different watercolors leading up the the painting of the Instagram logo was a nice touch.

    • March 22, 2017 at 3:08 pm

      Hey Joan,
      I thought the close-ups were key to the whole piece, it was a very well done technique of focusing in on the specifics to distract the viewer from the real premise of the video. I really like the video, I also deprived myself of Instagram and I kind of relate to how Vicky came to see the application. It widened my perspective as well.

  • March 22, 2017 at 1:56 pm

    Your satire was really funny, especially when you bowed at the end of your performance. I liked the way you structured the performance around time by emulating the clicking or ticking of time with the click of your pen as a signifier of time passed. The close ups of your watch also help your theme pull through to the forefront of the performance. I also appreciate the attention to the focus of the screen itself it is not easy to film of capture images from a screen and have it retain its quality.

  • March 22, 2017 at 1:49 pm

    Vicki, your work is my favorite project. When I first saw the video in class, I think it was amazing. It is very creative and I enjoy watching your colorful painting, and in the end, when I saw the whole picture, It is just a wonderful art work.

  • March 22, 2017 at 1:45 pm

    Hi Crystal,

    I thought that you took a unique approach on how to portray consumerism. I feel the same way when I go to target. You end up buying things you don’t really need, but at the same time you can’t even stop.

  • March 22, 2017 at 1:41 pm

    Vicky, I really enjoyed your video of the water painting! I thought it was really interesting how you kept the mood and vibe of the video very ambiguous and mysterious by including the piano instrumental. The way you shot the video super up close was also very intriguing since I was a bit confused what was going on at first but soon enough I figured out that you were painting the instagram logo, which was beautiful!

  • March 22, 2017 at 1:31 pm

    I appreciate the way you create the website. It is clear but creative to show your deprivation experience from buying online. Buying online has been a convinent way for human to release their stress, but sometimes it also limits us to find our inner peace

  • March 22, 2017 at 1:15 pm

    Joby, your satire was so clever! I definitely understand the importance of a calculator, being an aspiring engineer myself, and watching you do all of those tedious calculations without it was so sad, but also so funny. But I think it’s cool that you were able to garner sympathy and comedy in your project to get your point across, so great job!

  • March 22, 2017 at 12:48 pm

    I truly enjoyed your satire presentation of how your experience was like without the use of Excel. As a chemistry major, I have myself become very dependent of the program and it has saved me a lot of time in doing calculations that before would be routine for us to conduct with paper and pencil. I could personally not image how hard it would be to not use Excel for my calculations. It would be rather difficult and I think your project helped me relate to that very much.

  • March 22, 2017 at 12:47 pm

    Hi Crystal!

    I really like how your final product turned out. You chose a unique deprivation experience and it shows through your creation. I love how the website you created has a minimalist vibe. I don’t know if that was intentional but it somewhat relates to how you stuck to the bare minimum when purchasing things throughout your deprivation experience. I have gone through the same type of experience. At one point, I was just purchasing makeup for no reason, knowing full well that I wouldn’t even be able to use them all at the same time. One day, I realized that my consumerist habits were getting out of hand and decided to do the exact same thing – just buy things that I really need. So far, it is going well but I also treat myself from time to time! Out of curiosity, how did you choose the objects to sell on your website? What made you pick these over other things?

    • March 22, 2017 at 9:43 pm

      Hi Tatyana,

      They were supposed to be arbitrary products, with no real object or name (ex. “I’m a product”) associated with them. I just chose pictures of different types of art related images to relate it to the course more.

      Thanks for your question!

  • March 22, 2017 at 12:04 pm

    Hey Crystal,

    I thought your project is an interesting and an awesome way to represent an individual’s struggle of consuming products that might not be useful in life because you created a website in which there are products that are being sold and what got me is the “Reason of Selection” part in which the consumer has to choose why they are truly purchasing and the options that you presented is how I feel sometimes at the moment I buy a certain product online, whether it for my happiness or etc. Furthermore, you stated in your website, “there may be no return”, is interesting because I interpreted that as once an individual purchases a product, that specific person is different from how they were before, which is true.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:28 am


    I believe your project affects almost all of us. Probably almost all of us use or have used online shopping as a platform to find specific needs. Online shopping has expanded the market internationally and anyone can get almost anything they want just my ordering it online. Not being able to participate in this endeavor, especially over a long period of time, would probably be hard for many. I personally use online shopping for many things, including school, entertainment, utilities, and for much more specialized tasks. My efficiency and effectiveness in all these parts would be greatly affected without online shopping. Also, your website was very well done. It blended and showcased the ideas of consumerism and materialism very well. Good job and thank you for enlightening us with your deprivation!

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:06 am

    Your project was definitely an eye opener for me. Not having a car, I tend to use digital shopping often, trying to get the best deals at my doorstep as soon as I can. Seeing something on the domain and not being to buy it would definitely be frustrating. At the same time, it made me realized how easy it is to go over one’s own budget when shopping is made so easy.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:05 am

    I love Crystal’s project very much. Like many already said, the choice of using a shopping website as a platform is smart. I like Crystal set the “Reason for Selection” section as a required step before add item to cart. This prevent the audience stay ambiguous about their choices. Crystal also set two items as the most expensive item and best seller while the other one is 50% off, which makes me wonder if the discount change the satisfaction one can receive.

  • March 22, 2017 at 11:03 am

    YZou project was very artistic and it was also one of those projects that not many struggle to interpret. So I am sure most of the audience knows exactly what you’re trying to convey. Your piece shows how good and passionate you’re about art but also shows that you are very fond of Instagram too. Since this entire piece was dedicated to it through your exemplary art skills. I think Instagram and your art complement each other. Your art makes the platform a better place for a lot of people to enjoy art by making it easily accessible, and the support you get from your followers keep you motivated. So it’s fine to addicted to both.

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:58 am

    I am a huge fan of satire and coming from a technical background myself, I can highly relate to the struggles of not using tools like Excel. I wasn’t really sure of what was going on when this video was shown in class. But once I looked up 433 a lot started making sense. I cannot imagine how much harder things would if we had to manually organize data manually on a sheet of paper. A simple or mistake or even some inefficient organization will make calculations infinitesimally harder and might call for starting from scratch. I also like how you concluded with the calculation tallying to 433, followed by John Cage’s bow.

  • March 22, 2017 at 10:49 am


    I thought the concept of your project was really wonderful. My favorite medium for painting is watercolor so when the video began I was actually really excited. I knew from the brushstrokes that you were painting something and I anticipated seeing a finished image but I love the surprise of instagram’s logo. I thought that was very clever and captured the essence of the project. Very well done!

    • March 22, 2017 at 1:48 pm

      I agree! Vicky’s project was so beautifully made, both the watercolor image and the video! I also really enjoy this type of artwork and follow a few accounts on Instagram as well. The reveal at the end that she was painting the Instagram logo was nicely done too. I had no idea! I also felt a little disappointed that Vicky chose to brush it away at the end but that definitely evokes a similar feeling to her experience making art but not being able to post it. This project took an interesting approach to showing today’s culture of wanting to publicly share and seek affirmation for artwork.

    • March 23, 2017 at 7:49 pm

      I couldn’t agree more with what you said about Vicky’s project, Soondus. I too have a preference for water color paintings, and when the video started playing in class I was anxious to see what the end result was. I thought the video was cleverly put together and it definitely spoke to the audience exactly how Vicky wanted it to convey. Vicky’s reason to draw is a lot like a few friends that I know who draw and post on their Tumblr / Instagram — even though my friends do enjoy drawing for fun, they have more reason and are even more motivated when they can publicly display it for people to see. Out of Erin’s choice of exemplary projects, I saw this as the most artistic.

  • March 22, 2017 at 8:54 am

    First of all, it’s amazing how you expressed it. I love the painting. It is very creative! Can’t paint without instergram but use paint to illustrate the experience without instergram.Nice!

  • March 22, 2017 at 8:45 am

    What you chose is very interesting. Being able to add things in the cart but not being able to purchase it. This can be really frustrated because people nowadays are used to get successful purchases online. The way you expressed it is very nice two! Simulate the failure purchase.

  • March 22, 2017 at 8:27 am

    Hi Crystal! As a compulsive online shopper, I completely relate to your project. I found that your project actually contrasted with mine because the thing I deprived myself of was my Chase Application. While you felt like you should buy everything in cash to run away from the guilt of your own consumerism, I tried to see if I can control myself using my debit card. In my video, I show how easy it was to take out my card and just swipe and I realized how much money I actually spent. I think a lot of times when we go shopping, we have the mindset that we need something when in reality, it’s not a necessity but a luxury.

    • March 22, 2017 at 8:40 am

      I agree Lauren! It is easy to see just spend money with card, because you don’t realize how much money you’re actually spending when you don’t see it or physically give up money. I think Crystal’s website shows how we buy things because we think we need it but most of the time it is something we can live without.

  • March 22, 2017 at 8:18 am

    Vicky, I loved your video! The music made it seem very intense, I did not know you were painting the instagram logo. I think it was a very creative video and I loved how you kept the audience guessing what you were painting!

    • March 22, 2017 at 8:56 am

      Vicky, just as Samantha and I feel the majority of the class, I was just as surprised you were painting the intsgram logo. I think it was surprising to me that I didn’t notice immediately because I’m a very avid user of instagram like many young adults and you would assume that we would be able to spot the logo right away. I think this delayed understanding points out how engrossed we all are in social media that we sometimes omit the very basics of the platform and just indulge in what we want to see or want to upload on our own.

  • March 22, 2017 at 2:56 am

    Joby, this satire piece that you “composed” was an ingenious way to both incorporate 433 and the incredibly difficult task of not using a calculator via Excel for classwork especially. I enjoyed your subtle motions such as bowing to the camera in your formal attire and the integrating of the number 433 into your calculations. Thank you for sharing your well thought out work and choice of difficult execution of the task. Very bold!

  • March 21, 2017 at 9:53 pm

    I thought your project was amazingly well thought out. It is so cool that you used the theme of deprivation directly into the project through the users experience and their inability to check out. And your correlation between online banking and consumerism was sot on. Great work.

  • March 21, 2017 at 8:23 pm

    Crystal, when we all were thinking how to make a creative video to get a high grade, but you make an online website! When Professor opened the website, I was confused what is the point in the website, but when I figured out, I realized that your website just hit the point of modern people. And the descriptions are so detailed.

  • March 21, 2017 at 8:19 pm

    Vicky Chai’s piece is very powerful. It shows how technology can be used to benefit a person and elevate a person’s interest. Many of us today use technology is a way that is detrimental. There is so much productivity wasted due to the existence of social media. This use of instagram is a perfect example of taking advantage of what we have today. I believe that most people in the class that did this deprivation experiment saw how much they needed the item of deprivation. I use the word “need” loosely because it is usually due to an addiction, not that they actually need it. In this case, instagram has been a gateway to success. It makes me happy to know that these apps can actually change people’s lives for the better. An example of the opposite would be going into Ayala to see that half the students are “scrolling” on their phones looking at our people’s productivity while the other half have their phones close by to check every notification that comes up through the many apps they have on their phone.

  • March 21, 2017 at 8:16 pm

    Vicky: I was so excited to see your artistic representation of your deprivation of Instagram. I am trying to get into watercolors myself, so the technique you used was very interesting. I also love how you showed that the deprivation led you to come to another realization that instagram helps you become motivated for your artwork and that maybe you are addicted to art as well. It really made me think how that applied to my deprivation process and how I could be addicted to technology I didn’t even think to deprive myself from.

  • March 21, 2017 at 8:06 pm

    I like Vicky’s art work. Her work is like the combination between traditional drawing with technology. A lot of people use Instargram as one source to seek for art idea, but we seldom think what would happen if it is not existed. Vicky uses drawing to show what is the element of the application and remind me the reason why I start to use it. I wanted to use it for get some new art idea, but now I just use it for entertainment. It is time to make it back to the original functional tool.

  • March 21, 2017 at 7:22 pm

    Joby: At first I was confused by the concept of your piece, but it all came together once I familiarized myself with 4’33” again. I love how you really took on the role of satire and dressed up and even bowed to the camera. I also loved how you took the title of the original piece and incorporated it into your calculations. I was unsure how the end result would be 433, but I love the effort you put forth and the creative way to demonstrate the absence of a calculator.

  • March 21, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    Crystal – I thoroughly enjoyed your creative take on the assignment. Not only was it relayed on a very assessable and relatable media, but as a website designer, I found your simplicity and almost raw approach to setting up the website (whether intentional or not) to be very eye opening. I applaud you for your uniqueness.

  • March 21, 2017 at 4:26 pm

    Hi Crystal, I like how your project gives insight into today’s consumerist and materialistic society. The choice of your items displayed on the website really emphasize how we are attracted to aesthetics. We want to buy it because it’s aesthetically pleasing yet it serves no purpose.

  • March 21, 2017 at 3:51 pm


    I really enjoyed your art video because it reminded me of the reason why I started to play piano and continue to play today. One of the reasons why I started learning piano was because I was inspired by others who would dance around the keys. When I first started learning piano, I actually hated it. But I continued because I wanted to become good at it. One of the reasons why I continue to play today is because I wanted to share my love of music with others. At least that’s what I say, but maybe I just really want appraisal from others.

  • March 21, 2017 at 12:40 pm

    I thought your project was very well organized and creative. I liked how the descriptions of the items represents how it actually is when we online shop.

  • March 21, 2017 at 11:41 am

    I really enjoyed watching your video, and it was really amusing for me to realize towards the end that your painting was in fact the Instagram logo. I think you were very creative in how you filmed in terms of camera angles as well.

    • March 21, 2017 at 8:26 pm

      Vicky, I would have to agree and say that your piece of art is very interesting. The use of water colors was very interesting and unique. I was curious on what your final piece would be since the start of he video. It ended up being the instagram logo, which I thought was very clever.

  • March 21, 2017 at 11:32 am

    I was awed when I first saw your project. I like how it is so detailed and well structured that it looks like a real online shopping website. Also I enjoyed realizing the hidden messages that you have put throughout the website.

    • March 21, 2017 at 9:48 pm

      Hi Hyeyeon, I agree with you Crystal’s project was very detailed and creative. However, like you, I also thought the hidden messages were a smart choice it really enhanced her project overall.

  • March 21, 2017 at 9:23 am

    I thought your project was very creative yet ominous at the same time. At first, I was amazed at the emotion it made me feel as it kind of felt like a nostalgia; it felt like you were doing something that I was so used to already doing. Not only was it an amazing piece of art that you did, it also portrayed your message and what you deprived yourself of. I think many people are in your situation when it comes to Instagram as it is a form of displaying yourself and your life. I feel that if everybody deprived themselves of Instagram, there would be a smaller desire to take pictures in general because posting pictures for certain amount of likes is what people often do nowadays.

  • March 21, 2017 at 9:19 am

    I thought your project was funny yet still conveyed the message you were trying to get across. I loved how you satirized the well-known 4’33” piece while incorporating what you deprived yourself of for this project. Although I am a Pharmaceutical Sciences major and I only use Excel occasionally, I am sure that it was difficult to be a mechanical engineering major without using the program since you have to calculate so many things. Overall, I think it was a great example of how we often take for granted the things we use in everyday life without truly appreciating how much it helps us.

  • March 21, 2017 at 9:14 am

    I thought your deprivation project was extremely creative. When I first saw it, I was confused because I thought it was an actual online site where you could buy things. I found that as I actually “shopped” normally, it had many components that related to your deprivation. It made me really question what I do online shopping for, whether it’s for retail therapy, or temporary happiness. It makes me wonder where all of the things I buy online end up going, and whether or not it was a waste of money. Overall, I think it was an amazing example of displaying what deprivation of online shopping means and how it affects each person.

    • March 23, 2017 at 10:24 pm

      Hi Dylan I also was confused when first seeing Crystals’s project. I also thought her project really did an excellent job in displaying her deprivation. It was a very creative and well thought out project that also left me thinking on how much I spend online shopping.

  • March 21, 2017 at 6:08 am

    Hi Crystal,

    Wow, what a great idea for your project. If only online ecommerce sites would actually do that! I really liked how you thought the website through, down to the nitty gritty of not being able to purchase an item. Awesome work!

  • March 21, 2017 at 6:06 am

    Hi Vicky,

    Wow, you’re a really good artist! At first I thought you were just dipping paint into water for the video but it was a real surprise to see that what you made was the Instagram logo! I think IG is a great way to share your pieces because your able to get exposure no matter what kind of artist you are, since you have a digital gallery instead of needing an actual gallery.

    • March 21, 2017 at 3:47 pm

      I completely agree with you that social media is great because you are able to share your art with everyone and freely. However, I do feel as though with social media, many people are just chasing after “likes” nowadays and thus I believe this goes against what art is. I wonder if Vicky had any positive emotions out of her deprivation experience

  • March 21, 2017 at 12:47 am


    Your project definitely gave me a good laugh! The outfit brought it to a whole new level. Although I rarely use Excel in my daily life, I do understand its necessity to others who work with numbers and formulas every day, as you do as an engineering major. Excel may not seem like much initially, especially with such things as calculators, but when you’re calculating so much data, the time adds up and excel is a very efficient program. At first, the project seemed very similar to John Cage’s 4’33”, but by the end of the video, I do believe you took that concept and made it your own. Not to mention, you seemed very proud and entertained by your project from the looks of you laughing so much!

  • March 21, 2017 at 12:38 am

    Hi Vicky,
    I have had the same experience before awhile back. Your deprivational project really hit home with me as I had a phase in which I drew only for social media. Though I hope you may come to terms or find more reason in your art, I really enjoyed your video’s surprise at the end. The watercolor makes it especially impactful as you wash away the colors in a cloudy pool of combined colors. Great job on your project!

  • March 21, 2017 at 12:36 am


    Your project had a certain aesthetic that I really enjoyed. It was so simple, yet its message was strong. I had initially chosen consumerism and online shopping for my deprivation project. I was going to film myself going to the mall and trying purchase items at the mall the same way I did online shopping. That is, putting a ton of items on hold, browsing for hours on end, selecting a ton of items and then getting rid of 3/4 of the items, etc. I, too, have an addiction to online shopping as it is a means of instant gratification as you expressed in your mock website. All the reasons you listed for why one was buying a product definitely hit home. I remember grinning with guilt as we were looking over your project in class. Online shopping truly is a privilege, but also a curse in disguise. On the outside, these online retailers look appealing and approachable, just like your websites. It welcomes people in to buy to their heart’s content. Once one is drawn in however, there is truly no going back. One is trapped in their money fishing scheme. We feel like we have so much control over the things we purchase online. “Yeah, I studied for about 5 minutes. I’m going to TREAT MYSELF,” is probably that mindset we have. Do we really have control though? In the end, we get the product which is temporary, but these retailers easily reap in our money with little to no effort. Overall, great project! I showed it to all my friends and they all had a good laugh.

  • March 21, 2017 at 12:34 am

    Hi Joby,
    Your video does an excellent job showing the contrast of using analog to digital. I’m really intrigued by your deprivational experience as it must have been hard for you to keep doing what you usually do with the help of excel. Though not the same, I’ve been curious with analog and digital tools for drawing and I’ve been torn between the two. Although I use both, I’ve come to question the usage of analog in the future. Even though i prefer traditional tools like the pencil, I wonder how digital tools will give an edge in the future and render the medium obsolete. I really enjoyed your depiction of your deprivation!

    • March 21, 2017 at 3:49 pm

      I completely agree with how technology has impacted our lives so much. With finals occurring this week, it’s interesting to see the disparity between how people study. i.e. with laptops vs paper and pen; listening to music or not etc. In addition, having just taken a math final, I personally feel as though calculators are definitely a must now as I seem to struggle even doing the most simple equations nowadays.

  • March 21, 2017 at 12:26 am

    Hi Crystal,
    Your project about your deprivation of consumerism online is quite fascinating. I really enjoyed the idea of having the page not show up after purchasing on the fake website. It really is a great analogy to your actual deprivation experience in that it sparks a great deal of emotions. Overall, I don’t really purchase items online myself but when I have done so it does have a scary ease to it that really sends a reminder to myself that I’m actually spending money. Your address to that is superb and I love your project! Good work!

  • March 21, 2017 at 12:11 am

    I really enjoyed your project! I was able to relate a lot to it since I LOVE online shopping more than anything. A lot of the time I enjoy the whole process of looking for a product and love the feeling of expecting it to come. I actually even found myself on amazon right now in the middle of writing this. I really don’t know how it even happened. Its so addicting.

  • March 20, 2017 at 11:57 pm

    Vicky, first off, I really liked your video because it kept me on my toes the whole time, trying to guess what you were painting–not until the end, did I realize what you had painted. Your reasoning to deprive yourself of Instagram is very admirable. In our modern technological age, many people find the need to share what they are doing on social media. You question, “What’s there to create if no one else is there to see it?” which is a very valid concern in our society today–a lot of posts on social media today are made for others. Great job depriving yourself of your Instagram account since you had a fanbase to keep up!

  • March 20, 2017 at 11:50 pm

    Joby, I found your deprivation project entertaining! Not only did you make a reference to the video we watched in class, you incorporated the project to express your deprivation of Microsoft Excel, an essential program for you, a Mechanical Engineer. I like how the video was very concise and was able to get your point across of how difficult it was for you to use non-digital forms of computing for your assignments. Great job!

  • March 20, 2017 at 11:42 pm

    Crystal, I really liked the website you made for the deprivation project. I feel like it hit all aspects for what an addicted online shopper would not ever want to encounter. I can tell you put in a lot of thought into this because you went as far as having the pop-up: “We are unable to accept online payments. Please contact us to complete your purchase” for when a customer (me) is trying to checkout/purchase one of the ideas. Your project is interactive, appealing, and very reflective of deprivation.

  • March 20, 2017 at 11:34 pm

    Joby, I found your satirical piece on John Cage’s, 4’33”, to be hilarious, and eye-opening at the same time. When we first watched it in class, I thought this was a clever way of depicting this digital age’s dependence on technology.

  • March 20, 2017 at 11:23 pm

    Hi Crystal, I really enjoyed your piece. I thought it was a really creative idea, and it spoke about the truths behind why people buy things. I certainly can relate to your project because I constantly want to buy stuff online. I also liked how on your website you could add the “products” to a cart; this ultimately made it more realistic.

  • March 20, 2017 at 10:35 pm

    I thoroughly enjoyed Crystal’s project. I thought it was the most creative project that was shown in class and really had me think about something I didn’t necessarily associate with technology. The website that she created was incredibly accurate to most websites that I have shopped on. As well, it made me realize how much time I can possibly spend looking at the various online deals and adding different items to the cart before trying to checkout. It also showed the convenience of using one’s credit cards and how nowadays people rarely carry cash in their wallet.

  • March 20, 2017 at 10:30 pm

    Crystal, I really liked your project. It was super creative and interesting to interact with. The amount of detail and work you put into the website helped me understand what you went through during the deprivation process.

  • March 20, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Crystal, your project was my favorite of the nine that were showcased during class. The way you were able to go about communicating your message through the form of a website was amazing. Every little detail you put in, ranging from the descriptions, images, design, checkout process, etc., shows the hard work you put into this!

  • March 20, 2017 at 7:17 pm

    I really loved Crystal Ho’s project! I myself am a shopaholic. I would go Forever21 online website and just add items to my cart and never purchase anything. Although I receive satisfaction from just window shopping, I was fascinated that even if the shopper had wanted to purchase something they would not be able to get it. The shopper would then not be able to get the satisfaction that they crave. The project is so creative and truly symbolizes the story of my life.

  • March 20, 2017 at 6:27 pm

    My favorite project would have to be Crystal’s just because I didn’t even realize that was another form of addiction of technology. From her project, I realized how I was addicted to online shopping and this need to have it shipped to me as soon as possible. I thought just the topic itself was so creative then her website just blew it out of the water. I also think her project really embodies the purpose of this course. It pointed out what we haven’t even thought about before when it comes to a technological addiction even when it was right in front of us. Online shopping has now become the norm so much so that we didn’t even notice how much we depend on it. So I think Crystal’s project really embodies the message of the course.

  • March 20, 2017 at 6:14 pm

    Hi Crystal!

    I liked how interactive your project was. It felt just like a legit shopping website. The Reason for Selection panel speaks a lot about how most people would think about when buying products. The product telling the costumer to buy them, like its urging the costumer to buy them even if they don’t really need it. Online shopping sites like amazon makes buying easier and more convenient but also leaves room for more impulse buying.

  • March 20, 2017 at 5:56 pm

    Vicky, I really admire how fluid and organic your piece turned out, despite the very inorganic and electronic nature of cameras, of which Instagram is based off of. As a cyclist for 6 years now, my equivalent app to you and your photography would be Strava, which tracks my ride route and data. Your piece has led me to reflect upon my own social media activities – do I ride for myself? Or am I really riding for the Kudos on Strava?

    Best of luck with your Artstagram!

  • March 20, 2017 at 5:56 pm

    Joby, as an engineer myself, your piece is admirable in both its form and efficiency. Succinct is not a word to describe it, and neither is minimalist- that would be doing your video injustice. Yet, at the same time, it satirizes, delivers its message, and complies with the project parameters in what seems to be a very effortless manner. I’m curious to see what your project would have been like had you chosen SolidWorks as your program of deprivation!

  • March 20, 2017 at 5:56 pm

    Crystal, without even looking into the fine details of your piece, simply the concept of using a shopping website to combat your shopping habits is quite admirable. In this modern age of art, where pictures and videos reign, it’s hard to forget that websites can be more than tools. Bravo!

  • March 20, 2017 at 12:58 pm

    Personally I found Vicky’s art video to be my favorite project.

    I love the detail involved, as well as the calming background music. Watercolor is one of my favorite forms of art, so this video especially appealed to me. I didn’t notice it was the Instagram logo until I saw all the colors come together, but when I did I was amazed!

  • March 20, 2017 at 12:55 pm


    I love that you mimicked the 4’33” by John Cage in your project and made the analogy of music to calculations. Watching the video at first was a little confusing for me, but after reading the description I was very impressed! Very creative.

  • March 20, 2017 at 12:49 pm

    I thought Crystal’s website ideas was absolutely witty and creative. I love the fact that you can actually try to purchase an item on the website and even choose a “reason” for your purchase. I think I lot of people could relate to this, especially the “temporary happiness” or “retail therapy” option.

  • March 20, 2017 at 12:32 pm

    When they played your video in class, I was totally shocked to see that it was the Instagram logo at the end. I thought your quote fit the theme of the assignment perfectly. I had a similar response to the deprivation project where I felt like there was no point in doing things if I didn’t make a post about it to share on social media. I love that you made the connection between art and social media addiction through your video, with the close ups of the water colors spreading. I find that analogous to how social media doe not appear to be an issue when you look at aspects of it, but when you look at how it is affecting our society as a whole there are larger consequences to consider.

  • March 20, 2017 at 1:13 am

    Joby Aquino

    I did not really get the satire of 4’33 at first but when i realized it, I appreciated it a lot more. I enjoy seeing works copied and redesigned in a new way. As a fellow engineer, I feel the struggle of not using computers or calculators for solving problems. Your version was more satisfying to watch I believe because you actually did the tasks, while the one in class he did not even pretend to play.

  • March 20, 2017 at 1:12 am

    I personally love watercolor art. From paintings to tattoos to household items with watercolors on them. So seeing Vicky’s project was one of my favorites. And making it into a video versus just an image makes it more vibrant. The message behind it is also touching because I don’t know one person that doesn’t have a form of social media. Goes to show how dependent we are on it and how it may be difficult to live without it because most of us use it to communicate or post art that we create.

  • March 20, 2017 at 1:05 am

    I enjoyed Crystal’s project. The website seemed legit so not only was it aesthetically pleasing, but it gets us to think about how impulsive we can be as consumers. Depriving yourself of this seemed like it affected you in a positive way because you start to think about what you actually buy and how most of the items can be unnecessary.

    • March 22, 2017 at 10:54 am

      Hi Mitzy,

      I couldn’t agree more. This deprivation experience gives Crystal, and us, an opportunity to find out, as you mentioned “what you actually buy”. Crystal named the options of reasons in the box where used to have a range of sizes and makes it a required move. This makes the audience no place to hide but ask themselves, what are they really buying.

  • March 19, 2017 at 11:30 pm

    Hi Crystal,

    I really enjoyed your piece and I thought it was well thought out. I thought this idea, in general, was very creative and artistic. Great job with the statement as well, this piece was enjoyable to explore.

  • March 19, 2017 at 9:53 pm


    When I first saw your project in class it took me a second to associate it with John Cage’s 4’33 work; it truely is exceptional work. Not only did you manage to give us insight into your experience, how excel allows you to complete your work faster, and gives you the security of your answers. But you managed to do it in a way that also referenced, and captured what we did in class,

  • March 19, 2017 at 9:48 pm

    I love how when you went to purchase an item, you gave your reason as to why you were purchasing it, it gave insight into as to why you have made purchases, and reflective of why others make purchases as well. The pictures you show when you enter the website, gives the whole website a therapeutic vibe, with soft pastel colors–which goes perfectly with the concept of retail therapy. You did an amazing job at walking us through how you felt throughout your deprivation experience, with all the minute details that went into the website.

    • March 19, 2017 at 10:39 pm

      I also think that she did a great job in taking the part of explaining the project to us in her own hand and not just letting the professor do it.

  • March 19, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    Crystal, I absolutely loved your project. the way you represented the deprivation was super accurate. I deprived myself of using plastic money and buying anything online too. This is how it exactly feels. The satisfaction of knowing that you just bought something for yourself which is being dispatched and being sent to your home is unexplained. Depriving oneself of that feeling is extremely hard. Great job on the creation of the website and the representation of the whole experience.

  • March 19, 2017 at 4:40 pm

    I liked Crystal’s website; it was an interesting medium to use and it really fit the message she was trying to send out. It was funny, but at the same time forced everyone to consider everything that they’ve learned to do instinctively. It’s a clear statement about our love of materials. The things that were being “sold” were just stuff; no one actually needs it. And it’s like that with a lot of things that people own. Sometimes I look around my room, or open up my closet, and see something that I bought ages ago and wonder why do I have this? I think this kind of impulsive behavior is enforced by some of the online shopping sites; like how Amazon has the one-click purchase function, or the long list of “recommended items” that keep popping up when you’re browsing. Amazon should consider borrowing the message on Crystal’s site when you try to buy something; it might help some people save some cash.

    • March 19, 2017 at 9:48 pm

      I agree! I really enjoy this medium. It suits Crystal’s message perfectly. I also like how creative the descriptions are on the website like the reasons you’re buying the product are “temporary happiness” and “retail therapy.” The website really delivers the message of how people buy things just to buy them. It definitely coveys the way people shop on websites like Amazon. It also shows how websites get you to buy things such as having sales, and how it is formatted. I think her website is fun. It would be even more fun if you can select things you actually wanna buy and buy them without actually purchasing them. I can relate to the problem of buying things online and getting excited for the items to arrive. Having this website, would definitely save me cash.

  • March 19, 2017 at 2:52 pm

    I loved Crystals project of using a website to show her deprivation of online shopping! As I was going through the site myself, I saw many things that intrigued me and thought was extremely clever such as the “There may be no return.” The way the project was presented as in a form I would have never imagined. Great job! 🙂

    • March 19, 2017 at 10:23 pm

      I totally agree! I thought that this medium was extremely clever to show just the type of media Crystal was addicted to. It is quite ironic that she would make a shopping website to express the emotions one goes through when making online purchases. The site is so realistic and believable too! Even the small details such as the product descriptions were clever. Overall, such a well thought-out project!

  • March 19, 2017 at 2:32 pm

    Vicky your project was really cool with the imagery you used. How the colors moved through the water reminded me of blood moving through vessels. That kind of imagery sells the idea that art is an addiction and makes your piece amazing. I feel that art is an addiction and that when we deprive ourselves of the things that motivate us we start to have withdrawal symptoms.

  • March 19, 2017 at 2:14 pm

    Hey Crystal! Your ideas were very genuine and I really enjoyed he message you were trying to convey. I think that your project clearly explained itself and was well thought out. The buying options were really creative and blunt; I enjoyed that because it showed your stance on how you felt about consumerism.

    • March 19, 2017 at 3:44 pm

      I have to agree with you Aura about your assessment on Crystal’s project. I love how Crystal put in the description of the item “I am a product you want. I am a product you need” because whenever we do online shopping we have that mentality that we need everything but in actuality we don’t, and sometimes we can not even return the items we buy online making us waste money in the process. Online shopping has help expedite and make our lives easier but an addiction to it is rather troublesome because we may end up pouring hundreds of dollars into items we dont even need. I love how Crystal’s project can relate to so many people and explain her experience with a simple webpage.

  • March 19, 2017 at 1:53 pm

    Joby, I really enjoyed that you didn’t take yourself so seriously for your project. It’s good to keep a light heart, even if your content is serious.

  • March 19, 2017 at 1:22 pm

    Joby’s artwork is interesting, but I will have to admit the first couple of times i watched it I did not really get the whole reference or 4’33 joke. Even now I still might be having the wrong idea of what it means. Either way though the message of how necessary calculating softwares is to some major’s line of work is shown well. Joby serious yet funny actions is what pulls this piece together.

  • March 19, 2017 at 1:19 pm


    I thought your project was really cool and I think that it’s interesting you point out that there’s no point in drawing if no one can see it. That kind of shows how much you value your followers responses and approvals for your artwork.

  • March 19, 2017 at 1:07 pm

    Hey Crystal, your project probably was my favorite because you designed your own website and had easter eggs at each section to prove your point in your deprivation. Your explanation in class also was the best because I wanted to create my own website for a while but didn’t feel like I had anything to put into it. However, you showed me that its better to just make one and the work will speak for itself. I wish I knew how you made it, and your work was perfectly place. Great layout of certain items and I know the checkout message is kind of hard to understand, but I think it fell into place perfectly. Really enjoyed your artwork and amazed at how you showed your deprivation experience.

  • March 19, 2017 at 1:00 pm

    Hey Vicky, when the professor showcased your work in class today I thought it was amazing. The way the colors blended and the surprised meaning of your deprivation at the end really grabbed hold of me. I really like how you left the end up to the audience to interrupt whether you mean you were addicted to the art, or instagram. I’m sure you got a lot of people confused for a while because I heard students ask what the image was at the end. Really great work and your art showcased the amount of hard work you put into it.

  • March 19, 2017 at 10:45 am

    Vicky, I like your project. At first I did not understand what was going on but the watercolor was cool and kept me watching until the end. The way you expressed your deprivation experience was very simple but creative. I also like how you chose to deprive yourself from a media that is very important to you. I think that is what made your project special.

    • March 19, 2017 at 1:03 pm

      I agree with what you are saying Loc, Vicky’s work was simply yet beautiful. I liked how she used watercolor and filmed the colors blending into each other. With us watching the water flow, it’s like we were following her experience from the beginning to the end. I am still amazed at how the Instagram Logo came out at the end, “simple but creative” captures it perfectly.

  • March 19, 2017 at 2:47 am

    Hi Crystal. I thought it was very creative to make a website and I felt like you really put a lot of thought into this project. The design of the website is simple yet sophisticated. I really like the small details of the website like the “reason for selection” drop down menu and the inability to purchase the item, to reflect your deprivation experience.

    • March 21, 2017 at 9:55 pm

      Hi Michelle, I also thought Crystal’s project was very creative. Every detail she used in her website really brought emotion and made her project really convey her deprivation experience.

  • March 19, 2017 at 1:59 am

    Hi Joby!
    I really liked your dedication to this project and of all the programs and applications you could have chosen to cut out, you chose one that was vital to your major. The medium in which you chose to present how it affected you was interesting. The satirical element definitely made it funny, and I like how it’s easy to see that if you didn’t have this program in your life, you would have to revert to doing things the old way.

  • March 19, 2017 at 12:26 am

    I can relate to Crystal’s project the most out of the three because I am also addicted to Amazon. Last quarter I started to using Amazon Prime so the free 2days shipping was just so juicy so if like anything, I would just buy it. This has wasted a bunch of my money. The option to allow add to cart but cannot buy is the most interesting about the project in my opinion. Crystal’s project is very helpful because it does not allow us to actually buy the product which is something that we can’t control ourselves using Amazon or Ebay.

    • March 19, 2017 at 12:50 am

      I also find Crystal’s project very thought-provoking and creative. It expresses the deprivation in an interactive way by inviting the audience to engage in buying a product through a website, similar to the experience that the artist deprived herself of. It gives the audience a chance to have an experience similar to the artist’s: see a visually-pleasing item on sale (one being literally discounted), place it in your cart, and cave by pressing the “Checkout” button. However, clicking “Checkout” results in a frustrating pop-up that tells the viewer that the site’s unable to accept online payments. What Crystal loved most about online shopping was the satisfying feeling of seeing a successfully checked-out order. This satisfaction is taken away, and replaced with a displeased feeling, which captures the mood caused by the deprivation very well. The site’s motto, “I want it. I need it. I buy it.” is very relatable to the many who enjoy online shopping, just like me. I also appreciate the aesthetically-pleasing and minimalistic layout / color scheme chosen by Crystal. The look and user interface of the site fits into the popular minimalistic style that is favored by millennials today. Therefore, I appreciate Crystal’s work for this project by allowing viewers to get a feel of how she felt when she was unable to do what she loves, online shop.

    • March 19, 2017 at 2:10 am

      Hi Bryan!
      I definitely agree with you on the fact that the ease of being able to shop online has changed the way we spend our money. We don’t have to go anywhere to get the things we need anymore and this ease of access has given us the capability to recklessly spend our money without blinking an eye. Crystal’s project takes on a cool perspective since we are able to add things to a cart but not check out and have to pay for anything. It’s almost similar to a wish list where we can save things for future use, but not have to buy them right away.

    • March 19, 2017 at 10:52 am

      I also like Crystal’s project. I was amazed just looking at how much effort she putted in to make the website. Like Bryan, I can also relate to this project because I always feel that we tend to spend our money easily when shopping online because it’s very simple. Somehow, we tend to spend more when we only have to input our account number instead using cash to purchase an item.

    • March 19, 2017 at 1:14 pm

      I totally agree with you Bryan. Amazon prime has really changed the shopping industry by giving the consumer the chance to shop at any time and received their packages in only 2 days. I will say after using prime my bank account really took a hit haha. Also, you are right about Crystal’s idea to deny the user from purchasing an item being the most interesting because it not only captures her fear of this addiction, but also shows her creativity. Never would have thought that a website could have such an impact on someone’s life, and having its own message to viewers yet Crystal was able to turn it into just that.

      • March 19, 2017 at 10:44 pm

        Haha. Amazon prime did hit me hard. I think they just added the 1-click purchase a few months ago which I thought was really dumb and dangerous. Sometimes I was so tempted so I click add to cart but then decided not to buy it later. With this new 1-click option, 1 click is done.

  • March 19, 2017 at 12:19 am

    Hi Vicky!
    Wow wonderful art project you have done ! …honestly I thought your art project was more about the movement of color within a water outline and how it spreads to create color. The music background was really nice as well with this arts project. I was amazed of the end result and how it represented your deprivation from social media. Instagram is tough to eliminate from our everyday lives. It’s an icon that tends to catch the movement of our finger and you definately displaced your creative side to what you could do instead of looking at instagram. Your water color was beautiful and eye opening to what you were able to do with depriving your self from social media . Loved it ! … 🙂

    • March 19, 2017 at 12:29 am

      The thing that I love most about Vicky’s project was the way she hide the deprivation until the last 5seconds. In addition, I think the use of paint color is really good too because she must know how to use those color very well to be able to make the project like that.

      • March 19, 2017 at 1:01 am

        I also enjoyed Vicky’s work! To me, it started rather optimistic since there were multiple clips of watercolors and a paint brush, with the words “Art is my addiction”. I got a sense that the artist had a real passion for art, for the watercolors and paints on the paper; however, once I saw the words “…or is it?”, I started to question everything. Suddenly the video reveals what the artist is really addicted to — Instagram. I appreciate that the Instagram logo was illustrated using the watercolors that Vicky enjoys painting with, her favored art form. I can tell that this project helped her analyze and reflect on why she paints…for herself and because she truly enjoys to do it, or because she will be sharing it for likes on Instagram. I believe that this project is very well done and captures Vicky’s deprivation experience very well.

  • March 19, 2017 at 12:07 am

    Hey Joby!
    As a mechanical engineer, I can only imagine how bad your deprivation was because you had to do the calculations by hand. This must have been time consuming and you probably had a lot of self doubt because you weren’t sure your calculations were correct. I personally don’t use excel so I don’t know all the details but I applaud you for that. I enjoyed how you tied your project to John Cage’s 4″33, that was unique.

  • March 19, 2017 at 12:03 am

    Hey Vicki!
    At first, I didn’t realize that you were painting the instagram logo but at the end it made sense. Although, instagram is not my favorite form of social media, I always find myself scrolling through random pictures. I like how you put a personal touch to your project and use art to represent your project because that is what you enjoy.

    • March 19, 2017 at 11:15 am

      Not realizing what she was painting at first made the video even better! It drew me into the video and made me curious to what she deprived herself from. I thought it was very cool how instead of just paining with color she diffused color into water on the page. The close up shot made the diffusion look super cool and then ending with the finished product revealed the mystery that she created.

    • March 19, 2017 at 1:50 pm

      I agree with you about Instagram not being a preferred form of social media and like you, I find that I keep coming back to it. Like Vicki, lots of artists use it to showcase their work and get recognized, so I can see how not using it would create questions for her.

  • March 19, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Hi Crystal!
    I enjoyed how unique your project was! I am addicted to online shopping so when I get bored or have down time, I am always online looking at different things to purchase. I always go to the sale/clearance section and see how cheap some things are and try to make an excuse as to why I should buy it. When I went on your site. I feel like online shopping is just convenient because you don’t have to physically go to the store and stuff gets shipped fast (Amazon prime). Your artists’ statement really represented your project. Good job!

  • March 18, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    Hi Vicky,
    I enjoyed the simplicity showed in your project.
    With the sad music in the video, I could really feel your confusion and frustration encountered during the deprivation experience.
    However, I want to encourage you to continue on drawing because just like the other student said, art needs to be and deserves to be seen and appreciated by others. If something that you addicted to makes you want to draw, then go for it. There is nothing wrong with the addiction.

    • March 22, 2017 at 4:21 pm

      Hey Hanjing,
      Thanks for the encouragement :^) I will definitely go for this addiction.

  • March 18, 2017 at 6:42 pm

    Hi Vicky!

    I liked the simplicity of the project you showcased. Something as simple as drawing something that you deprived yourself of (along with some small text here and there) can symbolize a lot about how you felt. What’s the point of drawing if you can’t show anyone? Why did you enjoy drawing in the first place? I believe that the deprivation experience you had helped answer those 2 questions.

  • March 18, 2017 at 6:09 pm

    Vicky: I really liked the medium you used to represent your experience with this deprivation project. It was very simple, yet had so much deep meaning and really showed the emotion that went into the deprivation. I was quite intrigued when you first started painting, I could not figure out what it was that you were painting, and what it was that you deprived. After you zoomed out, I finally noticed it was Instagram, and then you just brushed it all away and I was emotionally torn. It wasn’t even my artwork, but watching it just be destroyed in a matter of seconds was quite captivating and really made me feel.

  • March 18, 2017 at 6:05 pm

    Joby: Being a 3rd year Mech E as well, I can totally relate to losing a tool as powerful as Excel. This program pretty much becomes a part of our every day lives. I love the way you represented your experience. The comedy that was hidden in your satire was quite entertaining to watch, and completely relatable to me.

  • March 18, 2017 at 5:18 pm

    Crystal: Your project was very unique, and I thought it was very well thought out. It was an interesting deprivation choice, and I found that your means of representing how it went through the creation of a website was incredibly creative and smart. I loved how you made the descriptions sort of satiric, making the viewer realize the irony of the products that they are buying.

  • March 18, 2017 at 4:53 pm

    Vicki: At first i thought you deprived yourself of art but then i realized that it was instagram at the end. And i really see the point you were trying to make. And i relate to it, in a way. it’s like why do i take pictures and spend so much time editing it if i can’t show it to my friends. but then it got me thinking that i should be taking these pictures for my own sake and my own memories. just how like you don’t need validation from others to know that your art is great. i mean it’s really nice to get good feedback and support from others but don’t let others define your own pieces of art. i feel like artists can get inspiration from anywhere, maybe the emptiness of this deprivation inspired you to create something new that you never done before. but i really enjoyed the project.

    • March 23, 2017 at 2:13 pm

      Hey Vicky,
      I like your work and I agree with your statement. I think social media give many people motivation and dedication to do what they love to do so it is hard sometimes to tell if you do it because you really love to do it or you do it because you like people looking at you or your work and enjoying it. I think it is more like people like to get instant feedback from others on what they love to do.

  • March 18, 2017 at 4:43 pm

    Joby: At first, I didn’t really understand the video at first and was very confused. then i realized this was the 4’33 video parody and it’s kinda cool because i had the same confusing feeling at the beginning of the 4’33 video too. it was very clever of you to relate yourself into the art word using comic relief. your project reminds me of the time i forgot a calculator to my midterm exam and i had to do multiplication and long division by hand and it was probably the worst thing ever.

    • March 19, 2017 at 1:08 am

      I was also initially confused when I watched Joby’s video. It wasn’t until he introduced Excel and replicated what he did with pencil and paper using the software. I have personally used Excel and its functions. I don’t need to use it as much as others, but I understand how helpful, efficient, and convenient it is to use the software for work. I believe Joby’s video captures his experience with and without the technology, and allows the viewer to see and understand the effect of his deprivation experience. It is also very clever and fitting that the video is meant to parody 4’33” by John Cage. I found this project entertaining and well thought of.

    • March 19, 2017 at 4:48 pm

      Haha, I feel that struggle of doing calculations by hand. I agree that the video captured the feel of 4’33 very well in that it was bizarre, but once I understood the reference it was really funny.

  • March 18, 2017 at 4:33 pm

    Crystal: I really loved your project. It was really clever and something I didn’t think about doing but can relate to so much. When I think of technological communication, I would think of social media and music but it was smart to think about online shopping. I wish I had done my project on this because every morning i check my email to see if any of my subscription websites have sales or anything. and if i don’t feel like studying at the moment i would just online “window” shop but then actually ending up buying the items. I also like how the project was interactive and witty in the descriptions you put in each pull-down menu.

  • March 18, 2017 at 4:32 pm

    Hello Vicky,
    I pretty like your project. Especially, the background music that you add to the video. The color work plus that music creates a quiet and peaceful feeling for the audience. That is what people actually experience when they go outside enjoying the beauty of the natural environment without the modern technology.

  • March 18, 2017 at 3:27 pm

    Yo Crystal, very cool idea to create a website that depicted what your deprivation project. Love the way you were able to create a concept that nearly everyone can relate to using a medium that is starting to become very accessible to anyone with an internet connection (the ability to make your own website).

  • March 18, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    Hi Vicky!
    Your project was very unique and an interesting way to show not only your deprivation of instagram but also your passion for art.
    I like the way you were able to convey a deep meaning with the simple use of only water and water colors and by zooming in and out with your camera to convey your final message.
    I too deprived myself of Instagram, and, although it was quite liberating, it was also quite difficult.

  • March 18, 2017 at 10:08 am

    Hey Chrystal, I thought your project was very creative. I loved the irony in your whole project. You deprived yourself of shopping on Amazon and to represent your experience you created a website that you can try to purchase products from. I loved the irony of you trying to deprive yourself of shopping online and then you created a website for shopping, i see it as your way of trying to fulfill your desire to purchase online and as you are looking around you are being teased by the whole idea of purchasing things online

  • March 18, 2017 at 1:08 am

    Hi Vicky,

    I really admire your deprivation experience and end product. When we watched your video in class I began trying to interpret what was going on as soon as the video started. I thought it looked very science-like and was thinking maybe you deprived yourself of something related to Chemistry because all I focused on was how the different colors dissolved into what looked like and was, water. When the video zoomed out, I immediately realized that it was in fact the Instagram logo. Your project is well thought-out and clever. I also really enjoyed the dramatic aspects of the video. I feel like adding in that feature is what really draws the audience in.

  • March 17, 2017 at 10:42 pm

    Crystal, I thought your project was really unique! With all the ideas that we came up with in class, I can’t believe no one considered online shopping as a possible digital media to deprive themselves of. I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your website, and the fact that you felt liberated and more financially aware after the experience is inspiring.

    • March 19, 2017 at 12:15 am

      HI Crystal,
      I definately agree with Amanda about how online shopping was not considered in class. It’s crazy to think that online shopping is a very useful form of technology especially for us here in school. You definately put alot of effort in this project as stated by Amanda. It’s really unique and impressive how you incorporated the detail in this website to smooth so well with the concepts represented in class. Your deprivation was great and for creating something like this was just as unique and creative.

  • March 17, 2017 at 9:36 pm

    Vicky Chai.

    I was mesmerized by the art in the video. I loved how the water was a frame and then when you dipped your brush, color just diffused through the water. It was very beautiful in my opinion. I was confused at where it was going til the end, but then I saw the instagram logo. I really like how you ended with just smearing it all together. It looked a lot better when it wasnt, but by doing it it was strangely provoking.

  • March 17, 2017 at 9:21 pm

    Hi Joby,
    I really love your idea of depriving yourself from using excel. As technology improves, a lot of softwares have become available to scientists and engineers. Softwares like Excel help us to do the tedious calculating and save our time a lot. I can’t imagine the world without those softwares or computers. If computers are not even invented, we can’t achieve many of our achievements today.

  • March 17, 2017 at 6:53 pm

    I really enjoyed Joby’s project because his editing was on point and really emphasized that the piece was meant to be satirical. +1 for the outfit and subtle references.

  • March 17, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    Hi Vicky!
    I really enjoyed watching your deprivation video. I always enjoyed scrolling on Instagram and looking and artist’s post. This was a very creative way to show your deprivation. The end product is beautiful! It’s nice to see that even if you deprived yourself of showing your art through social media, that you were still able to creative marvelous works.

    • March 17, 2017 at 7:45 pm

      I agree! I think the way the colors were filmed was amazing. It must have taken a lot of effort to get the perfect colors!

  • March 17, 2017 at 6:08 pm

    Hi Joby!
    When we first watched you video in class I was unable to see the satire until reading your artist’s statement. This was a very creative way to have fun, while also showing your deprivation. I for one do not use Excel often, usually only when needed. But without it when I need it the most, I feel like it would take me 10x longer to finish my work.

  • March 17, 2017 at 6:02 pm

    Hi Crystal!
    I admire your deprivation. Online shopping for me sometimes becomes addictive and I end up making purchases based on things that I want rather than need. I really like the template that you showed your deprivation through, very unique!

  • March 17, 2017 at 5:33 pm

    I really enjoyed watching your video project. Recently, I’ve been noticing how reliant I am on my calculator to do calculations for me. Sometimes, I would subconsciously use my calculator to do basic, trivial calculations . Your video made me ponder and question why we rely so much on the efficiency and effectiveness of technology to do basic calculations for us. Although it’s tedious for us to do basic addition and subtraction by hand, I think that our dependence on technology like the calculator adds to the notice that our generation wants immediate gratification and results.

  • March 17, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    Vicky,i love how your experience showed you that maybe you weren’t addicted to drawing art but more likely Instagram. I love how you tied in the what is art if there is no one to show it too.

  • March 17, 2017 at 5:09 pm

    I like how you incorporated what we learned in class to your art work. Satirizing 4’33” by John Cage to show how time consuming work by hand vs. excel is was brilliant.

  • March 17, 2017 at 5:09 pm

    Hi Joby!
    I really enjoyed your take on 4:33. It shows how much people have entrusted on machines to do the calculations for us. As a CS major myself, I always use calculators or programming languages to solve my problems for me and like you portrayed in your video, would tend to make plenty of mistakes if I have done it by hand.

    • March 19, 2017 at 8:22 pm

      I agree with you. I also heavily relied on calculator when I was taking chemistry so I can easily relate to Joby’s video. I think his video 4’33” successfully shows how important calculator is in the science subjects like engineering, CS, chemistry, physics, and maths. I think if I did not have a calculator, I even could not get a C in my chem class.

  • March 17, 2017 at 5:08 pm

    your project was amazing. not only did you tie together consumerism with the need to buy things and the feelings you get from it but you took a form that we couldn’t really consider art and made it into an interactive art piece. great way to think outside the box and about things that haven’t been thought of before.

  • March 17, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    I thought your project was amazing! What better way to poke fun at consumerism than by posing your project in the same medium? I am a little curious on how long it took your to put your site together, was it mostly just templates and drag and drop elements? In any case, I thoroughly enjoyed the site and all the little descriptions and flourishes you included.

    • March 21, 2017 at 4:36 pm

      Hi Steven,

      I am so glad you asked about the process of putting the website together. I honestly have no coding experience, but I have always wanted to make a website so I decided to experiment with Wix to create one. They have this new program called Wix “ADI” or “Artificial Design Intelligence” that allows users to work with templates without any coding. I just typed the information I wanted to display onto each module, and most of the images were supplied by a Wix stock photos. It took about 1.5-2 hours total, and I was honestly so surprised and happy with the end product (besides the domain name since I would have to pay to change it).

      There were limitations to what I could do without coding experience, but overall, I think making my first website as an art project turned out well. It really implemented all three elements of this course: art, design, and the use of technology.

  • March 17, 2017 at 3:12 pm

    Hi Vicky,

    I really enjoyed watching your artistic representation – I loved the “less is more” style where you conveyed a strong message with a simple piece. Your final thoughts about wondering if you have an addiction to art or Instagram were relatable because I can honestly say that this generation lives off of social media, and we deem activities that aren’t shared online as insignificant. Anyways, great job on your project and I’m glad that you realized that you still have a passion for drawing, with or without social media.

  • March 17, 2017 at 12:44 pm

    Hi Vicky,
    I thought your project was amazing. It was deep and it portrays how you felt about losing instagram and losing your passion. It was very symbolic piece. Before the end of the piece, I didn’t know that it was about instagram, but at the end it all came together. It was powerful and was enjoyable to watch.

  • March 17, 2017 at 12:41 pm

    Hi Joby,
    I thought that your piece spoke to a lot of students. Your piece touched based on something that we see everyday. In school we are taught in the beginning to do everything by hand, but as we go into higher education, we are told to use machines so we don’t make error. This is something that we don’t think about a lot and when you chose to deprive yourself of excel, you were able to portray that. I thought that your project hit home for a lot of people, whether they use excel or not. I thoroughly enjoyed your project. I also thought that your parody was on point too.

    • March 19, 2017 at 12:31 am

      I also think Joby’s project is interesting but then I don’t really understand what the 427 means. However, I truly feel the pain of not being able to use excel as an engineering student because I am an engineer myself.

  • March 17, 2017 at 12:35 pm

    Hi Crystal, I really enjoyed your piece. I thought that you kind of found a new medium for art. Usually websites are used to display pieces for the public rather than using the website itself for the actual piece. Your final project portrayed how most individuals feel when they deprive themselves from shopping online. Most people no longer go to stores anymore because it is convenient and easy. But little do we know that we crave to buy things and sites like amazon only make it easier to fill that desire.

  • March 17, 2017 at 10:59 am

    I thought your project was funny and innovative. I liked how you applied your major and turned it into art. It is my belief that your project touches upon the notion that we often take the little things for granted that we have become dependent upon, such as Excel. I know that for a fact, I would not trust myself to do calculations without a calculator or Excel. Therefore, I am sure you became very frustrated or even doubted the work you were producing, without Excel.

  • March 17, 2017 at 10:50 am

    Hi Vicky!
    I really enjoyed your project. I liked how you connected social media and your passion for painting into one entity, which appeared to be co-dependent on one another. Additionally, as another classmate mentioned, I loved the expense that the video created. I would have never guessed that you were painting the Instagram logo.

    I believe that in this day and age, individuals depend upon the approval of others, in order to feel like their work holds purpose or value. I think that with the technological age, artists have lost the feeling of being happy with their work because THEY are happy with their work. Instead, they rely on others.

    • March 19, 2017 at 10:46 pm

      Absolutely agree that we were surprised of what the project turn out. At the beginning, I thought that she was to deprive herself from something like a painting app on her tablet or something but then when the whole picture was shown I realized it was actually Instagram.

  • March 17, 2017 at 10:37 am

    Your project was by far my favorite because it was something that I could relate to on a personal level. Being a self diagnosed shopaholic, I always find myself impulsively buying item after item, even if I do not need it. However, the feeling of purchasing makes me feel good and provides me with momentary self confidence. I can only imagine how difficult this experience must have been, or perhaps very liberating. Overall, it was clear what your deprivation experience was like and the project was done in a beautiful way.

  • March 17, 2017 at 1:01 am

    Vicky, I was fully captivated by your project. I felt on edge as the suspense was killing me to see what the final painting would look. It was a nice surprise that how intricate it seemed like you were painting was a simple Instagram Logo. I like the meaning behind your piece stating how “what’s there to create if no one can see it?” It reminded me of the common saying, “if you didn’t gram/snap it, did it really happen?” It’s sad to realize that we do not take photos or create because we want to, but because of the possible social recognition or response.

  • March 17, 2017 at 12:22 am

    Crystal, I thought your project was one of the most creative and innovative art works that I’ve seen. Your artwork really emphasized the whole deprivation experience. I can tell just how much your deprivation of online shopping has affected you. From the medium you used to portray your deprivation experience, to the minute details put into your website design, it is no surprise why your work is an example of an exemplary project.

  • March 17, 2017 at 12:07 am

    Crystal! I really enjoyed your project. I thought that your idea was different and I the idea of depriving myself of an online site did not occur to me. I am also guilty of online shopping and especially with Amazon prime. The two-day shipping is so convenient that I find myself ordering from them constantly.

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:59 pm

    I thought your project was very creative and your art was amazing! Watching the watercolors were mesmerizing. I think your artist statement really tied it all together and was super interesting. I like how you expressed the idea of not enjoying your art as much because no one was there to see it or appreciate it. This brings up a hard question and a similar problem many people face nowadays. We do so many things just for social media and for “likes” that we lose the point of it all and stop doing things that we enjoy for ourselves. I think your project did a great job of bringing this to our attention in a beautiful way.

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:55 pm

    Vicky!! I LOVED YOUR VIDEO! The super zoomed up footage of the watercolor brush was so captivating. I had no idea it was going to make the Instagram logo! I especially love your artist statement because sometimes I think that too… I am someone who loves taking pictures and posting pictures… and my friends and I once had a conversation about, “is there really a point to look nice and take pictures if we’re not able to post them?”

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:47 pm

    Hi Vicky!

    I loved your project! It really shows us the truth about why we post things on social media, do we post it because we genuinely love it or because people can see it?
    I really liked how you used your talent and passion to express your deprivation experience. Also, I really appreciate how real you were about your result. I think it is really true how the happiness from sharing your talent comes from both your passion for that talent and also the gratification you get from showing people your work. Thank you for sharing your art and experience with us! I thought your watercoloring was very pretty, by the way!

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:40 pm

    Hi Crystal!

    I was absolutely in love with your project! I loved the idea and how you expressed your deprivation through creating something very similar to what you deprived yourself of. What impressed me the most was when you clicked on the item to “buy” there was a section that had options of why you are purchasing the items such as “temporary happiness” or “retail therapy”. The website was so real in showing people (like me) who tend to buy unnecessary things what they are actually doing. The idea was incredibly smart! Also, the website is super pretty so you should make more! This had to be one of my absolute favorite projects that were presented in class today.

    Thank you for sharing your project with us!

    • March 21, 2017 at 4:40 pm

      Hi Rusteen,

      I am so happy that people actually took the time to interact with the entire website! Every element that I placed on there was explored, and I am grateful that you mentioned the option menu of reasons for purchasing. It allowed me to sit back and see if people could decipher what I meant by each element of the work as a whole.

      Thank you for sharing your experience with me!

    • March 22, 2017 at 5:24 pm

      I agree with you! Crystal’s project is quite inspiring in some ways. First, not only it is very bold for mentioning this issue that our generation tends to have on the table. And I am one of the victim too. I found online shopping satisfying especially from a day of the hard work, it is almost seen as a comforter and a reward. However, this mentality is not necessary helpful, because like you and Crystal mentioned, the purchases we get is not necessarily really contributing to us. Furthermore, I love that Crystal used online shopping platform itself to speak out this issue!

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:39 pm

    Your project was definitely my favorite! It was very fun and creative and also aesthetically pleasing, I thought it was very well done. I can see all the thought you put into the project with all the little details on the website. I’m honestly not a fan of online shopping, I much more enjoy going to the mall and being able to touch and see the things I am buying in person. But from your artist statement and project, I completely understood your frustration and deprivation experience.

    • March 16, 2017 at 11:56 pm

      I agree! I really liked her statement and the comment she made in class where she mentioned that she wanted us to feel that frustration and disappointment when we’re faced with the “Unable to purchase.” I think that really helped drive her experience home.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:57 pm

    I loved the way you represented your deprivation in a painting/video. The aesthetic of watching the paint drip was very soothing. I can tell from your project that your painting skills are quite spectacular. I hope you find the will to keep drawing and painting even without the approval of others. Overall very interesting project!

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:55 pm

    I am extremely impressed with your project. I find myself finding the need to buy everything that I see online as well. A lot of times these items go lost in my room somewhere because they really aren’t needed. I love the way your project made me feel. Such a creative way to represent your deprivation. Great job!

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:53 pm

    Joby, you are quite the funny guy my friend. Definitely not a “trash” project. Loved it!

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:32 pm

    Crystal! I loved your project. I thought that your project did a perfect job of displaying the combination of art and technology. I think you did a great job displaying your intentions and the way you wanted your users to feel through the website you made. I can see that the way you wanted your users to feel using your website mimics how you feel through your deprivation and believe that this was very clever.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:18 pm

    Hello Crystal
    I really enjoyed your idea of building a website to express your feelings. Your website is really beautiful and easy to read. Moreover, the way to connect your depriving experience to the idea of selling is very impressive. I like the paintings you put in your website. Your art statement is also so well organized that make me think when I read your statement.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:13 pm

    To Vicky
    I really like the way you express art. The video was very impressive and have a clear expression. As you said, you felt less passionate toward art during the time you deprive yourself from Instagram. To me, it is a really common situation that followers and accomplishments may become one of the inspirations that make people paint or do what they like more. Your video also lead me thinking about the positive impact tech has toward me.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Vicky, I really enjoyed your project because of its simplicity and creativity. It builds anticipation because at first I did not know what you were drawing at first until the very end and that shows what you deprived yourself of. It was well done and a great idea to show what you did in your spare time while you deprived yourself of Instagram all in one form.

  • March 16, 2017 at 9:55 pm

    Hi Vicky! At first I was confused as to what your deprivation was but after the colors were added, I was able to put 2 and 2 together and see that you gave up instagram. I found it really clever how you were able to actually “paint” the instagram logo. This could portray how all the users of instagram aim to showcase their pictures. In addition also posting on instagram to seek for approval through “likes”!

  • March 16, 2017 at 9:36 pm

    To Crystal: Your project was really creative! I can see that every part of the website was well though of and it all ties in together. Just like you, I go on a lot of online shops and I spend a lot of time looking through them. I think being subscribed to their newsletters and seeing their new items/sale items can add to the reason why I go on it a lot.

  • March 16, 2017 at 8:18 pm


    I enjoyed your project so much because of how creative it was. It’s clear that you put so much thought and effort into creating the website – from the home page, all the way down to the error message that pops up when you try to “checkout.” One of the things I liked the most about the website was how you included the drop down menu on the reason for purchase. Many of us, including myself, feel the need to impulse buy things that we do not necessarily need.

  • March 16, 2017 at 6:56 pm


    I love how the idea of the video and the interpretation behind it. Like Erin mentioned in class, I specifically enjoyed your statement comparing engineering without calculators with artists without music. I admire how you intertwine these two concepts together by satirizing 4’33”! As an engineer myself I could relate to your deprivation, and I admire your dedication of this project and completely give up on excel!

    • March 16, 2017 at 8:16 pm

      Combining the two different concepts was very interesting. I am not an engineer so to hear that engineers use excel most of their days is surprising! I would’ve never guessed you guys used excel. But definitely the satirizing of 4’33” was creative as well. Great job, Joby!

  • March 16, 2017 at 6:36 pm

    To Vicky, I can relate to your experience with the depriving yourself from Instagram. I too deprived myself from Instagram and I’m glad it’s over. I liked your project and it was creative and connected to something that you really loved, art.

  • March 16, 2017 at 6:34 pm

    Crystal, your website is so beautiful! Your artist statement perfectly explains how I feel about online shopping and the reason why I don’t do it. I took an ICS class where we had to recreate a website and transform it to please the audience’s eyes. Compared to your website, mine definitely does not reach your expectations. Overall, your website is one of my favorites and I can tell how much time and effort you put into creating such an amazing website.

    • March 16, 2017 at 8:15 pm

      I agree! This was such a creative idea! And not only was it creative, but yes it was beautifully put together. I hope to create websites just as amazing as yours.

  • March 16, 2017 at 6:28 pm

    Crystal! I thought your project was really creative and something I never even thought about doing. I love how it looks like an actual site that teen girls will be immediately draw to because of its color and the pictures you chose/took (?). Overall, just wanted to say good job and you killed the project!

  • March 16, 2017 at 6:22 pm

    Vicky, I really enjoyed your video! I had no idea the colors would end up matching the Instagram logo. That was very creative to get the viewers questioning what the artwork would become. Also, I don’t think I could ever deprive Instagram like you did so I congratulate you on nailing this deprivation.

    • March 16, 2017 at 6:31 pm

      I totally agree with Kelly! Watching your video I was a bit confused as to what you were giving up, but your work was really thought out and creative. You captured the colors and blended them so well!

  • March 16, 2017 at 5:36 pm

    I feel like I can definitely relate to your experience. Just like you mentioned, the act of making art or taking pictures is just not the same if other’s cant share in your excitement. I felt the same way when I did not have access to social media and I wanted to share with friends and family. It was just not the same. I think you video was very creative and demonstrated your art skills very well.

  • March 16, 2017 at 5:33 pm

    Hi Joby,

    I think your parody was pretty funny and I don’t know how you even survived not using excel for your calculations. I don’t think I could do that at all, because I rely so much on my calculator for my classes that I second guess myself whenever I don’t have one.

  • March 16, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    To Vicky,

    I could definitely relate to your feeling with art and social media. I used to post a lot of my art online but I stopped once I realized that I was doing it gain followers and such. I felt that I had the same thoughts you did when you deprived yourself of instagram. But i did eventually find myself again and started doing art for me . : )

  • March 16, 2017 at 5:29 pm

    To Crystal,

    I think your choice of making a web browser was so clever ! It was amazing how you thought of that idea to parallel how you felt when you deprived yourself of online shopping. Also the whole look of the website itself was so aesthetically pleasing.

  • March 16, 2017 at 5:09 pm

    Hey Joby! Your art was very thought provoking in the sense that many people actually have started relying on technology (in your case, a calculator). I personally can relate to this because even as a college student, doing some basic math like division, I don’t trust myself and have to use a calculator. All these projects have really been eyeopening in the sense that no one really understands how reliant we are on technology and I feel like yours truly depicts that.

  • March 16, 2017 at 5:06 pm

    Hi Crystal! Out of all the projects, I feel like yours really captured my attention the best. I think it was really creative what you did. A lot of people actually do online shop nowadays but not many really realize that the way the shop is basically how your created website is!! In addition, I think it was really unique to use a website as your medium of art because it is the website/online shopping sites that you gave up itself!

  • March 16, 2017 at 4:26 pm


    I am sure I can speak for most that your project was very creative and unique. I would have never thought about making a website. Just the dedication and creativity behind every little aspect like the “Checkout” and product descriptions…I have to admit it made me want to purchase some of the products. I truly enjoyed it.

  • March 16, 2017 at 2:58 pm

    Vicky Chai, I would just like to say your project is wonderful. The second time that I watched your video, it gave me goosebumps just from the music and you making art. The first time I watched it (in class) I did not read your artists’ statement, so I was a bit confused, but the second time made so much sense. I believe this is very accurate for everyone, like people would think to themselves, why am I doing this if I am not able to show other people, type of thing, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Especially for artists, they make their art for other people to get meaning out of and enjoy. Even though I am not an “artist” myself, I very much enjoyed your project. It was amazing 10/10!

    • March 19, 2017 at 1:12 am

      Just to piggyback off of Tanner, I too was a little confused after seeing the video in class, but after reading your artist statement everything makes a lot more sense. What I especially liked about your project was that you weren’t like freed from the chains of technology or anything, but that it actually played an important part of your life. Having a way to showcase your art for others to see is a great thing, and you mentioned that it lowered your motivation to draw. Overall, great project!

      • March 19, 2017 at 1:30 am

        Just to piggyback Greg, but not Tanner, I also really enjoyed your video in class. As someone who uses Instagram on a daily, it is easy to see how likes and comments can motivate someone to keep posting pictures. In your sense, it has both pros and cons. Getting motivation to paint is amazing but it should also not be the only reason to paint. I think there should be some intrinsic reason to paint over an extrinsic reason and your painting of the instagram symbol really symbolized that.

  • March 16, 2017 at 2:32 pm

    Crystal, I was amazed at your project. It was really creative and it looks pretty simple, but I’m sure alot of hard work was put into it. The little details such as being able to add products to your cart or being denied a transaction made this really stand out to me. It provided an experience for anyone visiting the site. It also depicted what you probably went through really well. Good job!

  • March 16, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    Vicki your deprivation of social media is the same as the deprivation I did to myself too. I share similar feelings about the experience just as you did where we realize that social media is an addiction. It’s something that we just open impulsively even if we might have just looked at it minutes ago. What I liked most about your project was that it was so simple but had such a powerful message. Towards the end where you scribbled the painting away, it gives a sense of freedom. We are longer hooked on this app and there is much more to life than just staring into other people’s lives.

  • March 16, 2017 at 1:06 pm

    Crystal your shopping page error needs to be on my amazon account. I use it way too much for random stuff I too do not need. Maybe it’s just the fact that you get excited when you get a package even though you already know whats inside. But either way, I share the same shopping habit as you. Your website is great to show that we do not need many of the things we needlessly spend money on. For college students, we should be saving money, but sometimes we do find it hard to here and there.

  • March 16, 2017 at 12:21 pm


    Your project was impressive and creative. I can tell how much effort and dedication you put into creating a website that pokes fun of online shopping sites like Amazon, from the overall layout to the product details and checkout options. The phrase “I want it. I need it. I buy it” sums up what consumerism basically is.

  • March 16, 2017 at 12:09 pm


    I like your satirizing of John Cage’s 4’33”. It was fun to watch, especially with the numbers adding up to 433 in Excel. Having to do calculations by hand is indeed time consuming and even a headache, and getting the answers wrong in the end is the worst feeling yet.

  • March 16, 2017 at 12:03 pm

    Joby: I really liked your video project, as it was really something that I could relate to as an engineer. I enjoyed watching it not only because this is an emotion that I’ve gone through multiple times but also because it kind of showed how much we rely on such technology, but also what a positive addition such technology has made to our life, and to a point where the single resonating realization from this deprivation is that we simply need to use it. I think this is really different from what many people including me were able to experience, because I think many of us had some type of epiphany or realization that depriving ourselves of this technology was able to provoke a learning experience as well as seeing how insignificant our addiction to such apps and devices can really be.

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:41 am

    Crystal Ho’s website was one of my favorite projects. It was such a great idea to integrate the idea of consumerism into the project. Plus the website was so well done and really looked like a real website where you could buy products. The drop down windows with different options was such a creative idea.

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:33 am

    Your project was not only crafted with great care and attentention to detail, it also made me realize something that I didn’t think I was dependent on but truly am. I loved your work!

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:18 am

    Great job incorporating a piece that we discussed in class (as well as the small details like the stop watch and your attire to perform the piece) and your deprivation of Excel into your video. It was definitely entertaining, and I wouldn’t have thought of an idea like yours.

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:13 am

    Joby I liked your project. I cannot imagine how hard and tedious for you as an engineer student to do calculations without excel. It was creative that you decided to do a satire on 4’33” by John Cage. It was funny to see the serious atmosphere when you are only doing calculations.

    • March 19, 2017 at 1:21 pm

      Hey Yunha, as a programmer myself, and heavily rely on calculators or other softwares to help calculate problems instantly, I too would not know how to do all the calculations by hand. I’m sure that if I were to do that there would bound to be some mistakes. I liked how Joby was able to showcase this fear or issue that many people can relate to through his deprivation artwork.

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:13 am

    Vicky, I love how you decided to film and go about showing us what you created in your video. At first, I didn’t know what to expect and was confused of what technology you deprived yourself of. In the end, you used two ideas (drawing/watercolors and Instagram) and combined them into one coherent piece. Great job! 🙂

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:01 am


    I really enjoyed your project! I have also picked up watercolor and calligraphy as a hobby, so I could relate to your video on a personal level. I also deprived myself of Instagram, and I follow A LOT of calligraphy and watercolor artists on there, so it was hard not finding some inspiration from that app when I deleted it. In some ways, I also depend on the app to help motivate me create art. But I think it’s great how you want to share your art journey with others and thank you for creating your video!

  • March 16, 2017 at 11:00 am

    Vicky, your project was simple yet effective. Depriving ourselves of instagram is something we can all relate to and something we all would usually never do. I felt it was ironic how depriving yourself of instagram, which is used for drawing was what sparked the inspiration to draw in this video. The irony serves to show that although instagram is a huge part of your hobby, it was not necessary for you to continue drawing.

    • March 16, 2017 at 11:11 am

      I also agree that it was ironic how depriving yourself of Instagram decreased your joy of drawing (and showing your artwork to others). I would think that depriving yourself of Instagram or other outlets of social media that takes time away from other hobbies, it would increase your efforts and likeness to draw. I guess it’s different for everyone and the purposely they attach to the social media outlets.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:35 am

    Crystal, initially going through your project I was quite confused, but when we read the statement and you gave a little more detail about what you did and what it represented I found your piece really enlightening. I related to the whole buying things to make you feel better and how we consume based on desire and impulse sometimes, which your qty option exampled perfectly.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:35 am

    Crystal: Your project was great! I experience the same issue, I love online shopping. Its much easier than getting into your car and driving to the store, which makes online shoppingvery dangerous. I think that a website like this, that makes you “feel” like you are actually buying something can help relieve the urge to shop.

    • March 16, 2017 at 11:00 am

      Crystal, I really enjoyed your project and I thought it was so creative. I really like how much detail you added like the instructions and descriptions. I completely relate to your project because I love online shopping too. Online shopping can be so addictive and it feels like it is worth your time and money because you are getting what you purchased in return.

    • March 19, 2017 at 1:17 pm

      I agree with what you are saying Samantha. I think the best part of her project was when you cant place your order in the end. Its like you can use her website now to feed your addiction to shop without having to actually finish the entire process and see your bank account decrease. Sometimes all we need is a psuedo effect to release our addictions haha.

    • March 23, 2017 at 1:55 pm

      Hi Samantha, I disagree with your statement that Crystal’s website helps you “relieve” an urge to shop. I found the exact opposite to be true. The whole website makes me want to shop and I am left feeling frustrated when I can’t make a purchase. Granted the site does make me question why I am shopping because of all the descriptions.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:32 am

    I actually really enjoyed the first project on here by Crystal, as I think it was a type of technological interaction that not very many people think of, as many of us kind of tend to limit our thinking to social media apps on our mobile devices. I think that this was a great deprivation experience to try as this would really limit people in terms of attaining items that they supposedly need, and therefore buy. I really liked the comments that were laid throughout your website as it really kind of encapsulated the simple process that goes through people’s minds collectively as a whole. I really liked your artist’s statement because I think that it really sort of brought the whole project full circle as well as really brought your project to a whole new level by delving deeper into the meaning behind it.

    • March 22, 2017 at 5:53 pm

      So the website you made was amazing (agreeing with Kiyomi). I thought your art was in a gallery website that I could look at and possibly buy…until I realized the website itself was the art project, with the items having captions such as “you want this, you need this”, which seemed like they were your own thoughts. Your art was very immersing, 7/7.
      I’m guessing this was financially opening for you (I read the caption), which is extremely beneficial and good you did this. All around me I see people wasting their money on things they want and not need, and they do all of this with electronic methods of payments. I pay almost everything in cash for many reasons (I sometimes use a debit card, more rarely a debit card). I winded up learning afterwards, through the Dave Ramsey show, that paying with cash is the best way to save money since a card is less associated with money than dollar bills are, and you don’t want to lose money.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:26 am

    Vicki: I enjoyed the simplicity of your project. Although it was short, it made me think. How much do we really depend on social media. I, myself deprived myself of social media and I found that the amount of activity I have between me and my followers give me motivation and they have an impact on my day. I have come to the realization that I just may be addicted to social media.

  • March 16, 2017 at 10:21 am

    Crystal, I loved your project! I thought it was very creative. You were very dedicated to the website and it showed. I liked you really explained the concept of your project through the artist statement. I was able to really understand why you deprived yourself of that technology.


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